You're Leaving Me Too?

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Daryl had shown up shortly after the others left. 

Daryl brought a boy named Noah who said that he knew where Beth and Carol was. 

It was nice to see Daryl again. 

I was feeling a little better now but I had a hole in my heart. 

I wanted Maggie and Glenn. I can't believe that they left me! I hate them!




I don't hate them. 

I could never hate them. 

I missed them, I wanted them. 

I wanted Maggie to cuddle me and Glenn to tickle me until I hurt. 

"Andrew?" Daryl places a hand on my shoulder and I jump. 

"Daryl." I hold my arms up to him and despite him hating contact, I must have looked pretty ill for him to let out a sigh, scratch his head and then pick me up. 

I can't help but pop my thumb into my mouth. Glenn had told me to stop doing it, that I could get sick but it was my best friend during my longs nights in a dark closet. It brought me comfort. 

I watch as Rick gets suited up. Tyreese, Sasha and Noah following suit. 

"Are you going?" Comes a muffled question from my mouth. 

"Yeah." Daryl nods, shifting me into one arm so that he can pack too. 

"Am I?" I ask. 

"Hells no." Daryl laughs. "You's stayin' here with Carl, Michonne, Lil' Asskicker and that preacher guy." 

I let out a sigh, laying my head onto his leather vest while I wait for him to leave me too. 

"Andrea?" I hiccup, pressing the phone closer to my ear

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"Andrea?" I hiccup, pressing the phone closer to my ear. 

"Hey buddy." Andrea's voice greets from the other side of the phone. 

"Please come home." I sob. 

"Andy?" Andrea's voice was concerned. "What's wrong?" 

"It hurts." I whisper. 

"What hurts?" Andrea questioned. 

"...Pa hit me." I cry. 

"What?!" Andrea shrieked. 

"I want you to come home." I sniffle. 

"Okay. I'm coming home." I could hear Andrea stand and collect her things. "I'll be home soon." 

"Okay." I rub my red cheek. "I love you." 

"I love you so much, Andrew." Andrea tells me. "I'll be home very soon. I promise." 

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