Request 3

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Requested by: ((Sorry! I forgot who requested this and you know who you are when you see this))

Theme?: Pervert! Bendy x Innocent! Reader
What should I do? I asked myself, searching left and right for something interesting to do. Suddenly, I remembered bringing my favorite book just in case a situation like this happened. I quickly unzipped my bag and took out (insert book).

Just as I was about to start indulging myself to my other world, a familiar voice called out my name. "(Name)! Sorry for bothering you but boss gave me this and told me to give it to you." Tina informed, placing a bunch of papers on my well organized desk. I wanted to question about what it was but she quickly ran off to somewhere.

I sighed, leaving my lovely book alone and focused my attention at the files in front of me. I picked it up, slowly and carefully, flipped through the pages. I was actually expecting more work but I was wrong. It was actually an invitation to some kind of party. I want to question why it was needed to be hidden..

"Heck yeah!" I silently said, but clearly excited since I haven't been in any kind of formal parties, except for my friend's wedding. And you know what they say, if there is a party there's free food.

I huffed, remembering that I don't own a single formal dress. Well, I'm screwed.

I tapped a pen on my chin, thinking long and hard on what to do. Groaning out, I laid my forehead on my desk. So much for free food, huh?

A sudden knock vibrated my desk which made me look up. It was actually my boss and bestie, Bendy. "Hey, bestie! What got you groaning out?" He asked as he sat on my desk. I leaned to my chair and told him the predicament I am in.

"Oohhh, I can buy you one!" He chirped happily. I looked at him as if he's insane. I waved my hands and shook my head. Great, now Bendy will give me his puppy dog eyes.

He leaned closer to me, using his damn eyes to agree to him. I sighed, slowly nodding my head as he grinned brightly. "Yes! I'm so happy you agreed!" He excited chirped as he skipped back to his office.

I giggled silently, "What a dork.."

Timeskip coz' I like em~

Bendy pulled me in a store with him. I looked around seeing so many beautifully made silks around me. It left me in awe.

"So, something caught your eyes?" He asked, smiling at me with a tiny blush plastered on his face.

"Well-" I walked to a dress that I totally like. "I like this one." I said as I touched its fabric.

It is (insert what kind of dress you want.) And if I fix my hair, I would totally rock this outfit. Bendy looked at and shook his head disapprovingly.

Bendy x Reader LemonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora