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Oof sorry I haven't updated :')
Paul's pov

I woke up brushed my hair,and teeth, and I got dressed after that I went in pats room to wake him up but he was gone I heard a tapping on the door and when I turned around it was Pat he was smirking "morning love bug" and he went out the door I blushed and followed him his mom made omelet's with ham,potatoes,and lots of cheese it smelt so good "Mmmmm smells delicious. All my mom made for me was a .. well she gave me a apple that's it" "well then she doesn't know breakfast was the most important meal of the day" "hah yeah" "well come sit down its ready" "she put two glasses of milk on the table followed by the omelet with some cherry's on the side" "thank you Mrs dudulewics" I sat down Next to pat "No problem and you can call me Alice" "ok Alice".  I started eating along with patryck. After that Alice packed us lunch "hmm Paul your backpack seems alittle old when was the last time you had a new one?" She opened both of our backpacks and put in our lunch. "Uhh I had this for all of middle school" "well here after school I want you to buy yourself a new backpack I won't be here after school so you may need to take the bus" she handed me and pat a 100$ bill "No,no we can't take this" "yeah mom" "no take it you have earned it the backpack should be atleast 20$ and to get on the bus is cheap so you can bye something else for yourselves if you want,keep the change" "wow thanks Mrs dudu- I mean Alice" she smiled and we walked to school. When we got there me and pat met silvie where we usually would when a group of kids came up to us "hey patryk" a boy in a green hoodie said to me "oh you must have the wrong guy I'm not patryk I'm paul" "I'm patryk" Pat said shaking the young males hand "oh hi patryk I'm edd these are my friend's Tom,matt,and Tord" "hey" Tom said "hello friend" Tord said with his Norwegian accent and "hey good looking" Matt Wasn't talking to any of us he was looking at himself In the mirror "so can we help you" I added the male nodded "uh yeah the principal said that patryk would show us around" I looked at Pat he nodded and started walking "follow me" he said I followed him along with silvie and the other's after a while of showing them around we said we would gather up again after school but now me,pat,and silvie went to cooking class and we were Making "CHICKEN?!?" I groaned "well you will work in a group of two or three" she said hold up a two and switching it off to make it three she smiled me,pat and silvie where obviously a group. Pat got out the ingredients "Paul can you chop up the garlic" "what's the garlic for?" "More flavor my mom and I cook chicken like that all the time and it's delicious" I nodded and grabbed it and silvie heated up the pan and got out garlic salt,regular salt,pepper and some other seasonings. Pat washed his hand as he added the seasonings.  "Ok I'm done I'm surprised I didn't cut off my hand though" I laugh Pat smiled "could you hand me the knife?" I nodded and gave him the knife . He cut a cross on the chicken and added the garlic in the cuts it looked good even though it was raw he sprayed oil on the pan "why are you added oil he doesn't need oil does it?" "Well no but if you add alittle oil it will not stick and after the oil makes the chicken have favor and I don't know how to explain it but trust me" silvie got the plate out and the silverware I got behind Pat and wrapped my arms around his waist as I played my head on his shoulder's and watched him cook I nuzzled my face on pat's neck .

Pat's pov

Feeling him nuzzle into my neck I blushed and I kept keeping an eye on the chicken.a after the chicken was done I sliced it up and put it on the plate and put it on the table where the teacher jugdes our food after she tested all of the classes food she called us out as the winner. Since she can't eat all of it because she need to have a empty stomach for the other classes the class get to slit up the remains and I know it sounds like we get left overs but it's still a clean plate . We have the portion she didn't eat on a separate plate "Mmmmm your so right and it taste so good with the lemon" he kept rubbing the chicken on the plate to get the extra juice " now I know to be your partner" silvie said as she shoved chicken down her throat. After school we met up with edd and his friends "hey let's go to Starbucks" I suggested the rest agreed and we walked to Starbucks and sat at a booth. The waiter came over "hello boys can I help you?" I nodded and we all told her our order. She walked off . Pumpkin spice Lotte here I come Silvie said rubbing her hands together.

Paul pov

Me and pat didn't really know these stranger so we tried not to show them we where together. I put one arm under the table and held his hand . I was pretty obvious though. I don't think they really cared much . Tord and Tom where arguing when Tord pushed Tom of the seat "ha ha ha" "holy crap" edd looked at Tom wierd "holy bug in a pizza box" Tom said smiling trying to get Edd's approval . Edd still gave him the look and Tom just decided to give up and sat back on the booth. The lady came back with our oder "I have never tried coffee before" I said "just try it you might like it here have some of mine since you didn't get a drink" Pat gave me his to try. He had a a regular coffee but with some Carmel  "thanks" I drank some "..." "Uh is everything ok Paul?" I screamed so loud everyone in the shop heard "HOLY SHIT THIS IS GOOD!!!" everyone stared at me. "Oops heh" I leaned back so they couldn't see me behind Pat and I tugged on his sweater and hid parshly in his hoodie. He laughed. Edd laughed to then he played the song discord I heard the song playing and I started singing it and edd did to. (Play da song) me and edd laughed. I heard people clapping i may have sang it to loud. Pat started clapping. I smiled. After that we left. "Ok see you guys tomorrow" Pat said as me and pat walked with silvie to the store to get my new backpack. As soon as we got to Walmart I ran around. Pat was kinda slow so he grabbed my hand. Usually he grabbed my hand to signal I was going to fast. So I slowed down and I saw a backpack and I grabbed it it was half pink and half yellow I smirked and looked at Pat "hehe" look what I found. I showed him.

Pat's pov

Paul was smirking I don't know why he was showing me a yellow and pink OHHHHHHH-HHHHHHHHHHH. "OHH" "should I get it?" He asked "yeah if you want it how much" he looked at the tag "16 dollar's and 99 cents"  "ok how much you got" "45$" . I nodded and we payed for him he put his school items in the new backpack and threw away the old one. When we got home Paul put his back pack down then Paul shoved me on the couch. And hovered over me. "P-paul" my face started getting red.  He slides him hands up my shirt and rubs my chest while he nuzzles into my neck. I let a moan slip out. He started rubbing my chest and my back. We heard a knock but Paul kept going. Silvie went with us but she didn't come inside so I thought she slowed down and we didn't notice so I said  "COME IN
S-SILVIE" she doesn't mind if we made out I don't even think she would care if we had sex~ so I let her come in. When she came in it was a shadow on it didn't look like her shadow it was a dress.. mom Wasn't wearing a dress so who was this person. I turned around sharply "Lilly!?!" It was my dear sister I ran up to her and hugged her trying to cover the fact I was making out with the same gender "were you having fun?" My face turned a deep red "LILLY I SWEAR IT WASN'T WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE" "you were making out with that boy" "i-i.." "don't worry bro I don't care if your a gay ass bitch " I managed a smile and she smiled back and sat next to Paul and shaked him hand "nice to meet you patryk slayer" "LILLY SHUT UP!!"  Paul chuckled and shaked her hand. I let out a squeal. And I sat next to paul. "So why are you here?" "Didn't mom tell you? Dad died"

I fucking found it

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