Chater Two: Meeting Carlisle

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Bella's POV:

Today was the day. Well, today was the day Carlisle and I were going to meet. And I was shaking with fear and nerves. Not my usual attitude but I had done a lot of thinking. And while I didn’t care about Edward anymore; I still loved his family. And it was terrifying to know that I would have to talk to one again?

He had text me and hour ago letting me know he'd be free now. And to make my way to the compound. And that he would be brining Esme with him.

Hour ago....

I was making breakfast for Charlie when my cell buzzed. Since I wasn't sure who would be texting this early, I ignored it. But after the four buzz I knew it was important and looked at the messages.

One from my mom:

Bella! call me, I miss you. I love you.

Two from Carlisle:

Hey Bella this is Carlisle. I have a free day and wondered if you were still on for meeting up.

I don't know if your awake yet but this is Carlisle again please give me a call or text letting me know if your up to meeting. Thanks.

One from who I thought was Carlisle but it was my pseudo mom Esme:

Bella dear this is Esme Carlisle and I want to meet up with you. He said you had business to talk over I miss you my daughter please call us back.

I'd call my mom back later. I really missed Esme and wanted to see her. I couldn't wait to text her back. And Carlisle either. They were family. No matter what.

Hey Carlisle sorry was making breakfast for Charlie and I. Would love to met with you to go over the letter. The easiest place would be compound. Cullen house. But I will meet you anywhere.

Then I texted Esme back.

My vamp momma. How I've miss you and my vamp dad, Carlisle. I've texted Carlisle that I can meet up. I really would love to see you too. Please say you'll be there. I smiled turning back to my breakfast making. Charlie came down twenty minutes later. We ate and said our good byes. By that time I had received messages back.

Casa Cullen it is. Can't wait to see you. Thanks for meeting today. - Carlisle

We love you like one of our daughters we have missed you too. I'll be there with bells on dear. See you soon.-Esme

—————-end of flashback———————————

I texted both a quick text saying I was going to shower and get ready and I'd be on my ways after. I pretty much rushed my shower and getting dressed. Leaving a note saying that I'd be going out, and grabbing the letter, I hoped in my truck and headed for the last place I'd ever see agian. Home away from home. To my past.

As I pulled up to big house, Carlisle and Esme were waiting outside for me. My vamp momma had venom tears in her eyes, that she couldn't shed. It broke my heart. I threw the truck door open running into her arms.

She was surprised at first but soon was hugging me back. Sobbing dryly. I was trying to sooth her. After about 5 minutes she let me go. Her arms replaced by Carlisle.

"It's good to see you Bella. We've miss you. Come on in and we'll talk. I'm curious." He said as he pulled back.

"Oh crap I left it in the truck I'll get it and meet you guys in the living room okay."

"Sounds good dear." And they were gone. I cried a little on the way to get the letter and on the way back after shutting the trucks door I had flung open.

I just hopped Carlisle was able to help me.

Lunch time......

"I have to say I'm completely shock that Benjamin would send this letter. I have know idea how he knew about you in the first place. Let me get in contact with a friend of mine really quick. She'll be able to figure this out. Why don't you and Esme go make lunch. I'll be right back."

"Come on dear we'll cook you up something good. You've got to be starving. And after Carlisle maybe we can talk more about what we've miss out since we've been gone." I smiled and followed them in the house.

It was the best day I've had in a long time. As it turned out Benjamin. An elemental vampire ,who could also see bonds, was in hiding no one had heard from him but me. And no one knew how he knew, seeing as no one but the Cullen's knew about me. My guess was on my all knowing pixie sister. Alice.

I also learned that the last anyone had seen Benjamin was in the rainforest with Zafrina, a vampire with the ability to make people or other creatures see what she wanted too. They were hunting.

When Carlisle told me that, that made my heart hurt for some reason. And I almost doubled over. Of course the vampires in the house saw. Both becoming concerned.

Not surprising to me; Carlisle thought it was a mating bond, and figured the only one who would be able to find Benjamin was me, the human. He was obviously was outta his mind, but a friend of Carlisle's was in trouble; and I was willing to try. And if this vampire, Benjamin was my mate then, when I found him, I'd finally get my happily ever after. But convincing Charlie was going to be hard. He didn't really like the Cullens at the moment. And he wouldn't trust to be alone with them. No matter if it was just Carlisle and Esme.

No point in lying though. So at dinner tonight we talked and though he wasn't excited I was helping Carlisle. He was glad I let him know and asked me to call while I was away. The only thing I fled out was that they all vampires.

That was the first time I dreamed of a tan skinned vampire with red eyes.

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