Lazarus and the King

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There was once a king, he had a house full of food, all day he would he would eat

There were high walls around his house, to keep all out, except his friends from town

His singers sang, his cupbearer brought his wine, the king didn't want for anything

One day passing through his gate, Lazarus was needy and asked, "Sir could you give me the scraps off your plate"

The king kept walking by, he murmered and chuckled, until he had sore sides

It went on just like that, the greedy king never gave in, Lazarus just got laughed at

One day Lazarus was no longer there, as the king passed through his gate, he just said "whats fair is fair"

The king went on living his life, merrily hoarding and goarding, singing, dancing, and drinking his wine

Til one day he met his fate, he found himself, standing at hells gate

He looked across the great pass, saw Lazarus in Heaven, standing beside Abraham

It was then; for the first time, the king hit his knees, he began to beg and cry

Please! Please give me some water, even just a taste on my tongue, I'm getting hotter and hotter

I cant do that Abraham said, you had your chance in life, you lived it the way you did

Please! send someone to warn my family, the king asked Abraham, dont want them to feel this sting

The king was on his knees, hands clasped in the air, begging send Lazarus Please! Please!

Abraham said, "they wouldn't believe us, if they don't believe the living, surely wouldn't believe Lazarus"

So, the king spent an eternity in hell, cause he spent his life as if it were an eternity, now he has an eternity to regret everything in hell

** Jesus said, "the way you treat the least of these, the way you have treated me" (paraphrased)

By: Dale Griggs

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