Chapter 8: Spring ceremonies

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Chapter 8: Spring ceremonies

I wake up. Someone knocks on my door. It's Akealos holding my dress. I take it and walk out of my room and into the grand foyer. All the maid/butlers stand in a line. There's 76 maids and 75 butlers. I divide them into squads to work on parts of the temple. While Perella helps me get ready. Perella is my own personal maid. She helps me with almost everything that's in her capability.
Akealos comes in and looks at my dress then my wings.
"Do you want to hide your wings?"
"Yeah.... But how can I hide them their permanently stuck their."
"True but I have an idea." Akealos gives me a chiffon gray cloak to match my dress.
"Lynn, I want you to play the piano when guests come in so do just play songs that you know and if you want an idea just go on your tablet print out some songs and just play got it!" I nod.
My wings are covered along with my arms. Maybe this will be fun.
The temple looks clean like always. I haul a giant grand piano into the ballroom. Tables were set everywhere except in a large area for anyone who wants to dance.
"Lynn you might want to get other instruments out incase you want to play other instruments. Remember you're going to show off your talent by playing. You're very talented and I wish you luck!" Akealos looked so pretty!
"Yeah I know what to do. Don't worry about it!" She smiles and walks off.
I haul my computer along with a harp, violin, my own instrument, double bass, flute, cello and piccolo. I may not be able to play all of these instruments but maybe know without knowing it. I am talented.
One more hour and we must be prepared.
I tune the instruments. I look at my own and tune it. Man tuning sucks. It takes me one complete hour to tune all of these.
~1 hour later~
"Lynn is everything ready?"
"Yep!" Winger and Yuki arrive at the gates.
I open the gates and run to the piano.
"Yo!" I reply back to yuki as we high five each other.
"Good luck!" I add
"You're gonna be needing a lot of luck! Do you know all of these instruments?"
"Yep well the names but once you learn one instrument you can teach yourself but i'm mostly going to playing the piano and if I get tired someone can take over. If no one knows then I play a song and record it then play it when I'm tired." More and more guests come  in.
~1 hour later~
So many people. Good thing we have a very BIG ballroom. You could fit a thousand people but there's only 213 gods and their servants but not much brought their servants. Maybe because their busy. I don't know but I should start playing.
I walk over to the microphone and start doing a little tuning check.
Yeah I just tuned it a hour ago but still I was practicing.
I pluck the violin as fast as I could then I grab my own bow and start bowing it. Every catches my attention and the listen. They smile at me and applaud for me when i'm done. I bow and go to the cello. To be honest I know all orchestra instruments. I attended school and was in orchestra but I don't really want to say what I played because everyone made fun of me and told me that I'm crazy for knowing it.
On the cello I play 'Canon in D'. I don't play the cello but I still know it. I payed extra attention in orchestra. Teehehe....
The crowd applauds more. I go to the bass or what you call the double bass and play I random song. After going to the bass and flute, Yuki was going up to dance.
I run to the piano and play. There was no rush in her dancing or anything. Everyone was watching and I'm playing and praying that nothing goes wrong. Yuki is the dancer of this audience and I'm the musician. When I was alive I always wanted to learn how to dance which I did, but I didn't quite understand stand it but I learned more and more of it. Even though I'm never going to dance with anyone or get married and eat a really nice cake with the person I love and dress up all nice, I still had to learn how to dance. Yeah I do dance but that's only on stage. Yuki is really good at dancing.
After she lands I stop as everyone applauds. We bow and Akealos walks up by me.
"Welcome to the spring celebration! Please take your time and think about the troops/servants who have risked their lives and serviced you.................................... Okay thanks to our young musician we can listen and dance to music.
Congratulations to Saigai for completing 1500 missions. We want to thank you!
To all servants thank you for helping along with officers. Thank you to our troops! And now let's celebrate!"
I hook up a speaker and play the electric violin and then play.
"Lynn you can take a break if you want. Don't push yourself." Akealos smiles.
"Sure but could I go around with wine?"
"Yeah, go introduce yourself too!"
"It's fine I kinda want to avoid that"
"How come? You are a big star here."
