Chapter 10 : A Little Too Late

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Tai slammed his fist into the steel doors, easily knocking them down to reveal a dimly lit tunnel.

"Nice job finding this place, Raiden." Raven commented. She turned to him to find that his eyes were still bright blue, a clear sign of his semblance being activated.

Sixty White Fang elite guards landed from the ceiling in front of them, their spears pointed at the group.

"Halt, intruder!" One of the guards shouted. Instantly, all of the guards were knocked unconscious by Raiden's blue electric bolts.

"I never understood how you could use electricity despite it not being your semblance." Raven said, expecting a reply. Raiden merely walked away from her.

"Yang has less than an hour left to live. Stop talking and start walking." He said. Tai lingered behind, waiting for Raven to continue as Raiden walked farther into the dark tunnel.

"I'll explain as we go." Tai said, gesturing inside.




"That way he described it to me-" Tai began several minutes later. "Is that his body can use the semblances of people who have possessed his body before. However, he can only use one semblance at a time and the required time to switch between the semblances is about five minutes. He also said that once he switches semblances, if that spirit is no longer in his body, he cannot use their semblance again. This however does not apply if he uses one borrowed semblance and does not switch." Tai explained.

"That is... rather intriguing." Raven replied as Raiden knocked several more guards unconscious.

"This way." He breathed, turning left when he was met with a fork in the tunnel system.


"Everything will be fine, stop worrying! you're just like Adam in that regard." Erin's voice spoke. Raiden's blue eyes glanced at her ethereal form, her spirit walking next to him.  It was his semblance's ability, allowing him to not only talk to spirits but also see them.

"And how do you know that?"  Raiden replied.

"Because I'm going to make sure Adam doesn't hurt you."

"I'm not the one in danger of dying here."

"I know,  all you want to do is save Yang. I get it. That's the same reason I'm dead right now!"

"Right, because you sacrificed yourself to save Adam. Now look at the mess he's caused. He's killed Sienna Khan, taken the White Fang for himself, destroyed Vale, and aided Salem."

"Look, I know he's not the best pick right now, but-"

"There's no buts. We're just here to get Yang and then we leave."

"Maybe so."  Erin's voice replied after several seconds. She had turned her head back to look at  Tai and Raven.

"But how come they both have that killer look in their eyes?"




Ethereal Form : A spiritual body, a spirit or ghost.


"Tai." Raven said, breaking the silence that had occurred for several minutes.


"I... I really am sorry for leaving you with Yang." Tai turned to her, a shocked expression covering his face.

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