Chapter 8: Strength and Family

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After changing into some simple clothes for the day, Ben and Mal made their way back to the dining room for breakfast. As she walked, Mal could feel how sore she was now. Ben did what she asked him to, and more. She probably wasn't going to walk right for a week. She smiled. Ben really knew how to give her what she craved. That was something she also loved about him; he cared about what she wanted. Her mother never did. It was a wonderful feeling to have someone that was willing to listen to what she really wanted. However, this relationship wasn't a one way street. She cared about what Ben wanted too, but she wondered why he never really talked about what he actually wished for. She knew he desired her, but that was about it. Mal made a mental note to ask him about it.

When they got to the dining room doors, Mal froze. The images of last night replayed in her mind. She could still hear the whooshing sound of the knife as it whizzed past her. The image of it flying toward her in slow motion was ingrained into her brain. She remembered how her body shook violently as it flew toward her. Her heart began to beat rapidly, but her body stood still, as if it was a statue. She clenched her fists, tension building up within her. She squeezed her eyes shut, willing away the bad thoughts. She jumped suddenly when Ben had put his hand on her back, trying to bring her out of her own head. She looked at him with nervous eyes, fear highly apparent within them. He pulled her to him, hoping to bring her out of her fear induced reaction to the dining room. He could feel her shaking in his arms. He whispered to her that she was ok and that he was right there.

"We don't have to go in there if you don't want to," he breathed into her hair.

"Are you sure?" she asked nervously,"we do have to eat."

"I can have someone bring breakfast to us. I'd rather do that than make you go back in there. That is the last thing you need right now."

She looked up at him to see him staring back at her with loving eyes. In a moment of weakness he didn't hesitate to comfort her. He could have just told her to get over it, but that isn't how he is. He cared about her. He would do anything to prevent her from having any kind of pain. She was so thankful for that. She stood up on her toes and kissed him, appreciating him just being there for her. He kissed her back softly, hoping she was starting to calm back down. Suddenly, the door to the dining room opened, Belle and Beast stepping out. The young couple pulled back quickly, their faces blushing.

"I thought I heard you guys," said Belle not wanting to embarrass them about the kiss,"It's good to see you up and running Mal. How are you feeling?"

Truthfully, she wasn't quite sure. She had such a wonderful morning before she left the bedroom, their early morning activities putting her in a good mood, but when she arrived at the dining hall, her mood started going down hill. However, she didn't want to worry Belle any more than she probably had last night.

"I'm alright I guess," she sighed. She figured that was an in-between way of saying how she was feeling that also considered both events of the morning.

"Well, I just hope you are doing better. I was very worried about you."

"I am doing better, thank you."

"Mal," Beast said softly,"I want to sincerely apologize about the way I acted last night. It was completely uncalled for. I hope that you can forgive me."

Mal thought for a moment. Yes, he had no right to act the way he did last night, but he also didn't know that Mal would react the way she did. If he had known, maybe he wouldn't have thrown a knife at them. He may still have, but she wasn't sure. He was just so angry that she was worried he would kill her. He certainly had the resources to. However, after she had passed out, she didn't know exactly what happened. He may have tried to kill her without her even knowing. Maybe Ben protected her. Or he could have apologized right after she passed out. She really had no idea. With this in mind, she knew she couldn't even make a decision without knowing the facts. She definitely didn't want to make an important decision based on her emotions. She needed to be logical about this. Before she could open her mouth to ask what had happened after she fainted, Ben spoke up.

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