Sad 2

412 6 0

October 10, 2018

Hot chocolate, check!

Blanket, check!

Dad, check- wait…

I stared at my Dad as he cleaned around the already clean condo unit, his hand gripping a small towel as he wiped the shiny coffee table for the 2nd time. Sweat started pouring from his forehead as he wiped faster. I wouldn’t have tried to calm him down because he looked so silly. But alas, I have to. For my sake and his, but especially him.

“Dad, the coffee table might get on fire if you continue wiping it that quickly!” I giggled as I placed my mug on the railing of my balcony, then walking over to him.

“Sorry, sunshine. Y’know how I am whenever your mom skype call us.” He sighed, placing the abused towelette back in the drawer.

Awww~ You’re so silly, Dad!

A beeping sound occurred, making us both stand up and pull the laptop off of it’s charger. Dad turned on the screen.

“Hi, sunshine! How’s my little girl?” Mom greeted as she brushed her seemingly wet hair.

“Mom! You know I’m already a grown-up!” I pouted, puffing my cheeks as she laughed.

She placed down her hair brushed then took the laptop with her to properly place it on her bed.

“You’ll always be my little girl! And Frank, tell me you’re taking care of her properly.” Mom said, looking Dad straight in the eyes.

“Of course I am! I cooked for her, told her to get a bath, and brush her teeth daily, Claire! I never leave our girl.” Dad quickly said, his face turning into a shade of red.

I left them both after that to go to the balcony, sat down on the railing and looked for my mug. Which isn’t here… that’s weird.

I know I placed it here.

“Looking for this, lovely lady?” A low sexy voice asked.

I turned around surprised. It looks to be a man, sporting a black jacket and a shirt saying “nap master” with black jeans and a pair of comfy slippers. Interesting.

“Aw shucks~ You making me blush here.” Bop gushed, giving me back my mug.

“Oh, sorry! I didn’t mean to say that out loud.”

“No worries, Mugs.”


November 10, 2018

I was laughing with Bop, having a great time. When suddenly a shooting star appeared. So, I told Bop to make a wish before it disappeared.

“I wish that I’m cured.”

“Wish she also likes me back.”

The shooting star disappeared as I stared expectantly at him. He smiled at me.


December 10, 2018

“ Zzzzzzzzz”



“Bop, wake uppppp..”

Dude's still continued to sleep. Alright then, if he doesn’t notice me then I’m going to poke him.

I’ll just have to lean over and poke him. In a second now. Here we go.

“What are you doing?” Bop asked.

I squeaked loudly as I nearly slipped off of the railing. Bop quickly hold my hand and he placed me back the balcony safely, sweat started appearing from his forehead.

“Don’t ever do that again, Mugs! You scared the crap outta me!”


“I’m sorry also. I’ll be lonely if you’re gone.”

“Oh my gosh. Noooo.”


January 10, 2019

“Hey, Bop…”

“yeah, Mugs?”

“I only have 1 month left to live.”


“Bop, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.”


Bop stood up and went back inside. I just stared.


February 14, 2019

The man stood infront of a lone tombstone under the shade of the tree.

“The name's Bendy.”

“I should’ve told you, huh?”

“I’m such a coward…”

Hi. Remember me? Yehh

This story is a fanfic I did for a certain charater that you guys know who.

I replaced that charater into Bendy.

I got busy af my doods

Anyways, hope you like this.

Bendy x Reader LemonWhere stories live. Discover now