"Eh? I think handling wine is fine. Don't worry about it!"
I take the wine and fill glasses.
~Akealos POV~
"Who's that girl?" Saigai asks.
"What girl?"
"The one who's been playing instrument after instrument. She looks human."
"Oh her. That's Lynn Naki."
"How do you know her?"
"She's my servant."
"HER? But you haven't had a servant for the past 102 years!"
"Yeah so? Would you like me to introduce her to you?"
"If you insist...."
~Lynn's POV~
Uh! Akealos wants me!
I run to Akealos as she stands by a girl with blue blue hair and teal eyes.
"Lynn this is Saigai, Saigai this is Lynn."
"It's a pleasure to meet you!"
"No it's my pleasure. You're very talented."
"Lynn do you know how to dance?" Akealos asks me.
"Yeah, how come?"
"Well I'm just curious. How did you learn how to dance do you have any history with it?"
"Yes I do stage performances. I usually have to learn how to dance with other people."
"Heh go teach *mumbles*" Saigai mumbles the hast few words that I can't understand.
I walk off and decide to get dressed in my room into a waiter's uniform.
When I came out of my room things got bad, very bad.
When I open my door I see a man wandering around the hall. I decide to walk up to him.
"*hiccup* Hey girl wanna party?"
"Um.... No thank you! You should drink some water, it'll help you!"
"Water no! How about we have some fun?" He gets closer to me and pins me to the wall. My body goes paralysed. I can't even move a muscle. He unbuttons my vest. I scream until he covers my mouth.
"Get off me you drunk!" My voice was muffled. He gets my vest off. Oh no here I am going to die.
I try to hit him but he blocks it. I scream again.
"We're going to have some f-"
A arrow misses him. I look at the direction where arrow came from. A 13 boy with green eyes and dark reddish brown hair stood there.
"Get off her!" He shouted with his bow and arrow and at him. Wow....
The drunk looks at him and has his attention.
"You want to get in my business? I only wanted some fun! Come on do you want some to?" The kids face looks like someone who you don't want to mess with. I try to move myself  but I can't. Chains start to appear on me and grow all over me.
"No, because only a douchebag would do that. Instead I'm the hero saving the girl not scaring her. How old are you?"
"56 *hiccup*, Well fun times are for people who party."
"Oh really she doesn't really look like she wants to party! The only one who wants to do that is you!" He pins the idiot to the wall I try my hardest to move. I move my finger. Whenever I move it feels like a 1000 pounds on me. I use all my strength to summon my scythe. I drop onto the floor and stab his leg with the sickle. He screams in pain while the kid backs up and strikes him with a shot. He turns into dust which means he was working with the underworld. The kids turns around and stares at me. My scythe glistens in the light.
"Huh, Can you walk?"
"Y-y-yeah.... Th-ha-nks! Ugh"
I struggle to walk.
"What happened!?!?"
"Someone was on top of her and put some curse on her so she can't hardly walk. It was a threat from the underworld. Well she is strong." The kid smirks.
Akealos taps on my head as it releases the chains.
"WAIT ARE YOU THE GIRL WHO PLAYS ALL THOSE INSTRUMENTS?!?" He caught me. I run off hoping not that my wings showed.
No one will see my wings for that reason. I lock my door and a flashback comes to me.
I begin to cry during the flashback that I fall asleep.
I wake up and find myself in my room locked. The time was 12:03 I only had a 11 minutes of sleep. Maybe I can be a DJ one day. But we only listen to classical music up in this land. Hmmm..... What could I do?
Suddenly something hit me and my senses. My computer on my desk waits for me.
"Turn on my computer and microphone. Then download 'USIC'"
I get on my chair and put on my headset. Well there's a ceremony going on so I guess I should play for them but classical.
I walk out of my room and run to the ballroom. Akealos is talking to Saigai while other guests are talking. Yuki runs to me.
"What happen when you were gone?!?"
"I was wanting to get changed sorry if I startled you!"
"I heard you were attacked. Apparently you screamed and only one person heard you. Are you okay?"
"Yeah I am, Sorry! I had to get a new vest."
