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I had known that I was mated to more than one. For a long time. I had hidden that fact. And tried not to think about it around Zafrina. Mostly because I wasn't sure how my Frinie would take it. Though we were vampires and I'm sure she had to have an inkling; I just wanted her to except my other mate. Her other mate. Although I hadn't known while living with my maker. He kept me under a daze. A fog. That I'm sure was Tia's power or his.

But we aren't to that stage just let. That comes later. First let me introduce myself. I'm Benjamin. And I'm a nomadic vampire as I'm sure you can guess. And my other mate is Isabella Swan.

My maker, Amun, created me while I was in the Middle East. That's where we lived with his mate and Tia. He changed me because he said he had seen there was a great power in me and could use me to help him get what he wanted. Though at the time I wasn't aware of what that meant. Though I've forgiven Tia somewhat, I will never forget. She did more harm than good. But because I used to feel like she had been used too; I had forgiven her. But that was the first of many mistakes to follow.

You see they lied to me. And forced me to stay. I was told that Tia was my mate and that vampires will want to covet my power. And use me for harm. I hate to admit I had believed him. I was young and dumb. Turns out Tia wasn't my mate and the only vampire that was trying to covet my power was Amun. And I was used but only by him.

To be honest I'm not really sure why he wants me. All I can do is manipulate the elements. I didn't think that a good power. And I couldn't defeat the Volturi with that power. I mean I could stop condone in their tracks, and I could break the ground like an earthquake, but that didn't help one defeat the Volturi. But I'm not there with him anymore. I was lucky enough to get free. Of his dictatorship.

Zafrina, or as I call her, Frinie, came barreling in going on and calling out Amun. Outing him and Tia. And I left my home and never looked back. Sure, we had our fights, but I loved her and would do anything. And wondering the world with my mate was a wonderful feeling.

We first met Carlisle when he was traveling without his family. Going on a business trip, he had said. Though we only meet his mate after that. Later, we came across the Denali’s, and Carlisle and his family was with them. We had met the rest of his coven then. We wore not fans of the mind reader but the seer seemed friendly enough.

The seer, Alice, had pulled me aside and told me about my 2 mates. I admit my first thought was shock. I hadn't heard of that type of relationship up until that point. And didn't really believe it. Though she was cryptic on the details of how would meet. And the truth be told I didn't want to believe her. But I did my research and followed my instincts. And come to find it was true. But kept it a secret. I later found out my mate’s name but nothing else. So, I just lived and hoped my is that she would come to me. To us. And I hoped that once she came, we would finally all be complete.

After that I started buying houses in case it was needed. A back up plan I had once told Zafrina. And started to plan for a second mate. Recently though. The tugging in my chest was painful and decided to go make a home in the woods. We were nomads no more. And surprisingly my Frinie was okay with that. Though I did try to drink from animals like Carlisle, I found it didn't sustain me like I hoped and went back to drinking from humans. Though finding out Bella was coming changed me again and I went out to hunt. Tia found me and that's when things went to shit.

And so, it was. And this were finally going to go good for us. And for months nothing. No news no anything. But I kept the faith. Late one night while I was hunting with Tia, who had found us, I was captured. Though I am not too sure why even now, all I know is Tia had set me up.

Maggie from the Irish coven told me she'd send a letter for me but that she wouldn't give anything about my whereabouts. And so, I decided to write to my Is. Maggie wasn't bad but kept me here where no one could find me wasn't exactly Good.

Maggie had promised to write what I told her and send it out as soon as possible. I was just praying the seer would help my mates find me and kill everyone in their paths.

A few weeks later Maggie had come back saying she had sent it out and that I wouldn't get any other contact until some deal with some vampires where done.

All I got outta that was I wasn't going anywhere and fighting was not in my best interest. Though little did she know Zafrina was still close and would stop at nothing to find me. And when she did there was no vampire alive that would stop her vengeance. Now to focus.

I just hope with all my might the Volturi don't hurt my mates to get to me. I wouldn't fight while in here but I'd sure as shit fight side by side with my mates.

Come on seer help. I need you. You are going to need to be on the top of your game. If you can see me. Go get help. I need my mates.

 And then I thought of one vampire that although had to be seen in private, would help the cause. Marcus of the Volturi.

Bella Mates (A Zafrina x Benjamin x Bella Story)Where stories live. Discover now