Alice (I Know Shocking Right)

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Alice's POV:

Things were not looking good at the moment. No future was set in stone sure but I was trying to help my friend anyway I could. My friend meaning Bella. Though I know she wouldn't want much to do with me after she found out all I have been keeping from her. Not mention leaving her after what Edward did. And yes, I saw it. But I couldn't stop it. It had to happen to put her on the right path. I hoped one day she would forgive me and the rest of the family. Though I knew she already kind of forgave Carlisle and Esme. Esme especially.

And then there's Benjamin and Zafrina who has no idea what their past and future has in store for them. It scared me to be honest. And I hoped that Bella would be changed soon to help save Benjamin. When i met Benjamin, I was new to the family and Jasper was out hunting. I had been having visions constantly. And every time I thought I go close to him. My vision would blur. So, when Benjamin was around something about him made my visions clearer.

We were visiting the Denali coven at the time. And I knew the girl would make a pass at him so before he came close to house, I met them and told Zafrina, Carlisle was waiting on her in his study. When she left, I told him about his mates. Zafrina had just saved him from Amun and Tia and they were nomads.

They were typical nomads. And over their stay with us we became very close. And before they left again, I promised to be there for them if ever they should need me. I knew I was being cryptic but that to was needed. I co to lent give much away.

Years later Benjamin had contacted me to ask more about their other mate. We talked of their future mate and the life they would have once they were all mated. We talked about my family and asked how everyone was. Of course, they left out Edward, but I really didn't blame them. I told them about my vision of meeting her in Forks, Washington. About becoming her friend. I explained I only did what I did because I was selfish and wanted a friend. And Bella in my vision would have been my sister had Edward not used her.

You see I knew my 'brother' wasn't mated to Bella. The first time I saw Bella I knew she was my friend's mate. And I did contact a friend, Maggie, to let them know I had found their mate at last. But I hoped by meeting her we could be friends and she could help Edward. I knew that he would be a better person in the end. His brooding and emo stage would eventually leave and his future would become brighter.

He would finally have a mate to call his own. But Bella had to change that in him.

I did have a few visions of them together that played to my benefit. So, it wasn't a total lie. But I knew that shit I'd be in deep if they caught on before time.

Then there was the vision I had when she first came over. We were friends and she was a vampire. And then I started getting upset at the idea that soon I'd have to let her go to her mates. I couldn't remember my human life fully and wanted a friend human or not. So, I used my brother to get her around. And then I would make plans to keep her here with 'my family' and some were happy but mostly they ended up bad with my friends human and vampire alike suffering more.

When it was time, I would let Edward know that she wasn't his mate and it would be better to leave her. But after I did that, I had no idea what would happen because my own wants. First, she was so attached to us, that she was catatonic for months; and Edward was altered as well. Though his mate was coming soon. He would suffer still.

After we all left Bella, Jasper confronted me about some emotions he had feeling off of me for a while. And decided that he wanted nothing to do with my plans. Though he loved me, he wouldn't stand by and cause pain to others.

So, he took an extended vacation to visit his friends. He's not my mate so I understand. And I started making plans to send Bella towards her future. And hopefully back to me.

I know what you think of me and no I'm not a cruel vampire. And no, I'm not out to get anything or anyone. Like I've said I'm just selfish.

Anyway, once plans were made I told Carlisle and Esme that I was off to do some shopping in London and maybe go see Jasper. It was a perfect alibi.

I headed off the Italy where I would go talk to Marcus about getting a meeting with my mate. And then from there it was supposed to be smooth sailing but nothing is ever smooth.

The Volturi has been watching Tia, a crazy vamp who was being used for power. Amun was treating the girl like a dog. Promising her a mate and all the power she could have.

But knowing what I knew Tia would only complicate things more.

And as it turned out. A few months back she was in the wrong place and the wrong time. And the Romanians didn't like her so they made allies with Irish to capture her. But instead they changed and captured Benjamin. For now, he was safe but I wasn't sure for how long.

And she did escape for a while. But she ran into Benjamin and Zafrina. And things went from bad to worse.

It was time to intervene. And I am hoping that we can make it on time.

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