Chapter 25: Parents

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After throwing their clothes back on, Ben and Mal raced back to the castle, not wanting to make Evie wait too much longer. Ben tried to avoid shivering a bit, his button up shirt actually buttonless now, thanks to Mal's eagerness earlier that evening. She had ripped his shirt open, so now that he was driving back on his moped, his chest was bare and cold, although Mal certainly didn't mind that. As she wrapped her arms around him to keep her on the moped, she allowed her hands to feel ever inch of uncovered skin. She kept her grip tight around his abs, loving how well sculpted they were. She began to kiss the back of Ben's neck, making it difficult of him to focus on his driving. With all his might, he concentrated on the road, trying desperately to ignore Mal's lips on his sensitive skin and blocking out how his shirt was flapping in the wind on each side of him. It was all a tease for him, so it made him a lot more excited than he needed to be right now, even after what they had just done. Mal was intoxicating. Ben sighed in relief when they finally arrived back at the castle. He and Mal then ran to his room and quickly changed back into their wedding clothes, fixing themselves up so that no one could tell what they had been up to. Once they were set, they hurried back down to the garden. They were thankful to find that no one had even noticed they had gone missing. Evie came up to them, a smirk plastered on her face.

"Did you two have fun?" Evie giggled.

"As a matter of fact, we did," Mal answered, trying not to let her best friend's teasing get to her,"anyway, thank you for covering for us. We really appreciate it."

"You are welcome. I'm just glad you two got back in time for dinner."

"How long have we been gone?" Ben asked, not quite sure what time it was.

"Well, you two left around six or so, and now it is about 7:30, so about an hour and a half. Anyway, I was about to announce dinner, with or without you. People are already lining up, so why don't you guys go ahead and get in line?"

"Actually, Mal, why don't you go ahead and sit down. I'll bring you some food," said Ben.

"I am perfectly capable of getting my own food," Mal insisted.

"I know you are," Ben laughed,"I'm just trying to be a gentleman. I don't want you to be standing too long in those heels. It'll hurt your feet."

Ben then leaned in close to her and whispered into her ear,"and if you have trouble walking, I want it to because of the fun we're going to be having soon and not because of those sexy shoes."

Mal blushed, knowing exactly what he was implying. This honeymoon was going to be fun, no matter where they went.

"Well, when you put it that way," Mal breathed,"I appreciate it then, thank you Ben."

"No problem. Now go take a seat. I'll be back soon. I love you," Ben smiled.

"I love you too, thank you Ben," Mal replied as she kissed him on the cheek and made her way to her seat.

"So, did you two enjoy your little getaway?" a familiar voice asked, making Mal jump. She turned around to see Belle sitting next to her.

"What little get away?" Mal lied, feigning innocence.

"You two were gone for at least an hour and half, and there is only one reason why you two would be gone that long."

"Is it that obvious?" Mal blushed.

"Only to Evie and I," Belle laughed,"It is written all over your face, Mal. If people weren't drunk, they'd notice. You have a classic 'I just had sex face."

"Crap. Do you think the bridal party or Adam will notice?"

"Probably not, as long as you keep your distance. You need to learn how to hide what you two do."

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