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The house was already dark when he arrived. His wife and kids have long gone to sleep, not bothering to wait for him. They were used to him getting home late, with his position in their town demanding for his time. But he likes the thought of being called upon for his decisions. He enjoys being the one in power. He loves being the one on top. Even if it meant his kids not being too close to him. And his wife, well, he knows she will never fool around behind his back even if he's giving her the attention that a husband has to provide. She knows what he's capable of doing. Hasn't he made that clear to her when somebody attempted to flirt with her back when they were still courting? The poor guy is probably crippled for life, but that was an accident. He didn't mean to push him down the stairs in school.

He took off his jacket and sat down on his favorite chair facing their porch. He took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it, puffing smoke out after a long drag. He should stop this vice, he scolds himself. He was almost out of breath after that encounter tonight. He finds it hard to keep up with these younger kids and their motorcycles and quicker feet. Back when they were young, a bicycle was already such luxury, and they found different ways to have fun with it.

But he has never gotten on another bicycle since that day at the tracks. He vividly remembers that day. What started as fun turned out to be a tragic ending. 

He took another long drag as memories flooded him. As smoke filled the room, images of that day flashed before him. How Leo and Sammy were kidding Walt about Mary, how they were all laughing at how Mary handed Walt a love letter and he just went hiding. Then they all started to get ready for their race with Richie, Bugs, Vic and Mike. Leo was bragging that he would beat Bugs again, and that this time the Southern kids should buy them sodas when they lose. He was getting annoyed at Leo winning their races. Walt and Sammy follow him like puppies and let him win. Their bikes weren't that tough to go as fast as Leo. So they just let him win.

But he wouldn't do that. He was going to win this time. He was getting tired of being second best, even third to that Bugs.

So while the other guys went to the store before meeting with the Southern kids, he loosened the screw on Leo's back wheel. To slow him down, to make his wheel wiggle that he had to stop. So that he would get ahead of him, and show Bugs that Leo isn't the only good rider from the North.

But damnit Leo, he was supposed to fall but not on the tracks. And not get his foot stuck. He wasn't supposed to get hit. He wasn't supposed to die. He was just going to lose in the race so that he, Jose Alvaro, would win and make Walt and Sammy treat him the leader.

He had to lie. He had to keep his gang intact, even with Leo dead. He had to put the blame on Bugs. Either that or he would continue to haunt Walt that it was his fault that Leo was left on the tracks to die. But he didn't want his northern friends to grow apart. He values their friendship, especially with Leo dead. And Walt was an easy target, that coward.

He stood up, made one more drag on the cigarette and flicked it outside the window as he puffed the smoke out. His thoughts went back to what happened tonight. His goddaughter was tough on him, and he knows she hated him, but he's grown fond of this kid and her brother. He treated them like his own, especially Harry. That kid will be a fine leader some day, if and when he steps down from being Mayor. Then that Faulkerson kid shows up. Damnit he looks just like his father and uncle. And that feeling of dread crept up on him. His goddaughter knows the truth, she says, so her boyfriend, curse him, likely knows about it, too.

He has to do something before everyone else does, too.


Zombie. Slang term to denote a locomotive whose frame and trucks have been used as the basis for a low-powered re-engining. (Railroading Glossary. TRAINS Magazine)

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