Chapter 30: Ben's Fantasies

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Mal woke up first, memories of yesterday flooding her mind. She smiled just thinking about how they made love in the ice cave, her skin still remembering how warm the water felt against her. She couldn't help but reminisce about how they had made love in front of the fireplace after enjoying a steaming cup of hot cocoa. And after, they had just sat there for hours, watching the fire dwindle down to smoldering embers. Once the fire was out, they discovered the sun was already setting, so they made themselves a few turkey burgers. With full bellies, they had drifted to the bed and made love another several times before falling asleep in each other's arms. Overall, it was a pretty amazing day. It was full of both adventure and romance, neither of which Mal expected to have on the same day, but she was thankful for the variety. Ben was right; she liked a bit of diversity. It almost made her laugh that he practically knew her better than she knew herself. However, laughing was sure to wake him up.

Mal looked over at her sleeping husband, a strong arm wrapped around her and a content look on his face. She looked further down and saw that the blanket had moved to where it was just draped over their hips, leaving both of them bare chested in the sunlight. She studied Ben's taut abs, watching as his chest rose and fell with each breath. He really was a sight to behold. Her gaze then drifted down to his hips, just now noticing the tent that had formed, thanks to Big Ben wanting a visit from her. She considered just climbing on top of him and waking him with some morning sex, but that idea just didn't feel quite right. Stroking him with her hand was another thought, but she had done that so many times already. Mal wanted to try something new, but what? Then it hit her.

"Whoa," Mal whispered quietly to herself,"is that something I can really do?"

She sat up, careful not to wake Ben, and rubbed her temples. Evie had told about this before, but was she really ready to do this? She pursed her lips just thinking about it. Will she even be good at it? Ben certainly was when he did it to her at the enchanted lake. Also, is this something Ben would actually like? Well, there were two ways to find out, and one included just straight up asking him, and no way did she have the guts to do that right now, so she might as well give this a shot.

Slowly, Mal maneuvered herself under the blanket until she found herself staring up at his dick. Holy shit Mal thought, realizing that from this angle, it really was Big Ben she was looking at, big being the operative word. She took a moment to find her composure before finding the courage to lean in and kiss the head. Ben's whole body twitched at the sensation, definitely not expecting it. His eyes flew open as he quickly sat up, trying to figure out what the hell just happened. He searched for his bride before noticing that she was beneath the covers.

"Mal?" Ben asked hesitantly, wondering what she was doing down there, but she didn't respond. Instead Mal placed the tip of her tongue at the base of his penis and lightly ran along the underside until she reached the tip.

"Holy f*ck!" Ben cried as he catapulted backward into the pillows behind him, so overwhelmed by one simple touch. Evie had told her the underside was one of the most sensitive parts of a man's body, but Mal had no idea it would cause him to react like this. She realized that she had the power to please him now, and she loved it. Not wanting to disappoint, she used her tongue in the same way again.

"Gosh dammit Mal!" Ben exclaimed, his whole body convulsing above her. He was loving this, despite the fact she was teasing him. Hesitantly, she wrapped her lips around the head and took him in her mouth, but only went down a few inches, but that was enough to make Ben's hips jerk upward, nearly gagging her. She let go and coughed before throwing the covers off of her, a deadly stare in her eyes.

"Do that again, I dare you," Mal said calmly but sternly. Clearly, she was not happy about it, an angry fire glinting in her eyes. Her composure was solid, but anyone could tell that she was slowly simmering with vexation. Ben gulped. She was trying to do something nice for him and he nearly ruined it. No way was he going to do that again, in fear of what she might do to him. For all he knew, she might bite, or worse. He didn't even want to think about what consequences could arise.

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