Chapter III: Yoongi's POV

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After spending even his free time at his studio he returned at their dorm and was met with a shock.

Junkook was sitting at Seokjin's lap while the second was feeding him pizza and watching 'Finding Nemo'. His first thought was The fucking little shit, why is it sitting in Jin's lap and whyyyy Jin is feeding him like his the mother bird or something....

Thought number two: Way to go Suga... You really rock at controlling your feelings... Better find another reason to be mad...

Final thought: That little shit really lied to me... He just wanted to avoid me tonight or ever worse get a chance for Jin's lap...Oh I'm so gonna hurt him or not.. Should I be hurt or angry?

And before he could think more he spoke trying to not show what he was thinking.

'I thought you were tired and felt awkward to spent time with me Junkook-ah alone... But I see that you really had just other plants for today'

Oh god I must be sounding so miserable right now... Wait is that a smirk at Seokjin's face? Did he just smirked at me? , he started over again in his mind feeling chills of fear down his spine. He was very confused and scared of the smirk Seokjin had. It meant something for sure...

'Yoongichii~ please don't be like this to Kookie, he was really tired but I persuaded him to keep company at us~' Jin said, his smirk transforming into a pout.

Was he really trying to cover after the maknae? Was the smirk a signal that his acting was starting? His thoughts were stopped once more by Jimin and Tae.

'Yes hyung, it was us three that pushed him to stay with us, he truly did not want to', they said in sync.

He had to calm himself, he had to look cool and unaffected even if he felt he was played, so he put his poker face on as said,

'Okay I see well it does not change now anyway so...'

And walked out of the living room and went for the stairs which led to his room.

As he stepped inside he couldn't help it but expect Seokjin to follow him to see if he was ok and tell him that he could spend some time with the others. No-one came. To the opposite he heard laughs from downstairs. He felt so betrayed once more, and that wouldn't be the last time either...


As the next day had started, he woke up wishing Jin to be at the room with him for the two of them to talk, but as he soon noticed Jin's bed was fixed like nobody had slept on it last night.
So he did not return yesterday? He always returns to his bed... He is supposed to get angry when others ask him to sleep with him, so where is he?

He decided to go down for breakfast, where he found all the other members waiting him, even Taehyung. That was a surprise!
'Good morning Yoongi' Jimin said before the others and the others turned to face him also

He walked to sit next to Hobie as always lately.
'Good morning... Did you stay late yesterday?' he tried to sound indifferent.
'No hyung we went to sleep almost right after you came back' Junkook had replied.

'Really?Where did you spend the night this time Kookie? I didn't see you coming to our room' he 'joked' to learn more about the night of a certain someone too, who seemed to not pay any attention at him as he placed in front him a plate with pancakes and some juice.
'Oh yes that's because I knew that Jin hyung would sleep at Tae's room so I would have no one to annoy...' Kookie said with his satanic-rabbit smile on.

'Yeah that's exactly why enjoyed my sleep for once without you trying to throw me off a bed' Jin said sassily, but he was already laughing, then turned serious to Suga, ' Yoongi you should eat this fast we are already late for practice today, I even slept with TaeTae and woke him up early for us to be on time but you really overslept...'

Yeah that's because you weren't there to wake me up! He thought to himself but did not say a thing out loud, except he put on a grumpy face and ate what was given to him.


Festa was coming so they had to practice hard the parts/skits they had selected when it was announced to them that they would be split in roommate teams. He and Seokjin had selected to perform a song of each other. Well, more like Seokjin had come with the idea and he followed since he was too preoccupied already with producing songs for their comeback and did not want to think about Festa too. It was the first time that they would practice all together their parts.

First, was the team R&V to perform their act. They had chosen to perform the song that they had recently produce '4 o'clock'. Eventhough Rap Mosnter and Taehyung have started not so long ago being roommates, they had very good chemistry, Suga had to admit, and Tae had really helped Moonie with his vocals. That had a very profound result at their practice where he was seeing them performing it for the first time. He thought that they were really cool. He actually felt a bit less comfortable about his and Jin's choice since he couldn't sing and well Jin for sure could not rap...

'Ah, I should do something that looks super cool! I must do it! I must show it next time!!! I'm so sick of doing hilarious stuff!' he said half joking half serious and so the way Seokjin started blinking.

'If you think like that how about find by yourself something cooler then?!' Seokjin whispered to him, loud enough for only him to hear and not the cameras.
He tried to laugh it off. He knew that he had pissed Seojin with his attitude but he still didn't want to back off from what he said. Not after morning's revelations that Seokjin had slept with Tae... Not that that had anything to do with the practice but angering Seokjin did please him at the moment. As the practice continued he looked to find something cool just to show it off to Jin.

'This is...Here...What I should do! A cool one! I heard it in 2006 or 2007...'he told Jin pointing at the sheets he had infront of him while grinning.

'We go after Jin hyung right?' J-Hobe tried to ease the situation since he was the most sensitive in everyone's emotions. He could feel Jin ready to explode so he made a random question to attract the attention away.

'I heard it in 2006 or 2007...'he continued to press however at Jin grinning harder.

Jin looked like he was enduring the urge to answer back something bitter, but he did not say a thing.
Well I'm in trouble now probably but it was worth it. He mustn't have challenged me in the first place. He thought to himself knowing deep inside though he was unjust with Jin.

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