Chapter 11

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Watch what you say to me

I will not take it lightly.

They say luv is the enemy

That means your pretty deadly.

Poison kisses love with mischiff

Pleasure pain

I'm tired of this game

That you play with my heart

Like a form of art

You molded me

Out of the blood and corpses

You Devoured

Why Won't you take me

Absorb me like the rest

You say you love me

But you treat them the best

For their now apart of you

I feel you will forget me

So pleas make me a part of the

And Devour me.

Cadia's Dress ^^
Kiernan's Pov

She was beautiful her skin pale as winters snow, but smoth as the finest cream. Her long white hair, with its silver highlights, flowed down her back like a stream flowing down a mountain.

I have never seen something as magnificent as the girl who lay beside me. She is innocent, and her beauty was not just on the surface but way beyond. She excites me in a way that I have never known. She makes me want things, dream things that a demon such as I should never have nor want.

Fear has always been something that I caused in others, not something that was ever caused in me. I enjoy it, the fear that is invoked in a person's heart and eyes when they finally realize that I'm not the angel that they thought but a demon in disguise.

Though whenever I gaze into her eyes, a small, dark part of me, a part of me that I never thought even existed, fears her. The part of me that was completely predator knew that she was always the thing that we were meant to protect that it meant nothing without her I realize that I have been looking for her searching for her without Knowing.

How can a demon such as I? A monster in every sense of the word be gifted something so beautiful, so innocent, so delicate by the creator himself? I do not feel sorry for the lives that I have taken. Does a lion feel sorry for hunting the antelope. It is about survival, I feed because I must. My people are not gluttonous, unlike Fan's people. Leech demons are the worse, they have been known to feed even when they are full they will keep feeding. Many villages have been wiped out because of their greed.

I am a predator, and the world is my pray and that will never change. Though for some reason, I want her to see me as more. The part of me that is a predator enjoys her fear, but the part of me that is her mate wants her to look at me and know that I will always be there to protect her. I want her to feel safe with me and only me.

The monster in me wants to monopolize her, keep her to myself away from all danger, even the most danger that is me.

As I look out the window in our bedroom, I can see that the Sun still has a few hours before it is raised. Meaning that it's around 4:00 in the morning. It is a nother Ability of my people to know the time by looking to nature. I have never found cause for what modern humans call a clock or a watch.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2023 ⏰

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