Little Wonders

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I was confused when Dwight came to the room and told me that Negan wanted to spend the day with me. 

After Peter found out that Dwight saw me in the closet, he'd taken to just locking me in the room. 

So I unlock the door and look up at Dwight with tired eyes. 

I had gotten no sleep last night. My back was aching and my neck sore. 

"You look like shit." Dwight comments. 

"Back at you." I grunt as I exit the room. 

"Where are your shoes?" Dwight looks down at my bare feet. 

Gianna took them. I couldn't run very far without shoes. If I stepped on something, I'd slow down. 

"Lost 'em." I shrug. 

Dwight looks at me weirdly before taking me down the hallway. 

I follow him when I do end up stepping on something sharp. 

I just let out a grunt of pain as I stop walking and look down at the tiny pool of blood that steadily grows under my foot. 

"Andrew?" Dwight turns around. "Shit."

He kneels, grabbing my ankle and gently pulling my foot up. 

I wobble and place my hands onto his shoulder to steady myself. 

"Of course you had to step on broken glass." Dwight sighed. "We should get you to an infirmary." 

"No!" I didn't mean to shout but ice flowed through my veins. If Peter or Gianna caught wind that I went to the infirmary... 

Dwight looked startled at my outburst but didn't comment on it. "Okay. No infirmary. I may be able to remove it myself." 

His fingers reach down and prod at the wound. 

I didn't make a noise. 

I could feel his fingernails slip under the slit and grip onto the slippery piece of glass. 

He pulls it out after a few tries and tosses the bloody piece of glass away. 

Blood steadily drips from the wound but I watch it with a morbid curiosity. 

I jump when Dwight scoops me over his shoulder and continues on down the hallway like nothing. 

Daryl used to do this to me. He'd scoop me over his shoulder, dangling me upside down and swing me from side to side. 

He finds a first aid kid plastered to a wall for workers that injure themselves. 

There was a sheet next to it to sign what you took. 

He signs his name, not mine and grabs a bandage and a piece of gauze from the kit. 

He places the gauze on my foot and wraps the bandage around it. 

"That's the best I can do. If you notice pain, it turn purple or black or if your toes fall off, go see the doctor." Dwight declares. 

I nod and stand. 

"Don't that hurt?" Dwight questioned as I walk a little ahead of him down the hallway. "Walking on that?" 

I debate the answer in my head. Yeah, it hurt but I've had way worse. If I was six, I would of cried my eyes out, believing I was dying. So I lie. 


Dwight eyes me but he doesn't call me out on my lie. 

We continue down to go see Negan. I limp a little but try my best not too. 

We pass by the workers and I catch Gianna's eye. 

I'm in for it when I get back. 

The end of the world changes people, huh. Gianna was supposed to love me. She gave birth to me. Kinda raised me. Bought my medication so I wouldn't die. I had never been afraid of her before. I looked to her as my hero when should would open the closet and wrap me in a warm towel. 

I guess she really did die and this soulless monster inhabited her body. 

Mama was dead. Pa only changed. This world made him harder, crueler. 

It did that to a lot of people though. 

It has to me. 

I sometimes think about the world, what it would be like. 

I think about what movies would of come out. The songs. The television shows. The trends. I think about if I would of gone to school. The medical advancements for Fibromyalgia. 

I think about how they could of made me look normal again. They could use plastic surgery to make my face not fucked up. 

I think about living with Andrea long after she's graduated college. She's a lawyer and I go to school. We live in a small cozy apartment in a good part of Atlanta and Amy would come and visit. 

Then I wonder if I would of ever of seen or met anyone in the group. 

Would Carl of gone to the same school as me? Would Lori still be alive after giving birth to Judith? Would Rick still be a sheriff and Glenn a pizza delivery boy? 

Would Carol be different, living with Ed and Sophia? 

I couldn't answer those questions. Those scenarios would never happen. 

Andrea and Amy were dead. Lori's dead. Rick is a leader and Glenn is married with a baby on the way. Ed and Sophia are dead. 

But it doesn't hurt to ponder. 

So when I'm locked in the closet overnight, I like to close my eyes and imagine the world. 

I don't realize Dwight stops until I bump into him, shaking me out of my daydream. 

He kneels on one knee, jerking my shirt which caused me to fall onto one knee too. 

I was confused until I heard whistling down the hallway. 

A large figure rounds the corner, merrily swinging a baseball bat around. 


"Hey'ya kiddo!" Negan greets me with a grin. "I thought it was about time that I introduce you to Sanctuary, the Negan way!"

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