Chapter 12: It's Okay to be Selfish

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Ben and Mal were at the dining room in record time, and it wasn't even noon yet. It had only been five minutes since Dr. Facilier's visit, but they were anxious to talk to Belle and Beast, both wanting to figure out a way to get rid of him as soon as possible. They wanted to be sure that he wouldn't put anyone in harms way. Mal was mostly concerned about saving Ben, but she still cared for Auradon too. However, he meant more to her. If she had to choose between him and the kingdom, she'd choose him even though she knew he wouldn't want that. He'd want to save everyone else. He is the kind of person who'd sacrifice himself for the greater good, but she just couldn't lose him. She knew how wrong it would be, but she didn't think she would have to the strength to let him go. Not wanting to have to face this dilemma at all, she and Ben burst through the dining room doors, their faces bright red from stress and their breathing heavy from running so fast.

"What is going on with you two?" Belle asked,"are you guys alright? You're burning up."

"," Mal started to pant, but she needed a moment to catch her breath.

"Breathe, Mal, breathe. Take it easy," Belle assured her, laying a loving hand on her back. It took her a minute but she finally regained her breath.

"My dad came and visited us," she sighed.

"What?" Belle asked in disbelief. How could he be here?

"He literally just showed up in my room. He froze everything except for him and I. Even time stopped. I had no idea how he did that."

"What did he want from you?" Beast asked, a look of concern on his face.

"He said he was going to force me to watch him torture and kill Ben. He hates him more than he has ever hated anyone before. He also said he was planning on taking over Auradon. I don't know more than that because I never let him tell me any more. I didn't want to hear it. I should have let him talk, but I was just so angry with him."

"You don't need to blame yourself for anything," Belle assured her,"I'd be angry with him too if he threatened the people I love and my kingdom. There is no need for you two to be so worked up about all of this. You didn't need to race down here at the speed of sound to tell us this. We have ways of handling things like this. We have to confer with Fairy God Mother and her advisors. They should know what to do."

"I already told Fairy God Mother that there was a possibility that he was here," Ben sighed,"I haven't heard back from her."

"You never told me that," Mal noted.

"I know and I'm sorry. I should have, but I didn't want to worry you if there was a chance that he wasn't here. I'm sorry."

"I appreciate your concern, Ben, but I'm a big girl. You should have told me. Then again, I kind of figured there was a chance that he could be here too. I should have talked to you about it as well. We are both at fault here, but that isn't the point right now. We need to figure out what to do."

"No," insisted Belle," Beast, Fairy God Mother, and I will figure out what to do. We've handled stuff like this in the past. I think we can handle him."

"But he is my father," replied Mal,"I know him better than anyone."

"I don't doubt that, but you two shouldn't have to worry about him. That isn't your job. That is ours. We are the ones who put him on the Isle, so we will put him back. You two need to focus on wedding and coronation preparations."

"But..," Mal continued, but Belle cut her off.

"I hate to sound like a buzzkill, but no buts young lady. We will handle this. If we need your help, we will let you know. Now come on, lets sit and enjoy our meal. I doubt he will do anything so soon."

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