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It's late at night, Negan is back at the Sanctuary with two guards just outside the door. 

The window to the room opens and I'm looking through the dark to see a figure swing their leg into the room and clamber over and into the room. 

They're dwarfed in a large coat and they have a large brimmed baseball cap pulled down low over their face. 

I'm too tired to do much but I'm ready to yell for the guards at the first sign of trouble. 

My heart skips a beat as they near, boots barely tapping the tiles of the infirmary floor. 

"Hey Ducky," They greet me. 

My heart skips a beat as I recognize the voice. 

"Ma?" My cheek burns from the infection and antibiotics. 

She reaches up to pull the hat from her head and shake out her shaggy hair. 

"Ma!" I try to keep my voice down as I reach up towards her and she quickly closes the space between us. 

It has been so long since I had seen her and I was elated to see that she was not dead. 

Maggie wraps me in a tight hug and I can feel her baby bump press against me. 

She peppers my face with kisses, her fingers slowly stroking my face and pushing my hair out of my face. 

I don't want to let her go. She smells like home and she's warm and I've missed this so much. 

I don't realize that I'm crying until Maggie brushes the tears off of my face with her thumbs before the salt burns my wound. 

"I've missed you," I croak. 

Maggie moves forward and wraps her arms behind my back and under my legs, moving to sit on the bed and pull me into her lap like when I was younger. 

I recognize the coat she's wearing as one of Glenn's old ones. He used to wear it in the winter because it matched his baseball hat. 

It smells like Glenn and it makes me want to cry again. 

"I've missed you so, so much Andrew," Maggie mumbles, gently stroking my hair. 

"Negan told me you died," I mumble. "I was really sad." 

"Carl came and told me," Maggie mumbles with pain in her face. She's holding back tears from slipping down. "Why don't you want to stay here?" 

"I do want to stay here," I counter her. "But some boys at the Sanctuary adopted me into their family and I can't leave them behind." 

Maggie gives me a soft smile. "Of course. Only you, Ducky." 

"I've done bad things, Ma," I whisper. 

"That doesn't make you bad," Maggie promises. 

"I killed people," I add. "A lot of people." 

Maggie cups my face, careful of my cheek, and guides me to look up at her. "I could never love you any less for anything that you do. We all do things that we're not proud of to survive." 

I finally bring up the matter I had been worried about for a long time. "You still love me?" 

"I love you so much, Ducky," Maggie whispers, pressing a kiss to the crown of my head. 

Enid pops up in the window frame. "The guards are coming in to check on him with the doctor soon." 

Maggie lets out a sigh and reaches into her pocket. 

"This is for you," Maggie pulls out a piece of string from her pocket. "You carry the shoelace from Andrea on your wrist." 

Maggie's finger trails over the faded and bloodied blue shoelace tied on my wrist that was fraying. "This is a shoelace from Glenn." 

The shoelace is black and thin and is crusted on one end from congealed blood. My wrist is tiny enough that Maggie can wrap it around my wrist twice before tying it off. 

It sits right next to Andrea's. 

"I have to go," Maggie informs me. "I don't know if I'll get another chance to see you before you go. If you can, try to see the graveyard. Glenn and Abraham are buried with green balloons." 

"I love you," I tell her again because I can't remember the last time I told Glenn that before he was gone. 

"I love you too. More than you'll ever know," Maggie presses a kiss to my forehead before she shifts me back to the bed and stands, helping me lay down and pulls the blanket back over me and pulls her cap back onto her head. 

She manages to make it out the window right before the doors open and Dr. Carson enters to check my face. 

"You've been crying. Are you in pain?" He questioned, eyes flickering to the guard. 

"Yeah," I was in pain. Emotional pain. 

Dr. Carson gives me more pain medication and another dose of antibiotics. 

"Boss wants to talk to you," One of the guards lumbers up and holds out his walkie. 

Negan asks me about my recovery and tells me to get back on my feet soon because he needs Little Negan. 

I hate that I start to doubt my choice to leave. 

Sorry for the short chapter. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2019 ⏰

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