Chapter 1

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The first time I saw your soulless eyes my world faded away. In a nightmare that seemed like a dream you were there waiting for me. Did you know that I was all alone and life had left me bare. Now you are stuck with me and you can't leave me here. I don't care what you do with me, make me your slave and Pet. Just pleas don't end this nightmare I don't want to be awake yet. A world with out you is just to cruel, I'd rather live in Hell with you than in Heaven without you.

Pic of Leocadia


"NO NO, PLEAS DON'T, JUST LET ME GO, PLEASSS..." a man screamed in the distance he was begging for his life, but no one could hear him, no one, but me and the beast that was soon going to make him its meal.

I was in a basement, but it looked more like an old dungeon were they would keep prisoners before their execution. the walls were made of stone that was stained with blood and mold it had large cracks and dint's were it looked like something had used it far to many times for a punching bag. the floor's were just as bad with long terrifying claw marks the size of 2 bears, it also was drowned in blood with bones and peaces of flesh thrown around as if the creature was trying to decorate its torture chamber with it and the smell was so harried I could barely breathe.

I started to walk in the direction of the man's screams for some reason, even though I should have been terrified by this place and scared as hell; because, of the beast that I was shore would devour me. The closer I got to the sound the worst the scenery down here got, but oddly the more I felt safe. It was as if something was drawing me to come closer and I was unable to break this spell and I didn't want to.

As I turned around the last corner of this seemingly never ending basement, I became struck into submission by the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. she had long midnight colored hair the shade of darkness, it was so black that it seemed unreal and it dragged on the floor like a black wedding veil. she was tall, so very tall I would say about 6 feet 7 inches tall towering over my own 5 feet 9 height. her body was slim, but you could see that she had muscle. her legs were long and went on for ever, as my eyes traveled back up her body it stopped on her round and generous breast they looked so soft and inviting and I knew that they had to be at least a cup D.

I kept going up her body with my eyes being awed at every little detail,her lovely pale skin that was the shade of light cream but still did not make her look ghostly at all just more alluring, her jaw, her chin, her defined cheekbones, her plump pink lips that made me just want her to ravish my own lips, her beautifully sculpted noise, and finally the most striking and captivating thing about her, her eyes that were as dark if not darker then her hair the color of black coal, but behind those eyes there was a raging fire that was stifled by indifference.  

She looked at me, straight at me as if she was seeing through me, in to me, passed who I was, but into who I could be. she stared for a moment her claws covered in blood that dripped to the floor.  she raised one eyebrow up and reached out her bloody claw as if to touch me. I closed my eyes and waited for the feel of her bloody claw, but it never came. when I opened my eyes she was right their so close yet so far away. she looked at me with hate yet curiosity.

"What are you doing here!" her voice was strong and alluring as if she was singing a melody and not actually speaking. I understood at that moment what kind of creature she was, her beauty was apart of her trap. everything about her was explicitly crafted and perfected to be a dangerous predator, that neither men nor women could resist the temptation that she provided. even as I began to realize what kind of a demon she was I had no fear nor disgust all I could feel was love the type of love that could ruin you, make you obsessed, drown you and yet make you feel for the first time truly alive.

"I... I don't know?" that's all a can say as I try to recover from the shock that is her. now that I think of it, what is going on, how did I get here and were was here? The more I tried to remember the more cloudy every thing around me became; everything, but her.

"BEEP BEEP BEEP!" I heard this loud beeping in my head and the basement slowly disappeared, but she was fading slower than everything else.

"Pleas don't go, you can't leave me" I didn't want her to disappear and desperately called out for her to stay. she looked at me and a small smirk appeared on her face one that was amused and enjoyed by my distressed.

"How could I leave you my pet after you went through so much trouble to find me." she snickered in a dark an ominous way.

"Don't worry my little bunny, this time I will find you and when I do you may wish that I never did, but by then it will be to late because you are mine and I will never let you escape." she came closer and with a gentleness that I didn't know she possessed, she kissed my lips. she then whispered in my ear.

"Wake up now little bunny" before I could ask what she meant everything went dark.

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