Chapter 9 : Disappearance

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A?N Another chapter because I feel like I need another one this week/

EDIT : Fixed an issues regarding the ending of the chapter

Raiden slowly opened his eyes, a bright light shining into his eyes. After his eyes adjusted, he realized that the bright light was the light in Tai's cabin. Raiden groaned as he sat back up, confusion running through him. The last thing he could remember was Cynthia using Yang's body to knock him out, but then how did he get back to the cabin? How long had he been out? Where was Tai? Where was Raven? Where was-


Raiden's heartbeat suddenly spiked as the name repeated in his head, almost in a rhythmic pattern. Tai suddenly walked into the room, signing in relief as his eyes landed on Raiden.

"Done napping yet, sleeping beauty?" Tai said as he walked to the couch and sat down next to Raiden. In his hands was a cup of orange juice, something which he handed Raiden. The blue-haired male quickly drank it before throwing the cup on the floor.

"Where's Yang?" Raiden asked. Tai shook his head at this.

"Not good. Not good at all."

"How long have I been out?"

"Two days."


"Well, simply put, physically she's fine." Mary Gilson, the doctor who had come to help Raiden when he first arrived, said. She glanced at her clipboard before flipping several pages over.

"Heartbeat is steady, breathing is normal. She checks out just fine There's only one slight problem." She said before turning to Raiden.

"There's just one problem:" Mary began before someone else suddenly stepped into the room.

"Her body is fine, however her soul is not." A man said as he embraced Mary.

"This is Doctor Phys, a specialist in the matters of otherworldly conduct. I figured if nothing was wrong with her physically, then something must have happened mentally. Her brainwaves are still functioning properly, which shows that she isn't on a coma." Mary described.

"What likely happened was that her body was unable to withstand the force of the demon inside of her and as such expelled her own soul in favor of preservation." Doctor Phys stated.

"He should know what needs to be done." Phys replied before pointing to Raiden and leaving the room.

"Raiden? Is there something you would like to tell us?" Raven asked.

"A soul that's been expunged from the body can only survive without it's body for three days. After the third day, the soul.... disappears."

"It's already been two days since she was possessed, which means one more day left." Tai said frantically.

"There's more." Raiden added.

"An expunged soul always heads towards a cause of trauma."

"Even if we somehow manage to find Yang's spirit, how are we supposed to bring her back to her body?" Raven asked, pointing out a fact that Raiden had been leaving out.

"I can do it. It's just..."

"Just what?" Tai said, his eyes narrowing at Raiden.

"I know where she might be and it's a place where I don't wanna go right now." Raiden admitted. Tai suddenly grabbed Raiden's collar.

"Raiden. Yang is about to die. Stop acting like such a pussy and save her."

"It's not that simple."

"How come?"

"Her soul is with Adam Taurus and the White Fang."


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