Chapter 4

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Love is a losing game full of hurt and pain. Can you just hold me now because I know you'll hurt me later. I don't give a damn about fluffy words and pretty gifts I knew you would be bad to me I was prepared for this. So just lie to me and tell me that it'll be alright even though I know it'll be all lies. Don't want to hear the truth don't want to see reality please sell me a bridge to drive to a fantasy.

Pic of Fan
Its 11am and all my brothers and sisters are off to their different things that they have to do the little ones to school the older ones to eather collage, work, shopping, or eather friends or their girlfriends or boyfriends house.

Me I also start my daily routine. First I go to the garden and pick some urbes, vegetables and fruits for lunch and dinner. I love our garden we grow and raise every thing we eat and what we dont have we traide with other peopel who have either Farms or just little Gardens. We also make things like lotion, perfume and candles.

After I get everything on mom's list its 5pm and I drop it off in the kitchen. I then go to my favorite spot, its a big oak tree, my father said that its been here for over a thousand years he would know because he's almost two thousand.

Under my Tree there is a swing that my father made for me a long time ago I had just turned fifty and it was my birthday gift he said he knew how much I loved this spot.

In my house every one knows not to come hear will every one but by little sister Jerina she is 81 but looks like she's 15 she has alwasy had a week body and is sickly most of the time so she doesn't really leave the house or the property mom and dad are very protective of her we all are.

She is the only person that I dont mind being here. Unlike me and my twin who has a Demond mother she is actually Mom and Dad's first born. She looks just like mom and she eveb has the same dark hair.

They say that she has the body of her human mother but the power of her demon father this is why she's always so sick her body just take all that power. What that means is that the part of her that is a demon it's slowly trying to kill the part of her that is human which in the end is going to result in her death.

She's never sad about it though and she always has a smile on her face even though she knows one day she'll die we try not to bring it up and we live everyday like she's going to be with us forever.

My ears start to twitch letting me know that someone was calling me. My dad is a white wolf demon so we have better hearing. I also have wolf ears like one of those creatures in anime called Neko, but if you call us cat's you will get hurt.

"Leocadia I know you can hear me pleas come talk to me" I tense up when I hear the voice of someone that I was really close to.

"What are you doing hear you are not supposed to be on our property if my father finds out he'll kill you" I talk in a rapid pace with a shaky voice.

I can't believe that she came here, what could she want? She knows that my dad would not hesitate to kill her on sight.

" Don't be like that Leocadia, I love you I had to see you again I can't get you out of my mind you are my everything I know I hurt you but I believe we can work past this and be like we used to be"

Demons Don't Deserve Love (GirlXGirl)Where stories live. Discover now