Chapter 28: Frozen Wasteland & Hot Water

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Ben was sleeping contently when he noticed that Mal's side of the bed was empty. With his sleepy eyes still closed, his hand searched for her, but she was nowhere to be found. The soft sheets where she had slept were cold, so she obviously hadn't been there for awhile. Groggily, he sat up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Where the hell was his bride? After his blurred vision cleared, he saw her. Mal was standing in front of the wall of windows that took up one entire side of the bedroom, clothed only in Ben's dress shirt, which barely covered her butt. She was watching the way the sun's rays blanketed the soft snowy mountains in colorful bright light. The sky looked as if it was painted by fire, sparse smoky clouds floating high in the atmosphere. The vivid colors made her skin glow. Mal beneath the sun's beams, clad in only his shirt, was one of the most beautiful things Ben had ever seen. It took his breath away. The things this woman did to him, even when she did nothing, and the way she made him feel, just blew his mind. He smiled to himself, locking this intimate moment in his mind. He would never forget this image.

"Why are you standing over there?" Ben asked quietly after a few moments. Mal turned around, startled. She had been in deep thought for hours now, so snapping out of it made her heart race a bit. It took her a moment, but she relaxed as she began to study Ben's handsome face.

"Just thinking," Mal breathed, crossing her arms.

"About what?"

"Ummmm... would it be weird if I said us?"

"No, not at all. What's going on?"

"I just... I just... ugh... this is hard to say..." Mal babbled as she looked down at her feet. She just couldn't make eye contact with him right now, in fear of judgement.

"It's okay, Mal, you can tell me. Take your time. I promise, I won't judge you."

"I'm just... blown away that... that we actually found each other and that we are together."

"What do you mean?"

"We might come from different worlds, and I might not be your kind of girl, but somehow we fell in love with each other," Mal answered as she looked back up at him.

"Why would you say that you're not my kind of girl?" Ben asked, slightly offended that she would think she's not right for him, especially after everything they've been through. He got up and wrapped her in his arms, wanting to hold her close. She leaned into his hard body, savoring his warmth. She didn't want to answer him because she knew he wouldn't like her response.

"We might come from different worlds," Ben whispered,"but I think that's what's so great about us. We're not a typical couple. We are practically are polar opposites, but I think that's what makes us work. We teach each other new things and make the other a better person. I know that I was lost without you, but I found myself with you. And I hope you feel the same way."

"I do, but shouldn't our differences make things more difficult for us?"

"Not necessarily. Think about it like this: each relationship is like music. Some music is popular and well liked. Some just sound utterly terrible and just doesn't work. And then there's the alternatives that have a unique quality about them that you can't find anywhere else. Mal, we're unique. We can make our own kind of music. Together, we've found a brand new sound, one that is just us, and it's beautiful. That's why we work so well. Our differences make us better. I don't really know how else to explain it."

"I love you," Mal sighed, seeing and agreeing with his point, but not knowing what else to say. She leaned back and kissed him leisurely, letting her lips tell him how she felt about his words. The kiss soon turned heated and passionate, much like their relationship. Ben turned Mal around and picked her up by her butt, pressing her against the cold glass window. She wrapped her bare legs around his waist, wanting him closer. Through his thin boxers, she could feel his erection beneath her. He wanted her, badly, but he was restraining himself. Mal was a little confused, but she knew she could get him to give her what she wanted. She parted her mouth and lightly moved her tongue against Ben's bottom lip, seeking entrance. He tried to resist it, but she was so enticing. He quickly caved and allowed her to make love to his mouth. He didn't even bother fighting back. Despite his beast side, his will was pretty weak right now. Mal was irresistible when she was like this; so demanding and insistent. He loved it, but his knees, not so much. Because of the enchanting things she was doing to him with only her mouth, his knees were about to give out on him. Unfortunately, he had to set her on her feet, not wanting to drop her. He let go of her lips as he placed one hand on the glass to lean on it, completely winded. Mal looked back at him, confused on why he made her stop.

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