"How do you tick your wing in a vest like that?"
"I don't know, my wings apparently don't like people. Well I am in control of them."
"Weird most angels can't do that. Well for every flaw there is a positive. You do look human. Especially without you halo. So this is what you looked like when you were human."
"No actually. I now have Pitch black hair instead of a light brown.  And not just that I have gold eyes instead of hazel. Also I have these weird marks and my hair didn't go down to my knees AND I don't have acne."
"Wow thats a lot of changes in just 2 weeks. Do you miss home?"
"How come?"
"HOME? *laughs* Home was pure horror. Home is just another word for fake smiles. Not real smiles. I was isolated and I became so insane I decided to rely on myself.  It became daily understanding how it was to be lonely. Sorry."
"Didn't know you hated your life that much."
"Didn't hate my life that much to be honest if I an honest about this topic, there were just twerks. Attacks, world poverty and not just that. Try living with a messed up leader. Follow every command of what they say. If you don't there'll be a punishment. Not everything was fair especially some people."
"I'm sorry to hear that I thought it would be better. Hey why don't you play me a song?"
"On what instrument?"
"The Trombone!"
"Sure, What song?"
"Doesn't matter."
I play my favourite song and the song out of 10 that I know of.
"Do you sing?"
"Yeah, Why?"
"Well I only sing pop and songs you most likely wouldn't like that."
"Whats pop?" I take off my headset and take out my phone to have her listen to a song.
"Not bad, Sorry winter doesn't allow me to go on electronics often. She says there 'VERY DEATHLY BAD FOR ME!' Even though she's lying cause I go on my phone late at night."
"How late do you stay up at night?"
"1AM you?"
"8PM on weekday and 10PM on weekends."
"Well why don't you sing."
"I can't sing, there's too many people.... Also I sound funny and I don't sound well."
"Ugh maybe someday."
"Well as a human what did you do? Were you rude, rich, poor?"
"At my school I was represented as a role model and home I wasn't rich nor poor. To be honest I kind of did have a couple sins that most people I know didn't have."
"What was that?"
"Well I envy a lot of people...."
"Oh really how come?"
"Cause I was...." A tear slips out.
"NEVERMIND! Sorry!" I add on.
"It's fine! So what da ya wanna do?"
"What kind, Im kinda wanting a challenge now."
Whoever finishes the finishing line first will have 10 coins from the loser."
"Got it!"
We walk outside while half of the guests come with us.
Both of us run like there was cake on the table.
At the end of the race we see who won. The winner was....
"IT WAS A TIE?!?!" We both shout out in unison.
"Yeah it was, Look at the camera. You're step was on the finish line."
"That can't be possible She/I hasn't/haven't gotten much training nor does she exercise much!" Winter,Yuki, and I shout out.
"Well, You were doing extra everyday were you." I nod.
"Well hey good game!" We both smile at each other.
"How can you run in that cloak though it must be hot?" Someone shouts out from the crowd.
"Because these are my wings."
"So you don't have wings. Then who do you serve?"
"These are my wings they're just not visible."
Yay no more questions." I say to Yuki while walking in.
The celebration was gonna go on for another 8 hours. I mean it's 2 and I'm already tired of playing but maybe I can do something than plucking and holding a bow. What about directing a choir? Nah we didn't practice at all. Maybe I should ask Akealos if I could take a nap because I won't make it till ten and clean up at 11.
"Lynn why don't you take a nap for an hour. I don't want you to be tired on your first battle tomorrow also you have a lot in the last 6 hours."
Akealos contacts me in my earring.
I nod and run to my room and get dressed and all that. Then I fall asleep.
~Akealos POV~
"Haru thanks for earlier, saving are musician." I smile at him.
"Yeah no problem!"
"I want to know why did you save her?"
"Yeah why did you save her?" Saigai joins in. He starts to blush and then gives an answer.
"Who would just stand there and watch?"
"That's not the real reason!" Saigai giggles.
"Fine, she reminded me of Lynn Shirokuma, The little warrior. I really did want to meet her."
"But you did meet her!" Saigai twirls around in a stressed out way.
