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"It's my turn!"

"No, it's not! Mama! It's my turn!"

"Ryan, Reign, enough with that. Come over here and drink your juice."

"Aww, but Papa's teaching us how to bike!"

"Mama, Ryan's been on the bike longer than me!"

"Ok, ok, you heard your mom, enough biking for today."

"I told you buying the twins a bicycle isn't a good idea."

"But they're having fun!"

"And fighting!"

"Maybe I'll just buy Reign another one."

"Jay, seriously."

"Or maybe not. Love, they're five years old, and the bike has trainer wheels."

"They're still wheels."

"That's why I'm teaching them."

"Just...just stay away from the tracks, ok?"

"Dei, love, we already talked about this, remember?"

"I know. But I'm still their mother, and I will never stop worrying."

"We agreed to make better and beautiful memories on these tracks. The painful stuff of the past will just be a reminder to us. But for our kids..."

"... we have to make new memories for them to keep and tell their own kids. Yeah. Sorry, love, but sometimes I can't help but think about that day."

"What day, Mama?"


"The day when your Mama fell in love with Papa. Right, love?"

"Yuck. They're being cuddly again, Reign."

"Ugh. Papa, Mama, stop kissing. Eew."

"Let's just leave them. Go on the bike, Reign. I'll push you."

"Ok. Then you go on it and I'll push you."

"Hmm, Jay...Love... the kids..."

"They're, don't go too far, ok? And not too close to the tracks. Maybe when you're thirteen. Ouch! Dei!"

"You give them a warning then you make them hopeful to be daring when they get older. What was that?!"

"Love, isn't that just being a kid? Hopeful, carefree. We let them get scratches, we let them fight, but we shouldn't stop them from being kids. We just make sure to be here for them. And give them a beating if they do anything foolish. Ouch! Just kidding!"

"Have I told you that you're the wisest and most handsome love of mine?"

"Always. And you will always be the most gorgeous, feisty and strong-willed love of mine."

"Hmm. I'm sure glad Romeo and Juliet's story doesn't happen all the time."

~ fin


Bonded. Connected in a manner permitting the flow of electric current, as two rails. (Railroading Glossary. TRAINS Magazine)

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