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Things around here are getting weird. No one really wants me to notice but I do. It doesn't help that Tia is giving me these looks like she's up to something. Which I'm pretty sure she is but she can't get alone. Plus I think she knows more than she lets on; but isn't saying anything. And then there's all these times she goes off to her self. I mean come on there has to be something going on with her. No one just randomly goes off on their own.

Then there's Zafrina, who I think is onto Tia. She keeps giving her looks and you can see the anger behind her eyes. But is only putting up with Tia  cause Benjamin is missing.  And once he's found I'm sure Tia isn't going to live. Or at least she isn't if I have anything to do with it.

"We have no leads as to were he could be Tia. Until we do I'm not risking my humans life." So there. We aren't going anywhere so get that out your mind.

"But If we stay here the more Benjamin is captive. And so what you have a human with you. If you loved Ben you'd go looking for him." Oh not she didn't just go there.

Zafrina growled. "You know nothing of love Tia. So I would keep my mouth shut if I were you bitch. Both my mates are important to me and I won't put Isabella in a dangerous position. Got me?" yea. I raised my eyebrow at her.

Nothing else was said that I could here; but I did agree with Tia that we can't sit in this house. Though I hate admit it out loud to anyone. And that was the only conversation they had spoke out loud in a few days.

I walk around the corner to join them.

"Hi!!! I hope I was interrupting something there, my stomach was just growling and I thought I'd feed it." Zafrina laughed and walked over to me. Hugging me. But before she had her arms around me I saw Tia roll her eyes at me. I ignored it because we had more issues to deal with than just her.

"No Iz you didn't interrupt us. We were having a disagreement is all." Yeah I knew what disagreement but I wasn't going to give that information up yet. Even if they had smelled me. Which I'm sure they did.

"I still think I'm right. Benjamin is in danger the more we stay here. If you were his true mate Zafrina as you say. Nothing not even this human should keep you from him. If you won't go with me I'll go alone. I'm sure I can convince Benji to come back home with me." She finished with a smug smile. The fuck. This bitch was overstepping her boundaries. I growled. And she looked shocked at me. But still held her smug smile.

"Listen here you fucking slut. I think it's time for you start talking and no bullshitting around. You are hiding something for sure. While I agree that we need to look for Benjamin; I also think you know something about where's he has gone. And just so you know this human can handle a lot more than you give her credit for. And another thing; don't ever use our mate against us again or I'll burn your ass before you can say fuck you." I hold up my Vic lighter I had been carrying around lately.

Tia tried to comment back but in the end she knew lying would mean her life. She started off tell us about the control her maker has on her and the vengeance that he has on Benjamin and Zafrina. Whinny little bitch I say.  Damn Tia was a distraction.

The man, vampire; whatever, was power hungry. With Tia and Benjamin he had a powerful coven. But when Zafrina took Benjamin. His vengeance was out of control. Now he had our Benji and I'll be damned if I wasn't going to get him back.

And although Tia did say she knew the Irish coven was involved she didn't see who really got Benjamin. And wasn't sure where Benjamin had been taken. Fucking lie. I'd have to speak my opinion later to Zafrina in private.

She suggested to Zafrina to call on help. If we weren't going anywhere soon. They could plan. And plan they did. All night. I didn't trust tia not to lead us to our death but now that I had meaning. A place. A love. I wanted to save it. I wouldn't leave my mates again.

The next day we were all on phone calls. I had called my mother and father. And Carlisle. Who said he would make a call to his friends to help. And the family would be there in 2 days. Zafrina was calling her sisters and a nomad named Alistair who only would hear by hear say or if some one searched him out. Hopefully he got the message. Tia called her maker and gave a false story about not being able to get ahold of Zafrina yet. And no word on me. She also made calls to the Scottish Coven and some nomadic vampires who where in the Southern Wars.

This was the beginning of the war that lay ahead. Hopefully we got to Benjamin in time. Nope to self when I'm changed kill Tia. And fuck up anyone who thinks they can come take what ever happiness I have. Also buy Carlisle and Esme something nice when this is over. And make sure to get my father over here soon. I wanted him to meet my mates. And being a cop, I'd know he'd love them in no time at all.

Zafrina was on the phone to a few friends she had met along the way. And was ranting about tia to them all. I stood by her and tried calming her some. Hoping that we could find enough allies to help us. And that no one on our side was killed.

After Tia losing her cool, Zafrina took her legs. I had a good laugh about that later when I was in the shower the next morning. The only use she was she knew where they were keeping Benjamin and she would lead us straight to him. What the heck had I signed up for?

Bella Mates (A Zafrina x Benjamin x Bella Story)Where stories live. Discover now