🌸 Part 10 ⛄

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    I watched the dusk above us. It's really pretty when it favoring a purple-orange color scheme. We walked to our way home that two metres from our neighborhood. The bus dropped us earlier then we decided to walk back home.

Guess? We are still holding hands together! What a great birthday ever...

I still remembered how hard that he was trying to get the dolls for me. That was... Unexpected surprises. I wish I could tell him...

How gorgeous he is when he smiles and blushes, his beautiful cerulean eyes that I could stare into them for the rest of my life, his great personality that I drown into... And the way he laughed was the music for my sadness time...


He turned when I called him. “Yeah?”

I stopped my track. He did as well, letting go my hand. I wanted to tell him how I felt. But, my tongue won't help me at all. It got all tied around my tongue again. I just hate that.

“Elsa? Are you--”


He got interrupted by the last person in this world I have to see... That goth girl, Mavissss! The hell she's doing here?! She ran into Jack and slightly embraced him. I can see that she pretended to not notice me here.

“--What are you doing here anyway?” Jack asked her.

“I was about to going home. Where are you--” She trailed off when she took a glance at me. “--Two headed?”

“Going back home as well. So uh, we'll see you tomorrow,” Jack said, moving his step away from her. I followed him. But, she stopped him by grabbing his arm.

“Just hold on a minute,” Mavis whined.

Jack chuckled nervously, turning to her again. “Go home, Mavis. Your dad will be worrying about you,”

Finally, she loosened her grips. “Fine, don't forget to---” She stopped when her eyes trailing down the plastic bags in his hand that my Wendy and Peter Pan dolls in it. “Holy rabies! It's that Peter Pan doll?!”

Of course is it, you dumbass snake!

“Yeah... It's El--”

“Can I have it please?! Peter Pan it's my favourite cartoon... Can I, Can I?”

I frown. Why in the hell she was behaving like this?

“You're funny. Just go home already,” Jack convinced her.

“Please, Jack... I want it! I'll go home if you give it. Please? Please?” Mavis asked desperately.

Before I could say something. Jack already picked up Peter Pan doll from the plastic bag and held it to her, “Here you go,”

My eyes widened in shocked. I feel like my heart just dropped into my stomach. How could...

“Thanks, Jack! I really love it!”

“Yeah, now go home. It's inappropriate for a girl to wandering around the street at the times like this. Your dad must be worried sick,”

“Haha. Okay, Mommy. I'll go now. Thanks again for this,”

At last, she already walked her ass away from us. I can't hold my tears anymore... I was really upset.

“Phew! Finally she won't bother us,”

“How could you just give it to her,” I said, not looking at him.

“Huh? Y-you--I don't know you really want it...”

“Of course I do! You gave it to me! It's part of us! How could you do that!?!” I snapped.

His eyes widened as he was looking guilty for it. I just got mad. This is the first time that I mad at him. “I'm r-really sorry... Do... Do you want me to get another--” He started.

But, I snap it again. “Don't bother! Why don't you just go on a date with that Mavis?! Give her fûcking dolls a lot as you can! Or go flirt with some girls that you are always do!

I just let it out. My heart is racing with my anxiety already took over me. I don't bother to wipe the tears on my cheeks. He was staring at me when I looked up to him... Disappointed and hurt from his looks.

What I've done?

“I'm n-never flirting with the girls or trying to make out with Mavis... You know I just don't want to let the people down... If you thought me that way... You shouldn't come near to me again,” He said, moving his step  from me as he slowly walked away...

“No, wait... Jack!” I shout when he started to run away... Out of my sight. I fell on my knees, thinking I'm a horrible person.

𝐛𝐞𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐞, 𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐲! | Jelsa AUWhere stories live. Discover now