Chapter 5: A normal day

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Chapter 5: A normal day
I wake up looking at my nightshirt. It's the same color of my wings. But my uniform, It's a sailor uniform cropped with short sleeves, with black shorts, and no I don't wear sandals instead I wear boots. I kinda look like an anime character but at the same time I don't. I have black hair, WAIT I just realized I have black hair not brown. My eyes are still hazel as usual. They would turn green or gold in the sun. I dislike everything about me. Im flat and I have dark colors. I wish I had blonde hair and blue eyes. The only thing I like about myself is my wings. There pitch black and really fluffy too! Well hey why the hell should I care about looks i'm going to be alone....
I get dressed and walk to the grand foyer. I'm offered food to eat when I check in the kitchen if the cooks are cleaning. Everyone was cleaning in the ballroom and great hall.
The servants are awesome here. They don't talk back or yell and scream. A waitress drops 7 glasses. I take out a broom and dust pan.
"Please Lynn, you don't have to do that!"
"It's fine, I need to do real labour chores some time."
She smiles and helps.
"Also it's nice to have a helping hand! So what's your name? I'm Lynn!"
"Perella, I know it's a weird name."
"No it's a pretty name. I like your name better than mine."
"Yeah but you're name isn't that bad."
"Well Lynn is a my name but it's kinda hard to explain. I'm most likely to confuse you. Sorry. Well there we go! Here I'll this out. Sorry for interrupting your work!"
"No I'm sorry!"
"Nice meeting you!" I run off into the battlefield.
"Lynn, I would like you to take an easy today so only run 10 laps 100 curl ups and push ups. Then I'll send some troops at you." The warm up took about thirty minutes.
When troops come after me it's always dodge, attack, and run. Akealos cheers on as always. She is really nice. Too pure for my other life. Now that I speak about it I don't remember my other life which I never have really. Everything was all stored into a little tablet. Looking at reality was practically looking through a screen. Nothing was really real unless if you broke the screen. Talking to people, learning, writing, and all of that was off of a chip. I remember that and whenever you looked up to see reality it was pure hell. It's get killed or be killed. The innocent lose and the bad guys win. That's the way it worked. Up here is the opposite. Everyone is so kind! But what about Cana and Leyah. They have to face it.
Akealos looks stressed out which makes me stress out alittle.
"Lynn, the underworld forces will attack any day now but don't stress out about it. You can go against these monsters! I have faith in you. Try hard and you can do it!" She gives me a thumbs up.
I will try hard.
I mood and stare into her eyes.
After training, we sit and talk as we have tea.
"So Lynn, Where you ever in a relationship? Or are you?" I cringe at that question.
"No nor will I ever."
"Why not?"
"I'm too ugly for someone."
"Oh really? You remind me of myself at times."
"Yeah but you're pretty!"
"You're going to meet someone and you can tell me all about them." I grunt and she snickers.
While reading fortunes I get another note

Dear Lynn,
How's heaven? What have you done so far? Well anyways the moon has been super pretty lately. Along with the stars. I feel like you're pulling strings in the back of my head. Nobody has school tomorrow due to the fact it's your funeral. Are you going to attend it? Will you at least be there? Cana says hi along with 200 other people. Well have fun!

Aw now wasn't that cute? Sure I'll attend my own funeral. This is going to be fun....
"Akealos tomorrow is it okay if I attend my own funeral? It'll be quick."
"Sure why not."
"I'll do my training later. Do you think it's possible if I could make myself visible to some people?"
"Well you already are visible but then if you want to hide your wings but wear black. Here I will do this you have exactly 2 hours until this wears off. After 2 hours your wings with show and you have to fly if you don't want to be caught. So you're funeral is at 9:55 to 10:55 AM. Good luck! Also if you want a dress I'll get one for you."
"Thank you!"
"No problem."
I go back to reading fortunes. Thinking about tomorrow kinda gives me the chills. I never have liked living with my family. Nor have I ever liked talking. Akealos comes in with a dress that goes to my knees and it's black too! Perfect.
"Lynn were having company tomorrow right when you get back!" Akealos yawned.
"Okay. I'll tell the servants that."
Yay more work....

Okay I promise you I will upload more often. Sorry about the lack of updates due to my education and some of the crap I have to  deal with when I come home. Yeah like 7 hours wasn't enough. Um do you guys have any suggestions that I can add on to the future let me know. Thanks for reading my trash. Now I'll see you later.
-L. Sakura

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