"Yeah but she.... S-s-she fell apart on me. She spent her life locked up in a cell and when she was free she fell apart. In front of me she had to.... The underworld will get my revenge one day."
"You are right it is kinda sad how she died. Wasn't she the greatest female warrior? She even knew magic. For and angel especially locked up ones don't even hear of magic. I wonder how did she know how to use magic?"
"Didn't she have a key though?"
"Maybe be but that was a normal key. Anyone can get those."
"Haru, can I have your help for a second?"
"Sure what is it?"
"Can you go to earthland and get me some herbs?"
"Sure thing!" I hand him 50 coins along with a 20$.
~Haru's pov~
I walk down the streets filled with stands of food and clothing. There is so much here it's hard to look at times. Nothing catches my attention until....
"Have you heard our lady and her new servant?"
"Oh her I heard she's young for a servant maybe the youngest!"
"How old is she? Hm.... 13 was it or 12. Anyways she's very talented but I don't even know if it's true or not. We don't even know her name."
"True, well isn't she really pretty though? She kinda reminds me of The little warrior."
"Her! Yeah, Maybe our lady will one day show us who she is. Maybe we may not even like her. Lady Akealos never has had a servant."
"True, funny it happened after that school shooting in the US."
"Wasn't it a middle school girl who lost her life while protecting her teacher? That's gotta take guts to overcome and accept that you will never open your eyes again?"
"Well the youngster was in a coma for 2 weeks and peacefully died due to lack of medication and carelessness. The doctors didn't even give a damn on her. She was meant to die."
"Didn't she have a couple disorders that were erupting her though? Such as a couple that I can't think of?"
"Yeah true.... Wasn't she bipolar and she wanted to be alone?"
"Yes and now her soul maybe with us. We are thankful."
I can't believe that!
Lynn Shirokuma might be here.
"Pardon me but may I ask you something? Who is your lady?"
"Akealos goddess of the moon and stars." She responds back to my question. I thank for everything and run off. Lynn, I have to thank you.
~Lynn's POV~
I wake up, huh only a 30 minute nap. My arm twitches and I can't move. What the.... Ugh what's going on? If this is a joke I'm not laughing! Ugh! I hear a voice that echoes my room.
"Still wanna play?"
I get scared.
"Anyone if this is a joke I'm not falling for it!" My voice starts to crack.
"It's not a joke! Now that that little angel is gone he can't disturb us. Your so pretty. If I knew that you were a resident here I would have totally worked with the land of moon and stars. So pretty lady tell me who you are?"
"Get off me you bl-"
He covers my mouth. Didn't that kid kill him no.... He can't be....
~Haru's POV~
I walk to Akealos and hand her the bag of herbs.
"Akealos while I was there in town have you heard of a school shooting that killed at 12-13 year old."
"Oh yeah that incident. I felt bad for her."
"Do know her by any chance?"
"Yeah, speaking of which it's been an hour and I just sent Perella to wake her up. Haru do you want to check on someone for me? Lynn hasn't woken up yet and Perella doesn't seem to be getting her. Could you check on her?"
"Sure thing!" I walk down the halls. So what was this girl's name again? I open the door.
~Lynn POV~
It's that kid again! My prayers have been answered! I love you God so much. Thank you!
"GET OFF HER NOW!" He yells at him.
"Aw, come on Haru you're so boring. Are you just jealous because of me I get to talk to her and got to hold her."
"H-h-help her...." Perella just got knocked out but is trying to help. While I can't  move so I can't summon my weapon. When he touches me he gains more strength while I become weak. The more his skin touches me he will gain more strength faster. That's why during this whole time he tried to get close to me to hold my hand. Also I'm a female so it should be easier to get to me when I'm alone and tired.
The kid pins him to the wall and stabs him in the chest. He gets off of me but I still can't move. Is it the gag that's holding me back? It takes my energy. Perella crawls to me but can get on my bed. I cry and feel dumb and weak.
"Why don't you attack me instead of her? She clearly just doesn't want to be bothered be you." The kid yells.
"She's so weak and fragile."
Weak, weak, weak,weak, WEAK! That's all that everyone called me! Even when I'm dead!
