Chapter 9

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You're so crule
The way you make me choose between you and the world
There's no need to choose
Without you I lose

You're so crule
The way you do what you do
You threw away my love letter
I wrote in my own blood
but that wasn't good enough
you sick fuck

You're so crule
The way you make me love you
What can I do
I'm going crazy it's all so hazy
When did you enslave me

You're so crule
But I fucking love you
I'll slit my wrists
I don't give a shit
Give me the knife
I'll carve your name
Into my vains
When did I become so fucking insane

Your so fucking cruel
I fucking hate you
Because you make me love you
The monster
Who took my innocence
My confidence
But I'm a monster too
That's why I'm drawn to you
Yeah now I remember
This is not all you

I'm so crule
The way I monopolize you
The way I follow you
The way I think you're cruel
You'll kill a thousand times
Take a million lives
If I asked you to

We're so cruel
We're the only thing's that matter
Put our hearts on a platter
Served it up splattered
Taste the love
Can't get enough
The World can fuck it's self
Go straight to hell
Because all you have is me
And all I have is you
So yah we're so fucking cruel!!

Pic at top is the lingerie set!!

Kiernan's Pov:

She was cute. That was funny in itself; because I have never been into 'Cute'.
In fact I normally devour cute things quicker than the rest, with the exception being my daughter.

Her face is such a beautiful red color right now. I can see the blood vessels in her body moving blood to her pretty cheeks.

I could not help, but laugh. Oh, how I wish I could taste her right now, but I have to be patient. My little bunny is very skittish and shy. I have to be less of my self around her for a while into she gets use to me and my rules.

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