Chapter 12 : Forgetting The Past

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Raiden's ethereal form was thrown against the wall as Cynthia, who had taken over Yang's ethereal form, smiled wickedly as she stared down at him.

"How does it feel, to know that you failed to save her?" Cynthia taunted. She stood over him as he crumpled against the floor. His laughter suddenly hit her non-existent ears.

"It's not time yet." Raiden replied as he slowly stood from the ground. Cynthia backed away from, him in fear.

"Wha-?.... But how? You're strength in ethereal for should be half of what it was in the physical world! You shouldn't be standing!" Cynthia shouted.

"Well I am. Now, I have five more words for you : Get out of her body." Raiden declared as an intense blue energy suddenly emanated from him, shaking the very ground beneath them.


"Erin... it's not possible." Adam breathed. He tightened his grip on the handle of his sword before Raiden's body suddenly dropped his own blade.

"Adam... do you remember the time I spilled cherry juice on your head just to see if it was your natural hair color?" Erin said as a miraculous event began to occur. Raiden's hair was growing longer, as if his body was accumulating to the spirit inside of it.

"And you didn't believe me even after it didn't wash off." Adam replied, a smile on his face.

"So you do remember." At this point, even Raiden's eyes had turned brown. His hair was black and still growing in length, his voice becoming less and less male-like.

"What are you doing here? Why have you come back?" Adam asked her, dropping his grip on is sword and standing upright.

"I needed to talk to you." Erin replied, Raiden's face having been transformed into her beautiful features. Dimples, pink cheeks, black hair, brown eyes, even the cute way her bangs covered the majority of her right eye.


"About what you're doing with Salem." Adam waved her off.

"You can stay dead for all I care. I've gotten over you." Adam replied, turning his back to her.

"So I've heard. However, Blake told Raiden something that I find intriguing: You still have our wedding ring on." Erin announced. Adam growled in anger as he swiftly turned around and removed the ring from his finger and threw it at her.

"You can have it back. I've forgotten all about my feelings for you. I've forgotten the past, and most importantly I've moved on. The humans took my past life from me, so I'm going to take their future from them. Nothing will stop that." Adam declared before unsheathing his sword.

"Now get out of my sight."


Tai watched as Adam threw his ring at Erin.

"Assimilation." Tai breathed. Raven suddenly turned to him, her eyes wide with shock.

"Assimilation!? You can't be serious, Tai! Even Raiden would never be foolish enough to attempt something that dangerous! It's only been heard of in legends!" Raven shouted.

"Assimilation, the act of fusing one's spirit with another's body in order to obtain more power." Tai breathed.

"It's the only way Raiden's body would be changing like this." Tai stopped as he suddenly realized that there was a light shaking going on. Tai grabbed Raven just as the ground beneath them shook. Behind Adam, the silhouettes of Yang and Raiden suddenly burst into the room, seen by everyone who was conscious. They looked like they were covered in a transparent blue light, the viewers able to see right through their bodies. Raiden blocked three swift punches from Cynthia before spinning on his heel and landing a kick to her lower ribcage. Cynthia quickly forced Yang back to her feet before attempting to throw three more punches at Raiden's face and chest. He blocked them all before slapping her, then quickly tripping her and forcing her to the ground.

"Get out. Now." Raiden ordered as Cynthia smiled.

"You of all people should know by now that Demons like me don't leave without a soul to take with us." Cynthia replied as she forced Yang to stand once more.

"Then take mine instead of hers."


TIME TILLE DISAPPEARANCE : 7 Minutes, 24 Seconds


"Ruuuubbby!! You were supposed to save me some chocolate!" An eight year-old Yang shouted in protest.

"Sorry Yangy! It's just that I was hungry so-"  A six year-old Ruby said as she raised her hand up to her eyes. She suddenly started bawling as Yang hardly ever yelled at her.

"Ruby, stop." Yang said apologetically. She placed her hand on top of Ruby's head before handing Ruby another piece of chocolate.

"Fine, eat the last piece." Yang said as Raiden suddenly appeared from behind them. In his hands were lollipops from last night's candy hording event at Signal. He reached into the bag  and handed two to Yang and one to Ruby. The younger red-head eagerly quit her crying and opened up the lollipop before throwing the whole thing, minus the stick in her mouth.

Yang smiled.

"Thanks, Rai!"


Yang suddenly awoke, the white ceiling above her. She sat up as she yawned, covering her mouth with her robotic hand. She was in a hospital room, that much she could tell. Also that it was night outside as the only thing visible from her high hospital room was a beautiful view of the kingdom of Vacuo's lights.

"What?" She said to herself. The last thing she could remember was walking on patrol with Raiden, and then nothing.

Wait. One thought suddenly swarmed through her mind.

"Who's Raiden?"

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