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Jin was feeling a lot better after his talk with Namjoon. He was also exited that they would probably collaborate for something again after all this time. They had decided to go back to Monster's studio to try a few things both had already prepared. They stayed there until late, when they decided to return to the dorm together. As they stepped inside the house an overexcited figure came towards them.

'Hyung!!! You're back!!! We have very good news to tell you! Yoongi had accepted to work with me for real now! He said he'll write a song just for me!' Jimin almost yelled with cheeks red from the excitement.

It was a common secret how much Jimin wanted to collaborate with just Suga even for once. And the second always praised the first for his vocals so it was a matter of time for Suga to really put on the roll the Mini Mini team. Seokjin hearing the news, was really happy for both of them especially Jimin who was beaming with his smiling-squishy cheeks and semi-crescent eyes.

'Wow! Jiminie these are so good news!!! Congratulations!' He said while smiling looking at the figure standing behind Jimin.

'Yoongi-hyung you back so early too? Also congratulations from me too for the news!' Namjoon said.

'Thanks Namjoon-ah! How come you two return so late? ' Suga questioned sounding annoyed. He wanted to add Were you together all this time? but he kept for himself.

'Um yeah! Actually we too have some news for you too. We considered how much time had passed since we made a song together and decided to team up once again!' Namjoon replied while smiling shyly.

'Wahhh! Really? That is great!' Jimin started while going for a hug to Jin and Namjoon.

'Will it be as sexy as the previous one?'
Junkook teased while sneaking from the kitchen with some banana milk on hand and waving his eyebrows.

Suga on the other hand didn't say anything; he just nodded coldly and glared at them before turning to go back to the couch.

That little shit... He has lost his innocence way too soon Jin thought.

'Tsk JK...Where's Tae and Hobi anyway?' Jin replied to Kookie disgust showing in his tone and also change the subject since he saw how Yoongi glared at them.

'Hobie is at the studio, he'll work until late again. TaeTae is out today, he'll pass the night with his Hyurang hyungs...' said Jimin with some bitterness in his voice.

'I guess today Hyung we can sleep together at his bed? We should give him a lesson for neglecting us for the others! I bet he's gonna be irked if we sent him bed selfies' Junkook proposed while giving an arch grin.

We have raised such a devil-rabbit, haven't we? Jin thought while face-palming.

'Aye Kookie stop it that's creepy enough, you bed selfie addict...' he answered judging hard.

'Well Jinnie shall we go to our room early today to sleep?' Suga declared shocking everyone who turned and looked at him...

Everybody knew that Yoongi almost never called Jin without honorifics no matter how much the elder had insisted for that to change. Moreover Yoongi never asked to sleep together with anyone not even his roommate. So now everyone was in shock while Jin's ears had started to burn red...

'Jinnie?' Jungkook repeated mockingly and now both Yoongi and Jin wear the same pink expressions.

'Y-Yeah, I guess we should sleep already it's getting late' he tried to sound natural to detonate the situation but he was too dumfounded and unsure.

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