depression with a new home

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Wassup y'all back again and I'm exited to show you what happens next and remember the song is for you to relax and Paul's pov)

Next morning I woke up but I really didn't bother to do my hair or eat I didn't even change... When I got to school everyone gave me a look not a gross one just a what happened look... I walked to my Locker there they were silvie and pat... I opened my Locker put my things away and walked off but Pat grabbed my arm "PAUL ARE YOU ALRIGHT WHAT HAPPENED?!?!" I could hear the panicked rise in his voice. I walked away crying silently he let me walk off... me and pat didn't talk to each other ... later I finally decided to tell Pat I walked over to my Locker where they were "Pat..." I said silently Pat looked at me but walked away silvie looked at me and walked away I started to cry and I slammed myself into the locker they probably thought I was a drama queen "PAUL!!" Pat ran to me and hug me I put my face in his chest crying his shirt was getting wet "Pat... I-" I didn't want to finish I felt weak that's when I decided to fall on the damn floor but Pat caught me I honestly felt to weak to move. The bell rang silvie signaled a follow me so Pat picked me up and carried me around the corner so no one found us. Pat asked what happened again "my mom had camera's...she..she saw what I did to you in the closet..." I was crying by now "SHE SAID I COULDN'T SEE YOU" I started tearing up .Pat wiped my tear, pulled me closer,rested my head on his chest, he softly spoke in my ear "shh sh sh it's ok it's ok" ."what do I do I love you but my mom" I said. "Well I can't make your decision but you can stay with me and I'll always be by your side" ."I like that idea" I loved that idea... After school Pat,silvie,and I went to my house and of course me and pat were.... Heh . I heard my mom come home. I looked at her but I kept kissing Pat. She rushed over and grabbed PATS ARM. "LET GO OF ME!" Pat yelled

((Pats pov

"LET GO OF ME!" I yelled. She pulled me into the kitchen. Paul rushed up "MOM WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?" Paul screamed I don't why he screamed though.. then it hit me... I felt a sharp pain .Paul's eye's widened mine did too silvie gasped. Mia..Mia
s-stabbed me.......

(No one's pov)

Pat started drooling blood he spat out blood. "HOW DARE YOU!!!" Paul screamed. He ran over and pushed his mom Pat could feel her fall back because she was still holding the knife and it came back out of pat. Pat fell. Paul grabbed the knife "I'm sorry mom..." She looked at him he looked at her but he stabbed her .Paul cried and ran over to pat "SILVIE CALL THE POLICE!!" Paul yelled "but-" "GO GET IT ITS IN THE LIVING ROOM CALL IT JUST DO IT!" Silvie ran and grabbed the phone and called it she didn't know what do say "uh-um- we had a accident please hurry" she hung up and Paul didn't seem worried about the police but more about pat. Later the police burst in and Paul sighed and standed up and walked to them "don't worry no murderer's were in here" Paul looked nervous "the woman on the floor is my mother she took my friend and stabbed him and after that I stabbed her it was self defense .she would hit me with a belt. But I will take any punishment you have for me just please help my friend he means a lot to me" the police where talking to Paul and told him how he was not in trouble. After they took Pat.paul and silvie rushed over to pat's mom's house Paul knocked aggressively. She opened the door "GET YOUR KEY'S PAT GOT STABBED WE NEED TO HURRY TO THE HOSPITAL I NEED TO MAKE SURE HE IS OK" she was confused but listened she grabbed the keys and headed straight for the car. After a while when they got there they rushed right I to the room where Pat was Paul ran over and hugged pat and pat hugged back Pat. Pat looked at Paul after they stopped hugging but Paul hugged pat again,Pat was blushing because his mom was right there. His mom looked at them but didn't think much of them hugging she found it kinda cute actually,that they where such good friends that's all she really thought of it just friends. "Are you ok?!?" Paul said and pat nodded "I was so worried..." Paul looked down. After a while they where home Pat had wrap around his waist. Alice started making food for Pat,paul, and silvie. "Mom..." Pat said "yes sweetie" she replied "I was stabbed by Paul's mom.. but then Paul stabbed his own mom for my life.. but now he has no where to stay so could we maybe let him stay here...for a while atleast" after Pat said that he started cheering up "he can sleep in my room I can share my bed and it's not wierd for him to change clothes because we do that all the time for dance PE in the boys locker room" Pat blushed, Paul did too. "Of course Paul can stay here! There is a extra room I can Clean out just for Paul he can stay with us for as long as he likes I don't mind it's the least I can do for the guy who saved my son's life" she smiled at Paul and Paul smiled too "really you would let me stay?!?" He said "of course" Alice said and handed them dinner ."eat up" Alice smiled and walked away. Paul smelled the food "this smells and looks SOOOOOOOO good" it was rice,steak,and fries. "Thanks paul" Alice smiled "but remember after you eat this you have to eat some fruit and if you want seconds after that then go ahead" they all nodded and ate. "Ok guys it's bed time" and by this time silvie left. "You can use some of my clothes since you don't have your's right now if you don't mind" Paul blushed "uh- no not at all" Paul giggled. Pat grabbed out as clothes for Paul to pick out and wear for the night Paul picked out a white T-shirt and pink boxers of course pink .Paul and pat got changed in the same room. Paul took off his shirt and put on a red T-shirt Pat was already done getting dressed so he looked over to Paul and blushed he didn't look away when Paul was done he turned around "Pat?" .Pat covered his blush with his hand "uh sorry I couldn't resist watching you while you where getting dressed" Paul blushed and pat chuckled nervously. "Well night" Paul walked in the other room while Alice set up the bed after she was done Paul said thanks and got on the bed . A couple minutes later Pat brought in a blanket since there was no blanket for Paul and pat put the blanket on him and kissed Paul forehead and headed back to his room and got in bed.

(le time skip .Pat P.O.V)

I was sleeping till I heard the door open slightly. I looked at the door but it's pitch black I could only see a black figure "w-who is i-it" I said I was scared . It came closer "hey Pat" then I heard it .it was Paul I can tell by the voice "oh it's just you I was scared for a moment" .Paul he came over to me and sat on my bed "I hope I didn't wake you" "nah I was already awake" that was a lie but it didn't matter anyways "can I sleep with you~"I blushed and scooted over "here, just be quiet" I smiled but I know Paul couldn't see it. Paul got next to me . I was facing the wall as Paul wrapped his arms around me and scooted closer to me I felt him breath on my neck. I moaned softly for no reason .Paul giggled . "Oops I didn't mean to moan heh" he
Pulled me even closer I felt his body against mine I moaned again "shit I have to stop moaning mom could hear us well my mom,do you have to be so close?" ."I can move back alittle if you want" ."No,no stay.please I like this" after I said that I felt my self shiver .maybe I made it sound to sexual. Paul pulled me closer me and him where alittle tight and my stab mark was stretching and I felt alittle pain but ignored it because most of what I felt was paul's love but later I fell asleep.

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