"Weird because last time I checked she beat you up. Maybe she's the strong one here and you're just the weakling. In my eyes she isn't weak. She's just 10x better than you." I instantly become stronger and pull out my weapon. I aim for who is going to live and who will die. The kid is looking out for me and I can't let him down. I throw it with all my strength.
It hits him on the back of him. The kid stabs him to with an arrow and pins him to the corner of the wall. He knocks him out by punching his jaw. I let a breath out and looks on the wall.
Is written with blood. I scream but the gag was still on me.
The kid ties up the creep and runs over to me where I feel like an idiot because I was paralysed. He cuts off my gag and I and free.
"Thank you so much! How could I repay you?"
"Don't worry about that but are you okay?" Am I the only one here who realising I'm wearing a tank top and shorts?
"Hey what's your name?"
"Lynn Naki...."
"No way you're Lynn Naki!?!? But how come you don't have wings?"
"I do it's just that they're not visible to most people."
"Do you work with anyone?"
"If you count cake yes."
"So you have a sweet tooth, eh. Well did you ever go to school?" I nod.
"What schools did you go to?"
"Preschool, Elementary, And middle school."
"You don't have to answer this but what happened to you in middle school?"
"Because I was injured."
"How old are you?"
"What do you mean by the word injured?"
"Someone hurt me. Then I was sent to a hospital."
"What happened when you were sent to the hospital?"
"I died due to lack of blood and medicine."
"Lynn, was do people call talent?"
"Something that I don't have...."
"Oh really? What color are your wings?"
"I don't know. What color are yours?" I snickered.
"White, as you clearly can see."
"Hey could you get that green bottle over there?"
"Sure this thing?"
"Yeah! Thanks!"
I put some of this lotion on Perellas wrist.
"So you know how to heal wounds?"
"Yeah, when I was 11 I would always look up ways in how to heal you. Anyways who are you?"
"Haru Akio, I'm 14 and I work with the goddess of peace, Saigai." I stop and stare at him.
"What?" He looks around.
"You're 14!?!?!"
"Yeah why?"
"That's why you're a foot taller than me. I'm pretty small for my age." He looks down at me.
"Heh shortie!"
"HEY! Well anyways thanks for saving me! I owe you one!"
Akealos barges in.
"Lynn! What took you so long?"
"She was attacked by someone. Please don't get upset at her." Haru bows down.
"I can tell and I won't!" I look at a mirror and realize i'm still in my tank top.
"Im sincerely sorry." I get down to ym knees.
"It's fine! What did you put on Perella?"
"Healing lotion! I made it out of herbs. It's supposed to heal deep wounds and bruises or burns."
"Could I test it for a second?" Haru cuts himself as I rub some of it on the wound. The lotion stopped it from bleeding and relief it's pain.
"Well what did you use to make that?" I handed her a list of the material that was used. It was all natural and stuff so....
We left my room while Perella is in the infirmary. I get back to the piano and start to play another song. Then I move back to the violin.
Time skip
It was the last final dance and I played the piano. Couples and goddess and gods danced. At the end of the dance everyone left the temple as l open doors and lock the doors.
"Lynn you should go get some rest tomorrow is your first battle."
I run to my room and close my eyes.

Sorry if this chapter seemed to long! Just trying to make it seem interesting. Okay so anyways before you start doing anything or say anything, Lynn is a musician who died due to lack of water and medical supplies. No she was never healthy when she was alive and she had a lot of people who picked on her.  She's most likely to hurt herself more than people hurt her. Her friends made her feel isolated while people made fun of her eyes and hair. She had A reddish brown purple hair colour that people disliked but it was mostly a faint red. And her eyes were kinda hazel/brown. Well V-
Lynn: Shut up we can't tell them!
I mean Lynn is very talented and Ugly to be honest. She doesn't remain beautiful when she dies her eyes are gold and her hair is black (length is 3 1/2 ft.) along with the ugly marks on her arm. These marks represent something that Lynn doesn't show but does. This story may contain a lot of references. Thank you for reading my trash 🗑!
L. Sakura

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2017 ⏰

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