Chapter V: Yoongi's POV

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The atmosphere was electric as they returned from practice. Jin was ignoring him and was looking like he was angry with him. It was true that in practice he was a bit cruel with Jin but he found it pretty satisfying messing with him like that. With Tae sleeping with Jin, his jealousy needed something to feel better and that was his only way. But Jin of course could not let his mind rest... In practice, Seokjin had rapped better than he had ever heard him to... But he could not show how impressed he was since he was more pissed than ever...

The reason? The way Namjoon acted around Jin...It was evident that Namjoon had been really close to Jin before but he must have assisted him with his rapping too! His thoughts run again to the same direction as in practice...

Had Jin asked Namjoon's help? Why had he not asked mine? I had made the song anyway and was the expert... Did Jin prefer Namjoon? Did he believe Namjoon would be more helpful? Or did he just not want me to teach him? Maybe Jin wanted to reach me but saw how busy I was and chose not to. Yeah that seemed more like Jin. Well if I want to be sure I have to face him alone to clear this! I'll talk to him when we'll be in our room!

That chance never came though since Jin was never alone from then on. He always had someone from the maknae line with him and at night he always made sure to sleep before him return from studio.


Time passed quickly and Festa came. In the event he and Jin had won the contest of the best roomies after completing several tasks and performing their skit. On stage and on camera they continued to be the perfect roommates. They had their telepathy and their similar humor on point. But away from it, it was totally deferent...

Seokjin had stopped persuading him to spend any time together and actually preferred to spend as much time as he could with everybody else. At first, he believed it was his imagination. Later, he saw that it wasn't the case but still he wasn't bothered by it because it made his job to get some distance between them easier. However, that distance had come back and had bitten him in the ass.

It was some months before their comeback and he was sitting in his studio when the bell rang. He went to open the door and a happy but exhausted Hoseok came in.

'Hey hyung how you doing? Do you wanna eat together the snacks Jin hyung brought up?'

'Hey, Hobie! Jin came over?' He asked shocked

'Oh he didn't come to say hi to you? That's weird...Yeah it was his recording day and he bought us some snacks! He had some news too, so I thought he came by you to tell you...'

'No he didn't come...' he said bitterly 'What news?'

'Oh... uh.. Maybe he was too busy and he'll come to you later... I mean Namjoon wanted to talk to him after recording so he might still be there... I must not spoil the surprise to you.'

'Yeah probably ... Oh come on Hobie, spill it, you know I am not so much in for surprises...' he sighted

'Heh that's true... Well your room is going to have company from now on! Jin hyung had bought some new pets-'

'WHAT? HE DID WHAT? WHEN?' He snapped.

'Oh calm down Yoongi! Had he not discussed it with you at all? He was thinking of getting them for quite some time.' Hoseok tried to sooth him while confused by what was happening

'Obviously he did not talk to me about it... Actually he has stopped talking to me in general lately...' he said sounding like an angry kid complaining

'Whaaat? So the vibes I was getting from you two were real. But why? I thought you were close also you are roommates so how?' Now J-Hope was also shocked and even more confused.

'Is it really the time to discuss this now? I think I need to find and slaughter Seokjin first, you said he would be with Namjoon right?' He said impatiently

'Well yeah but you know them they must have gone to some kind of alternative café to talk. So yeah I believe now is the appropriate time. Come on maybe I can help and moreover you seriously need to relax first' Hoseok pressed

'I don't know Hob, it's been a while since me and Seokjin stopped communicating... I don't know how to start'

'Have you tried to talk to him?'

'I.. Yeah but we are never alone, and Jinnie seems to not want to...' he sounded way to sad.

'Well I can't believe the never alone part... Hyung you two share a room how's that possible?'

'He rarely is in there nowadays and when he is he's always sleeping'

'Is he really avoiding you? Have you done anything bad at him? How did it start? Actually Jin hyung spends a lot of time with Jimini in our room'

Too many questions at once and no comfortable answers if any at all Yoongi thought.

'I don't know!!! I 'm afraid I noticed the problem a bit too late... I don't know when specifically it started and from what reasons' he answered with some annoyance. He seriously wanted the discussion to end.

JHope seemed to catch the atmosphere and replied,

'If you do not want to talk that's your issue but to me you should make it happen to talk with him alone at some point... Let's eat fast cause I have to continue with my mixtape later'

Of course he knew that Hoseok was right and he really wanted to talk to him about it and hear his advises, but how could he say to another member how Jin made him feel. He tried to focus on the snacks and change the topic. However the fact that Jin was getting a new pet without discussing it first was troubling him. Also he had come to the studios but did not even bother come and say Hi... He chose to share his thoughts for a new pet with everyone but him...

The anger and the shock from when he first heard it had started to turn into bitterness and disappointment . He had to find a way to be alone with Seokjin and fast so they would talk some things out.

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