Chapter 6 : The Stars And The Moon

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Yang heard the sounds of metal clashing against metal coming from outside the house. Figuring that her father and Raven could be sparring with Raiden, the blonde snuck a peak outside the house by peering out of the large window in the living room. Her lilac eyes widened as she saw a bloodied Raiden about to be beheaded by Darius. Yang was about to launch herself out of the window and use her metal arm and gauntlets to block the swing when Raven suddenly appeared in between the two, grabbing Darius' axe with her bare hand and stopping it midway.

"Darius." She said in a dangerous tone. Dairus suddenly returned his axe to his back before facing the forest behind him.

"Forgive me, my liege. Sir Tai, please excuse my rudeness. Here is a pill for the boy. We Branwens use it to heal wounds quickly after a raid. I will ensure the perimeter is safe for the time being." Darius replied, leaving into the forest without waiting for a response.

Raven turned to Raiden, suddenly realizing that his wounds had already been healed and the blood already being swiped away by a towel Yang had given him moments ago.

"Your wounds-." Raven breathed before Raiden's blue eyes suddenly looked at her.

"I healed him. Be thankful that I am still here, or else he might be dead." Erin's voice spoke.


Yang trudged along the dirt path, her beautiful lilac eyes scanning the terrain around her. She'd taken this route so many times in the short amount of time since the fall of Vale, and yet why did the path seem.... Brighter? Considering it was night time, the Moon could be a factor but the moon was merely a sliver of what it was nights ago. Just last week, she'd snuck out of the house late at night to the spot just ahead of where she was currently without any interruptions. Besides herself, only her second mother, Summer Rose, knew about the location she was currently heading towards.

Finally, Yang pushed aside several branches that had grown inwards of the dirt path, acting as a natural gate for anyone walking through. Once she did, she suddenly stopped in her tracks. The scene before her was breathtaking: The location was the edge of a cliff that lead to a lower platform of natural wildlife. The plush green forest continued on the lower level, spreading for miles at an end. A waterfall was next to the spot, several feet away from Yang's favorite location. The moon, however small it was that night, reflected in the crystal-clear water. At the bottom of the cliff, where the waterfall ended, was a lake. Fireflies inhabited the area beneath Yang, flying just above the water's surface. At the edges of the lake, flowers and other aquatic plants such as Katniss and Lily pads grew. All of this, however, was not the reason Yang loved that location. This place of all places was her favorite because when one looked up at night. The Moon was not alone in the sky. Millions of stars shined brightly around the moon and spreading out through the dark sky. The colors of the galaxy were painted behind the glowing stars, adding a color more appealing than pitch black.

Yang suddenly stopped in her tracks as she noticed that someone was already there.

"You suck at sneaking out of the house." Tai said without turning around. He sat at the edge of the cliff, his leg left leg hanging off the edge of the cliff as his right leg arched upwards, providing a place for his elbow to support his chin.

"I guess I do." Yang replied, sitting down next to Tai.

"I know why you like this place so much." Tai said suddenly after several seconds of silence between the two.

"This is the last place you saw Summer, isn't it?"


Darius pulled his axe out of the Ursa's back, breathing heavily as he did so. Countless Grimm appeared around him, completely surrounding him. He was already wounded, several deep cuts in his chest and left arm. He wouldn't last much longer, that he knew. And yet, behind him, several hundred feet away, was the house his liege was taking residence in. With conviction set into his eyes, he gripped the handle of his war-axe and raised it once more.

"Come, you filthy beasts! I will show you the strength of a Branwen!" He shouted as the Grimm responded to his battle cry, all charging him at the same time. An attack suddenly that could only be described as blue lightning suddenly charred many of the surrounding Grimm around him. Darius dropped his war-axe to look at whoever had saved his life. Unfortunately, he had already known who it was.

Raiden, with blue electricity sparking from his palm, suddenly landed next to Darius.

"Get up." Raiden said simply. Another figure landed next to him.

"You still haven't repayed your debt to me yet, Darius." Raven said as she bent downward and held her hand out. Suddenly smiling, Darius gladly took her hand.

Smile Again, Please : A Yang Xiao Long Story!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora