young love

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(pats P.O.V warning it has sin,cursing,and characters that are not from eddsworld and ships from eddsworld :') sorry frens)

My name is patryk I'm in kindergarten I'm six years old it was my birthday last week and it's almost the end of the school year but let's stop talking about that and get into my story.

(no one's P.O.V and at school kindergarten classroom)

Pat sits up alert and aware of the teachers words while most of the kids are dozing off into space patryk is a rather good kid a teacher's pet you could say but.. he doesn't have any friends. The teacher says loud and clear catching the ears of most of dem child's, and with a soft and warm voice she says "ok class we have a new student and when he comes in the class I would like you to give a warm welcome and maybe one of you could help show him around" Pat wanted to raise his hand but he didn't he has seen it before raise his hand to a new student,shows the student around, the student finds a different crowd so he just gave up.
(At the playground)

Pat was simply reading his book he had nothing to do anyways and his parents were already bugging him to start getting smart early for his so called "edd-ucation" (sorry I love puns)
Pat hears a sudden scream as he looks up breaking his glance from his book and he only saw it for a split second but someone hid in the slide. Now Pat only saw the pant leg and he knew it wasn't anyone from this school. He has been around so much that he has learned the outfits that were on and what was new. He learned how to read a person personality so he knew what kind of clothes belong to who. Soft colors with flowers usually for Ally. FNAF and other gaming theories owned by Jack and so on. But he stood up and walked over the slide because of the scream he heard. He peaks in only to see a boy and scared boy hiding from some 5th grade bullies. Pat thought it was stupid to have 5th grade out with kindergarten but the school thought if the 5th grade worked with young'ns that it would decrease the bullying status. But of course that didn't work. He looks over again and he kneels down and hands out his hand for the kid to grab. "Come out I won't hurt you" Pat said softly. The boy was about the same age as patryk had nice messy brunette hair,brown eyes that where intimidating but you could tell that there was a soft side inside, and BIG BUSHY EYEBROWS (xD)

"Pink,thats a nice color" Pat said as he could see the pink hoodie that kid was wearing and the kid said "t-thanks" Pat held his hand out insisting him to grab it the kid was weary and was shaking but he finally grabbed his hand as Pat pulled him out the kid blushed. "Hi!,my name is patryk my friends call me Pat ...or they would if I had any" Pat laughed alittle with embarrassment then looked down .Paul grabs his hand and shakes it "
n-name is p-paul Paul t-ter voorde . That's v-e-r---- uh r-ud yeah that's how you spell my last name .. I think. "Nice to meet you voorde" Pat said as his face lit up.

Pat and paul.paul? That's his name. Pat and Paul sat at a bench and pat pulled out 2 king sized Snickers and takes a bite out of it offering the other one to Paul .Paul declined but Pat stuck it in his hand and insisted that Paul took it.

(Paul's P.O.V)

I took the candy bar and slowly ate it. It's like Pat didn't care about anything except being nice to me.. huh that's the first someone being nice to me. After I took a couple bites the people who where bullying me earlier rushed by,pushing me, and chuckling running off. Pat grabs my hand and helped me up. "Well no snack for me.." I said with a frown "no you can have mine I insist" Pat said. I looked at him for a second. I got lost into his blue eyes and him gorgeous hair I felt myself relax I never felt this before.. Pat kept bugging me till I took it it already was half eaten but it wasn't messy I didn't mind biting into it . I blushed a bit as I saw Pat smile in the corner of my eye. Such a sweet smile he has..

(On the swing set Pats point of view)

I swung on the swings next to Paul and he was next to me I felt like we had a connection that we would be friends. Shocker. We swung for a little then I heard a thud Paul has fallen off .wait he didn't fall off ..he was PUSHED!. that when I saw them, the bullies. I felt a pain though nothing happened to me. I have always been able to slip past the bullies but never slip past the memories of other kids getting tortured when you're doing nothing wrong it made me Furious. I helped Paul up then I heard a sharp voice said "if your smart you would leave oh wait your just a baby" Pat facing the other direction "heh. Say I'm the dumb one when you can't even FOLLOW RULES. They say no bullying ,you call me dumb, but then again I'm not the one bullying now am I?" I turned around I have never been this brave it felt good but I was worried about what would happen next. The bully said "That's it you little punk" he grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and throws me while he grabs Paul's and throws him to the ground and starts kicking paul I could hear a cry.. DING . The bell ring everyone left but us.

(no one's view)

Pat ran away . Paul saddened as he watched Pat leave . But Paul was wrong he did leave he came back but what's this? He has a pole what? A pole,really?. Pat swings but the bully grabs the pole and throws it, in back Pat says confidently "Back off I will only ask once" Pat runs to the bully but the bully pushes him down and says "awww is the baby gonna cry go on cry" he moves his finger down his eye signaling a tear ,and chuckles. Pat stands up " I asked once" the bully runs up to Pat and is about to hit him but Pat Punches him and when he moves back Pat kicks him nose breaking it now it bleeds the warm color,ruby red. Pat helps up his friend Paul. The bully gets up and swings it a Paul (was supposed to hit Pat but his vision was blury) Pat pushes Paul out of the way and blocks it with arm. CRACK .

Sirens from the ambulance filled the air with sound (lit time skip)

Pat wakes in pain a yellow cast, he sees Paul and his mom. "
P-paul?" "Where am i" Pat says. His mother replies "it's ok sweetie we are at the hospital after that bully have broken your arm you got sent here because you knocked out, Paul was there and he sent help but he told me that his mom wouldn't pick him up till later so I decided to take him with me" Pat said "oh ok" his mom said "well luckily he will be coming home with us everyday till 8:00 am due to his mothers job and his dad...being passed..away" She coughs trying to change the subject "I hope that's OK Pat" Pat says " no it's fine it will be nice to have a friend..for once" his mom frowned when Pat said that

(Later at pats house)

Pat rushed in the house to be greeted by his dad "hi papa" Pat said "There's my main man" pats father said smiling. Pats mother "Alice" gives pats dad Greg a kïss on the cheek "I'll miss you" she says . Lilly runs downstairs with her suitcase and hugs pat "bye
brother I'll sure miss you when I'm gone but you know pay he is such a bastard " Lilly rolls her eyes "now don't call pay that" Alice says .Pat grabs Paul's hand and takes him into his room ."this in my room sorry if it's messy" paul smiles signing a "it's ok" . Greg and Lilly head out on there way.

(A couple months later Paul's view)

Me and pat where hanging in his room when we where playing with some cars I reached for a red car and pat reached for the same our hands touch I felt heat on my cheek and I fluttered and I Removed my hand I looked at my pat- Uh I mean Pat and he gave me the sweetest smile that he made me flush more I looked away. And I know what your thinking "why are you flushing? Well it's because I got to know Pat and I feel.. like ...I might have a crush on him.. I just felt something he was so cute. Stop being gay Paul It's a 0/100 chance he feels the same... I love him..

Sorry this is so long and can you believe this only took 30 mins to write ha I am fast and I have lots of Time I'll be making a chapter a day and if I'm bored I'll make more :')

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