Chapter 13 : Echoes

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Raven snapped her head back to Tai, earning a nod from him. She quickly turned back towards Raiden's body, which now had almost entirely transformed into Erin's body. She quickly grabbed her hand before opening a portal behind Tai and pulling the both of them through.


Yang was still sitting in her hospital bed, Ruby's sleeping figure on the couch by her when her mother's portal suddenly opened up. Raven, a woman with black hair, and her father all leaped out of the portal, crashing into each other.

"Raven! What are you doing!? Raiden is still there!" Erin shouted as soon as she and the others had climbed off the floor.

"Raiden is..." Raven began.

"He'll be here soon. For now we have to worry abou-" Tai suddenly noticed his daughter, the previously possessed Yang Xiao Long, staring at them with a perplexed look.

"So.... anybody care to explain?" Yang casually asked. Raven and Tai glanced at each other before Tia responded.

"Yang, I need to ask you something... do you know who Raiden is?"

"Who?" Came the dreaded response.


Adam had just watched as the three escaped. He lowered his gaze towards the spot where Erin once stood, then shook his head. Seeing his beloved once more was... shocking. He thought that he had thrown it all away, that his feelings from the past were hunted down and extinguished.

So how come he couldn't stop remembering little details about her? How come, when he closed his eyes, he could still see the way she would gently move a few out of place strands of hair out of her eyesight, how she would always tilt her head slightly to her left whenever she observed something that interested her, how her smile was so damn cute.

He suddenly caught a headache. He shook his head again, as if disagreeing with the fact that his head began roaring.

"You still love her, don't you?" A female voice said from behind Adam.

"Blake." Adam said as he turned around.


"Yang... There's something I never got to tell you..." An echo-like voice called. Yang realized she was lost in a deep, dark void, the only thing visible around her being a stark darkness. Somehow, her body was illuminated in the darkness, basically shining when compared to her surroundings. Normally, when darkness covered an entire person's body with no light source near, the person would be unable to see anything other than the darkness. However, if Yang looked down, she could very clearly make out the details on her own huntress outfit.

"You're really dumb, you know that? You always rush in head-on, causing us to make-up for your mistakes." The voice continued.

"But I don't mind. It's kind of fun, cleaning up after you as if I was a baby sitter wiping our butt. Anyway, here's your birthday present Yang! Happy 16th!"  The voice shouted. Why did that voice sound familiar? did she know the owner of the voice? If she did, how come she couldn't remember anything about the owner?

"What are you doing, Yang? Get out of your bed and come find me..." The voice said. For some reason, fear suddenly spread throughout her entire body. She felt a pit widen at the bottom of her stomach, her limbs beginning to shake.

"You know where to go, Yang. I'll be waiting."


Yang suddenly awoke from her dream, almost launching herself out of her bed. Her panicked lilac eyes took several seconds to realize that she was back in her room, the familiar wooden walls surrounding her. Her breathing was horrible, rabid, and almost feral. She needed to calm down, perhaps think  of something other than the nightmare.

She was released from the hospital not even an hour ago. The digital clock next to her said 8:02 pm. Her father was likely still awake, probably continuing to read another novel by the fireplace. Her sister was most likely asleep in her room, basically constricting her blankets.

"Come find me." The line the voice had said echoed through her mind again. An image of a place suddenly popped up in her head: her favorite place in the entirety of the forest surrounding their home, nicknamed "Stargazer's Cliff".

And she suddenly knew where to go.


Blake sipped from her cup of coffee as someone opened the door across the long room from her. Adam Taurus slipped through the door before closing and locking it behind him. He then took a seat across from her.

"So... what did you want to talk about?" Adam asked.

"I want to come back to the White Fang." Blake said, leaving Adam speechless.

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