Chapter VI: Namjoon's POV

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Seokjin and he hadn't had the time to go out and have fun for quite some time since they had returned from Hawaii due to their overly packed schedules. Today Seokjin had to record so he thought to ask him for coffee after to catch up with each other. He could sense for a long time now that something was not okay with Jin. Even though he was the cheerful person he always was there was something wrong there that Namjoon could not place. Jin had accepted the proposal, so now they were in one of their favorites cafés discussing general little nothings until...

'Hyung lattely you seem a bit of, is there something troubling you' he found the opportunity to ask.

'Moon-ah why you ask?' Seokjin answered getting a bit uncomfortable.

Namjoon sighted. He saw the way Seokjin replied and he really did not want to push. He just wanted to help him. He knew that Jin had a habit to keep all his troubles to himself until the situation became really awkward and someone dealt with him straight on. He had done something similar before with Namjoon and they had become distant enough for him to learn what troubled Seokjin after the latter had solve it himself.

Jin was feeling sad about how others perceived and treated him inside the company and had changed a lot the way he was acting. He had started to become less serious and more loud when cameras where around. But Namjoon hadn't faced him when all this started to the opposite. He told himself that Jin was fine since he acted that way and that he was just immature. With the pressure that success had brought he was too preoccupied to realize how neglected Seokjin had been. He even used to get mad at Jin when he acted like that and didn't think why Jin behaved like that. He built a wall between them so that he would not have to deal with it. He was ashamed for that as a leader and a friend.

Seokjin and him were really close from pre-debut when they used to spent a lot of time together talking their troubles and fears. Jin was a person that gave him strength and shared his problems. When things changed with the two he was very sad and empty. Thankfully they had the opportunity to talk it out in Hawaii and Namjoon realized that Seokjin's manners were more mature than even his was. Seokjin was trying to create an image for him and at the same time build his own confidence when no one else helped him from the company. He wanted to just become happier and he had found a way. He farmed his happiness from making others feel better. And that was deep... Deeper than what Namjoon had ever thought. And to think he was the philosopher of the group.

So right now he needed to know what was going on with Jin. He needed Jin to open up for him to be able and support him. For that reason he has to press further.

'Hyung I ask because I know you. We have been friends and groupmates for too long. Don't you want to share your thoughts with me? Don't you trust me?'

'Oh Monie you know how much I trust you... I don't know if I must share it with anybody. It is not a big deal.'

Seokjin just said anybody... That means that not even Yoongi knows... That was serious then! Jin always told all his troubles to Yoongi. It was a habit that the two established when they became roommates. Yoongi was the only one who really supported Jin with his transition and confidence right from the start. Also he knew that Jin thought of Yoongi as more than just his roommate...

'So you haven't share it with anyone?! Not even your first person? Not even with Yoongi? And you want me to believe it's not important...'

Seokjin started getting red with the mention of Suga's name... So something was up with them...

'Is everything with Suga alright? Come on Jinnie-ah tell me' he said demanding now, and forgetting the formalities. He knew Jin preferred it when he wanted to confess something.

Jin became even redder in front of him but seemed to be more willing to speak. And so he did. He explained everything; how Yoongi had distant himself, how he found out he was lying at him to avoid spending time together and how he had decided to pay him back by ignoring him and do what seemed to fluster Yoongi, aka spend more time with the others.

He listened to every word Jin spilled and saw how sad and frustrated the elder was. He had also noticed that Yoongi had had a lot of mood swings when Jin was around but with the amount of work they had he thought that that was the way of the rapper to release his stress. He now could undestant why Jin was so disappointed and confused.

'Jin-ah have you tried talking to him? I mean I know that both of you are very introverts but have you thought he might have some reasons to act like that?'

'Do you think I haven't thought for alternatives? That was the only reason why I tried to close the distance at first... But lying? Yoongi knows how much I hate lies... He knows that I would prefer him tell me directly that he is bored to spent time with me or that he has other plans...'

Jin was hurt he could see it clearly. He couldn't question himself how all this happened. He always believed that Yoongi had feeling back for Seokjin and that it was a matter of time for the two to become something more... It was not a coincidence that both of them used the word roommate and not friend. They did not see each other as friend at all...

'Yeah I understand but still shouldn't you face him straight on? That's not like you playing around... Speak with him! Suga has a lot too and from the time you started ignoring him he has been sulcking way too much... Also he is too important for you to just let it be like it is now. I believe that you should talk to him about your feelings too soon enough' he advised, because he really believed the two needed a push to release everything that was wrong and since Yoongi as everybody knew was a real stubborn, Jin had to do the first step.

'Well you're right Joon-ah... I'll try to solve when I find the courage... As for my feeling I don't think they will stay hidden for much longer... You see I got some new pets and if he is the genius he is he'll understand, but I'm afraid of how he'll respont' Jin said with the redness of his ears returning slowly.

'What type of pets? Well I think that you two have a lot of chemistry for him to have a negative response...' He said to encourage his hyung.

'I used to believe in our chemistry too but look where we are now...'Jin muttered.

He got the message from Jin that they needed to change subject. He was pleased enough that the elder had opened up to him and heared his advises seriously. Plus he had brought Jin out mostly to discuss an idea he had some time now.

'Well things will show their course with time... they always do hyung... Now I have another issue to talk to you about. Are you still interested in collaborating with me? It's been so long since we did something the two of us and I was thinking that maybe the time has come for us to work together again...' he started anew. 

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