Chapter 7: Daku

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Chapter 7: Daku
I wake up and report to Akealos.
"Morning Lynn, So when Winter and Yuki wake up we're going to train and then we're going to teach you a dance for the upcoming ceremony of moon and stars and of seasons. Let's go to the stage."
"Yeah.... We never use it though...."
"Oh sorry I forgot that. C'mon...."
She takes me down 5 cases of stairs. When we enter the theater I see instruments everywhere.
"These instruments are state of the art!"
"Do you know these instruments and what they are?"
"Yes, It's a flute! *Plays a few notes*, That was going to be my main instrument but something changed me. The bass or double bass is kinda like a cello but not entirely. The strings are different and the sound and the size and many more differences. *plucks* It needs to be tuned. *Tunes it* There better! Now let's hear it!" I pick up the bow and begin to play.
"You know how to tune it and play these instruments?"
"Yeah, Oh! A piano! 'London bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down, London bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down my fair lady' lol I can still play i'm pretty amazed. A harp! Whats with all these instruments?"
"I don't know really mostly we host parties and play, but that never happens after the attacks. Chaos has been corrupting the earth and heavens and we can't celebrate anymore. That was centuries ago."
"You guys need to have those celebrations! What the universe doesn't understand is the power of music! It can change someone's heart! It can make you smarter! When I had a test or a bad problem I would always listen to it or play it. I wish I can learn some these instruments.... But who cares now i'm dead...." Akealos smiles.
"Yeah maybe, But you can still play! I can get someone to teach you! Don't give up!"
"It doesn't matter I can learn by ear. This is my dream! I love to perform! These instrument haven't been used in decades. Uh.... THEY'RE MADE BY ANTONIO STRA---" Yuki and Winter walk in.
"Morning!" I bow.
"Good morning so what are you guys doing down here it's really dusty. Is this the theater? Wow it's gigantic! You could fit a whole army!"
"This was where all the gods would perform. It's quite famous, but all the attack from the underworld have been getting in the way so.... I really don't know much about these instruments but they were famous 400 years ago. Heh, we've never had a dark angel perform on this stage. I wonder who will be the first daku to perform." Winter smiled at me.
"What's a 'Daku'?" I asked.... I have a feeling im one.
"It's a dark angel who had a tragic past, unhappy, or mentally hurt badly before they died. Their isn't much dakus in the heavens. Mostly they become a demon and get thrown into a cell where they are sentenced to eternal slumber." Akealos explains.
"So wait.... Am I one?" Akealos nods.
"And most gods can tell im one?"
"By the way you act no. By your wings possibly. Don't worry about it."
"I haven't heard a goddess claim a daku to be their servant. Most gods don't want a daku as their servant because their not 'stable' to meet their standards. Also mostly daku get their sentence. By most I mean ALL." Winter explains the hard way. My face turns white and I start to worry.
"Don't worry about it that's only when they get devoured by their past and they begin to kill, hurt, rebel and start to play jokes." I fly up the staircase, run to my work room and sit in the corner.
Why am I her servant? How come, i'm just a daku who will fall into eternal slumber. That's why I have black wings. That's why I have pitch black hair. That's why I cry blood...
"Lynn.... I chose you because you know how to maintain everything. I'm sorry you're not like other angels. But.... You're still an angel to us no one can tell that you're a daku. Yeah you may have some tweaks here and there but you're perfect. You may not understand but were waiting...." I open the door and hug Akealos. Blood gets all over her.
"I'm sorry!!!! It was all my fault I'll stop crying!!!!" She lays her hand on my  head.
"You're unique in your own way. In music and after death. You have a good idea and your very trustworthy. Your fine.... Now let's go back to the stage. Oh my dress doesn't matter. It's fine I can get a new one. C'mon." I follow her. I start to feel more accepting of myself. This is who I am a unique Daly who will not end up in eternal slumber.
"I'm back sorry for the hold up. Okay Yuki you dance while I play." I walk over to the piano.
Winter and Akealos teach Yuki while I practice and try to train myself for reading treble clef. I don't read treble clef mostly but then again I read bass clef more than treble. I used to be good at treble but then I switch my instrument and began reading 2 clefs but treble. My ears mostly do all the work by telling me the keys but then again I don't really deal with keys but that doesn't matter.
After 3 hours of pressing on keys and Yuki landing on her ankle 600000 x we put it together and it comes out as a masterpiece. This is a dance of peace and power.
We walk upstairs me and Yuki while Akealos and winter cook.
