bruised friends

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Wassup my geeks and peeps :') the song is for you to play anytime cuz everyone needs music to listen to poor Paul getting wiped by him mum so sad Le cri .no one's pov

Next morning Paul woke up he did his usual routine brush his hair,wash his face,brush his teeth. His mum was downstairs and he didn't feel like seeing her so he walked downstairs and did his best to avoid her Paul walked out the door and started heading to school earlier he took some of his mums make up and used it to cover his face his face looked flaky on one side. When Paul got to school Pat ran up to Paul and kissed him .Paul tried to cover his face but Pat noticed ."Paul are you ok?'' Pat asked "I'm fine perfectly fine.." Paul said he sighs and started walking away. Pat grabs his hand "Paul!" Paul looked at Pat and frowned Pat took Paul into the bathroom and washed his face and he could see his bruised and cuts Pat put one hand on Paul's cheek while Pat started to cry "what happened?!?" .Paul didn't want to answer ."TELL ME! PAUL! STOP LYING TO ME AND TELL ME!!" Pat was serious. Paul cried and pat stop he felt bad and hugged Paul "I'm so sorry! My mom hit me with a belt because she got the note when I drew sin... luckily she didn't know it was us.." Paul felt low. "Why didn't you tell me...?" Pat said ."I didn't want you to worry I wanted to deal with it alone.." Paul said weakly. "your not alone your never alone I'll always be here for you" Pat smiled and Paul he felt better just looking at Pat. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you" Paul said ."it's ok" Pat said then French kissed Paul (licked Paul's tongue that's French kissing if you didn't read the chapter before dis) yuu walked in the bathroom and saw this yuu had a crush on pat and he didn't like this so yuu came over and punched Paul . Paul's nose bleed. Pat gasped but Paul punch right back and they started to fight
Pat tried to break it up but they both pushed pat aside ."WTH MAN" Paul said he kicked yuu in the stomach now yuu is rather small but quick yuu moved just in time and yuu grabs Paul's leggy and pulled it and Paul slipped and fell and hit his head .Pat ran over to yuu and pushed him out of the bathroom "PAUL!" Pat grabs a paper towel and Cleaned his nose and helped Paul up "would you like to go to the office?" Pat asked concerned "N-no it's fine" Pat hugs paul "your so brave paul". "Oh it's was nothing" Paul said blushing from being admired by Pat. Pat smiled "cutie" Pat said and walked out with paul Pat blowed a kiss to Paul,Paul blushed and followed patryk.

(Paul pov)

I love that pat will always be by my side I love how he is so nice to me I love everything about him I keep repeating this in my mind while looking into pats eyes I leaned up against Pat . Pat blushed and wrapped his arms around me. I felt our hearts connect . But the bell rang and this time we had separate classes so we waved and left. Pat went to drama and I went to photography class . There was a girl in photography i saw her get pushed to the table and she broke the glass from the camera it was sad so I walked over and gave her mine "here" I said she turned around "please dont hurt me.." she said I said it again while handing her my cam "here take it" she looked at it and smiled "thanks" me and her talked for a while she was cool I couldn't wait till Pat met her. She was like me getting bullied and I wanted to do the same thing Pat did. help her ... After class me and her talked a bit more and i got to know her

(Pats pov)

