Request 1

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Requested by: @_BlindMice_

First request story! I'm so excited to see if you would like it!
This is all too much. Nobody in this world even loved me. Did somebody even love me? Who cares anymore...

November 27, 20XX

Dear Diary,
        I think this would be the last time I'll ever write in you. It's just too much for me now. My fucking emotions got me really bad this time.

        So if someone ever read this. Please take care of my cat, Oreo. She's the only one that ever loved me. Also, if you saw my body please just burn it. Thanks.


I sighed, placing my pen down and rereading everything I wrote. Oreo jumped on my lap, purring. "Hey, bud. Sorry I never been strong for you." I said as I scratched her head.

I placed her down and walked to my closet. Taking out the rope that I've been hiding for quite some time. I tied it in a knot then tied it in the ceiling. My hands shook as I held the rope in front of me.  I placed my head in.  But someone suddenly knocked making me pause and look at the door.

Curiosity got to me, so I untied the rope from the ceiling and hid it under my pillow. I walked to my door and took a deep breath.

When I opened the door and saw my best friend, Bendy (Bruhhh. U already best friend zoned him. Hah!). "Bendy? What brings you here?" I questioned as I leaned on the door. He scratched his head and was about to say something when he paused and observed me.

"Were you crying?" He asked curiously, with a hint of worry. I raised an eyebrow and touched my cheek. It's wet ( ;)))))).). I wiped it off and tried to think of an excuse.

"Umm, I was watching Toys Story 3. Eheh, ya' know how sad it is." I said rather quickly making Bendy more suspicious. "Okay? So, Boris and I are going to host a party and I suggested that maybe you should be invited. If you know, if you want to." He informed, a small blush forming from his pale cheeks.

I thought for a bit if I wanted to go. I mean I could postpone my suicide for today.

"Sure, I'll give it a shot." I answered while smiling an empty smile. Bendy's eyes seemed to glow as he heard my answer. "Alright! I'll go tell Boris that you will come. Bye~" He said as he ran back to his apartment. I closed the door and flopped on my couch. Oreo meowed and laid on my back.

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