I'm going to be the first daku who will not fall into eternal slumber. The past is the past this is my future. Yeah I didn't accomplish my goals and no I didn't get to perform for the last time or have a fancy meal. But i'm still a person. I can still do stuff but I won't have and education.
We sit around the table as I feel stupid for crying and a big idiot in front of everyone including Yuki.
"Why so shy?" Yuki leans over me.
"Cause I made a scene and I didn't know I was a daku and for some reason I get scared being put into eternal slumber. Also aren't dakus despised due to lack of mental health and not meeting standards?"
"Sadly yes, but there's no need to be ashamed of or feel stupid about crying. You just are unique."
"Yeah but everyone can tell I'm a daku. My hair was originally brown, my wings are black and these creepy marks on my arms. What's with these marks do all angels get them."
"Only dakus but those marks become a really pretty thing and powerful the more you learn an ability that your mind can relax and enjoy what you're doing. For instance dancing or drawing OR playing instruments. But it's never happened most dakus go insane kill, hurt, and cause chaos. I honestly doubt that was you but you don't even act like one. I couldn't tell you were one it's like finding out you're alive and not dead. For you it was finding out you're going to die in 60 days. It's fine don't feel embarrassed. That's  what mostly happens. If it makes you feel better I can get you a cloak and we could put it over you. Also I'll do this. *taps her spoon on her glass* this will go between the forces of moon and stars along with seasons and snowfall. No one shall tell anyone that Lynn is a daku. May that be clear." Everyone nods and we get back to eating.
"You didn't have to do that. But thanks"
"No problem!"
We skip training today and get to do another rehearsal. I become really tired. Winter gives me a blueish dress and I try it on. It was big.... Hard to move around in but I can stand it. Yuki wore a dress a little thinner. We put it together and It was awesome. This ceremony was for welcoming spring. Yay spring..... To be honest I really don't care about the seasons. Okay that was a lie I DO! There's a lot of reason why I care about them so much is the views or what you can do. I'm lazy but not that lazy. I still do stuff.
After rehearsal we say goodbye to our allies and I look at Akealos.
"Akealos do all daku's get sent into eternal slumber?"
"No not all but there hasn't been a daku who's lived over a decade. Don't worry I have faith in you!" She smiled.
"Why did you choose me?"
"You seemed to keep things in. You don't seem that type of person who would break a rule unless if it was necessary. If there's a fire you try to put it out. Then again you do have flaws and it's normal to have flaws. Your loyal, honest, and have a silent voice. You must've been hurt deep inside for so many years. You're only 12 and you've been hurt for the last couple years. You always wanted to run away from home because you never felt safe. You felt like you were locked up in a cell and wanted to be free, alone, no one to tell you, nothing but being alone. Because you were always alone. It's kinda sad. You're so used to being alone that you don't need anyone. But.... You weren't hurt badly. You're strong enough to take it. If you had to fight against yourself you would win. Everyone called you weak correct? You're Not weak a weakling is someone who can't keep their fears inside and go on medication or harm themselves. Anyways you have free time tomorrow you have your first battle. I'll be with you."
~Akealos POV~
I should check in with Saigai. She should most likely know what is going on.
I get out the mirror get Hikari on.
"Hi, What would you like help with, Akealos?" Saigai gave me a smirk.
"I don't need help with anything. I just wanted to drop buy and say hi so what have you been doing. Am I disturbing?"
"No, I'm just watching Haru. He's in the middle of a battle. So what have you been doing?"
"Well does haru need help?"
"A little sorry I've been busy with the ceremonies that are coming up for spring."
"Yeah we just spent a couple hours working on them."
"There stressful. Here I'll get you into Haru's ring."
"Ugh Saigai you made me get hit by rock!"
"Well it's not my fault! Sorry...."
"Just get me out of here, please. There a volcano that's going to erupt in 6 minutes! Also this creature doesn't look happy!"
"Here let me help!"
"Thanks Akealos! Are you excited for the ceremonies?"
"Eh.... Are you?"
"Are you performing?"
"No but it's nice to watch people show off talent and talk about what's been going on. Also the foods the best. So I heard your hosting it. It's been along time since you held a celebration at your temple."
"Yeah.... Well I'll see you tomorrow! Yay! See ya!"
"Thanks bye!"
Wow this is gotta be exciting now. No one knows I have a servant.
~Back to Lynn~
I read fortunes and practice for tomorrow. Yay this has gotta be fun.

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