Chapter 32: Best Friends

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Wake up sweet heart!" Ben chirped loudly, standing next to a sleeping Mal.

"Ugh! But I don't wanna! Let me sleep! I like sleep!"

"I know, but I let you sleep as long as possible. The limo is going to be here in 20 minutes though. You need to get dressed and eat breakfast."

"Why didn't you wake me up sooner?" Mal exclaimed as she sat up and realized how little time she had,"I need to pack too!"

"Already done love. Like I said, I wanted you to get your sleep. You needed it, especially with what happened earlier in the week."

"I'm fine now though. I've rested plenty."

"I know, but I feel better knowing that you got a sufficient amount of rest after that ordeal."

"You're too much."

"Only because I care about you. Now come on, I picked out some clothes for you to wear. Actually, that's a lie. Evie picked them out."

"Wait, how did you get cell phone reception out here?"

"I didn't. Evie sent me a picture of what you should wear on the way home the night before my bachelor party. I laid it out on the couch along with a comfortable bra and underwear."

"You have to stop taking care of me like this. I'm not helpless," Mal said as she got up and walked over to the living room.

"I know you're not helpless, far from it in fact. I just thought I'd do something nice."

"But everything you do is nice, Ben."

"Do you not like it when I'm nice?"

"I do, but I just feel like it is unnecessary for you to go out of your way all the time like this."

"Maybe not, but I like do good things for you. You deserve it."

"I'm not sure about that," Mal mumbled under her breath as she stepped into her underwear.

"Hey, don't you say that. You deserve to have good things happen to you, Mal. I'm not going to force you to think that, but I'm going to do everything I can to put you in a place where you can. You just have to try."

"It's not that easy, Ben," Mal spoke softly as she clasped her bra behind her.

"I know," Ben replied, understanding Mal's few words. She didn't show it, but everyday is struggle. He wished she would talk about it more, but she wasn't ready to, and he wasn't going to make her. In time, maybe she'd open up more about her inner struggles, but pushing her would only make things worse. The best thing he could do was support her.

"But you being there for me certainly helps," Mal continued as she pulled on some loose purple jeans,"it means more than you know. And you do make me happy."

"And you make me the happiest man in the universe."

"I wish I knew what to say to that."

"It's okay if you don't. I just want you to know how I feel."

After that, both Ben and Mal sat in a comfortable silence as Mal finished getting dressed and ate a light breakfast. They didn't need to say anything. Their presence was enough. They were content, but they were both dreading heading back to civilization. Ben and Mal liked having their privacy for awhile. It gave them time to grow closer together, and now, they could really feel that bond. This honeymoon had done wonders for them, so they savored every last minute of it, until finally Ben spoke, something egging him in the back of his mind.

"Hey, Mal?"

"Hmm?" Mal hummed as she finished washing her dish.

"Do you think that... in time... you'd be able to open up more to me about what is going on in that head of yours? I can see when you are struggling, and I hate when there is nothing I can do about it. I'd like to know what you're going through."

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