Sad 1

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"Hello! How may I help you today?" The android spoke, soft and smooth like a normal human being.

With shock-filled eyes, the man relaxed for the first time in years. "D-do you remember me?" He stuttered, still not believing of what's happening. But he still smiled.

Day and night, months to years. He have been waiting for this moment. The moment where she will wake up. Blood, sweat and tears shed for this. And still, he doesn't know what to do.

He smiled wider, the bags under his eyes being more promineent than ever. He reached out and the the hands of the android. "Do you remember me, (Name)?" He whispered, silently praying.

The android blinked.

"Hello! How may I help you today?" It repated, smiling.

The man's smile broke, eyes slowly becoming dark. His hands started trembling as he dropped the android's hand. He quickly took a notebook out of his lab coat and started flipping through its pages.

"No.. No! No! NO NONO NO!" He screamed, eyes skimming through every words. Trembling more, he started heaving, "This isn't supposed to happen. You should've remembered me. Why can't you remember me?!"

The android stared.

A definition of perfection.



That's what's wrong..

It's not perfect.

"Of course! This one is not perfect. (Name) is perfect. She's a goddess.." He exclaimed as he wrote down the new information he just thought of.

He looked up and stared at the android. It stared back.




"Will you promise me that when I die you will forget about me and live happily?"


He shook his head as a memory suddenly popped out.




"But you are my happiness, sweetness.."




Stop it.




She's already gone.





He kneeled down, clutching his head as pain started growing.

He just can't do it.

He loves her too much..

Why can't he just forget about her?

A hand suddenly touched him.

"Are you alright?" The android said.


Of course, he is not fine.

He'll never be.

"Yeah, I-i'm fine." He said standing up and went closer to the android. His hands ghosting on a button. He sighed.

Bendy pressed the button, the powers shut down. Life leaving the android's eyes.

"Good-bye, (Name)..."


Hiii! It's been a long time, huh? Yes, I'm very sorry.

I just lost motivation to write anything.

So this one is short and kinda sucks. I sorta just wrote this quickly for the sake of uploading something.

It's also inspired by this game; Detroit: Become human

If you haven't heard of it watch some playthroughs.

I'm not sure what to write here anymore.

- Alicia

Bendy x Reader LemonWhere stories live. Discover now