I was looking for ever for Paul but I couldn't see him till I heard a laugh it sounded like his so I walked over and there he was with a girl I was kinda jealous but I kept my cool and walked over to them "hey paul" I kissed him on the cheek to show her that he was mine,only mine. Paul blushed "hey Pat I wanted you to meet Silvie she was like me she was getting bullied so I did like what you did and helped her she is pretty cool. And Silvie this is pat my boyfriend" he sounded kinda nervous she walked over and shook my hand "oh my god that's cool you two make a good couple your both cute together .and hi Pat your boyfriend is a cool dude and I can't wait to get to know you both " she smiled maybe she wasn't going to be a problem I smiled too "I'm glad I met you guys and don't worry I won't be a problem in your relationship because guess what I'm gay too well lesbian" she got on one knee and did jazz hands I sighed of relief in my head "that's so cool" I said "we are now the three Musketeers" Paul said me and silvie gave him the 'really' look and we all laughed.we got to know each other and we have all of the same classes other then what she has with Paul. Later one I was walking the halls with silvie and paul we were talking talking about what happened in the closet. Silvie laugh her head off. "Omg you licked a knife" she was Laughing and Paul was there just like "why must you do this to me patryk I was drunk I still dont even know what I did I didn't remember anything" haha poor Paul he was blushing so hard of embarrassment and me and silvie were laughing. Me and silvie high fived, Paul looked triggered so I kissed him on the cheek "pussy" I said to him Paul laughed and shoved me
"Am not 😂" ."so you guys want to come over to my house after school" Paul said I agreed "sure I mean my parents don't give a fuck about my lazy ol' ass" silvie said . After school we started walking to Paul's house and when we got there uhhhhhh- let's just say we where kissing,alot, aggressively. Paul started it silvie didn't seem to mind at all she was Laughing the whole time actually. Me and Paul were panting "Oh god" I said laughing "right Infront of silvie you had to start that Paul😂" Paul laughed and silvie did too "you know you like it" Paul Snickered "omg you two are really gãy that's hilarious" silvie said .Paul got closer "I can be gay-er" I didn't know what he was thinking about doing but I know he was about to strike like a predator getting its pray "oh god yes!" silvie said . Paul put his hand up my shirt and French kissed me I was blushing i almost fell off the couch but I couldn't resist I put my hands on Paul's face and started French kissing him back. I'm not innocent anymore :'). Silvie she fückin took a picture Jesus Christ she laughed "Look what I got" she showed us I blushed Paul was sitting down and I was sitting down on his lap my legs opened Paul licking my tongue and me licking his. God it was porn I think I have never seen porn. "Send that too me" Paul said I slapped him "Paul?!?" .."OMG IM SO SORRY I FORGOT THAT YOU HAD A BRUISE- IM SO SORRY- I DIDNT MEAN TO-" Paul smiled "it's ok" I smiled though I felt guilty.. I fell asleep we all fell asleep then Paul's mom came in. She acted like nothing was wrong she acted nice to Paul to hide what she did to him she was dead to me..well of course she did make the man on my life or teen life anyways. "Aww looks like my precious baby has his friends over" she gave him the look signalling don't you dare talk .she didn't notice I was giving her the death stare she should go to hēll and pay for her sins. "" silvie gave her a dirty look too but she didn't seem to notice .after a while me and silvie left I was worried about Paul though...

Paul pov

I was worried but I sat back on the couch "..." All I said which wasn't even a word... "Go to your room." I did as I was told I locked the door I was scared .

Paul's mom POV (real name Mia)

I walked around but I saw a glare I walked to it I moved some old toys from when Paul was younger "wow I haven't seen these in forever I wonder if they work" I walked into my room then into my extra room where I had security that's why I need to work more . the money I had was stolen along with my husband's life we lost everything so that's why I have to work ... I don't know why I'm still working I could have a normal job and make enough for myself Paul ugh he is such a pain . I turned on the camera's and I turned it back alittle and I won't believe what I saw "...what a filthy creature...." It was when Paul and pat were in the closet... "PAUL!!!!!!!!!" I said .it could be heard by a mile away .Paul ran over "Yes mom!" ."WHAT IS THIS" I grabbed his arm and pushed him into the room and Paul saw everything "MOM I DIDN'T-" I slapped him and I got the belt "YOU STUPID MOTHER FUCKING KID HOW DARE YOU . HOW DARE YOU SIN THAT BOY YOU ARE NOT ALOUD TO SEE HIM EVER AGAIN. YOU THINK GOD WILL FORGIVE YOU NO! ITS A SIN TO LIKE THE SAME GENDER YOU WILL BURN IN HELL I TELL YOU" Paul burst into tears "MOM I LOVE HIM" Paul said tearing up I gave him one more slap I got the belt and started hitting him with it. That faggøt ..

OoooOooOo what will happen next will Paul obey his mom or will Paul secretly keep seeing Pat will Paul's mom tell pats mom what will happen .I'm exited to continue this :')

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