Chapter 7 [unedited]

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Am I sick for saying that I love your pain, There must be something broken in my brain. I can't handle this I don't know what to do, but I just can't stop loving you. The world may shame our sick love affair, but nothing matters if you're not here. I'm not afraid of death it doesn't mean I want to die, but I rather off be dead then live without you by my side. Fuck the warnings, dammit with the doubt there is no going back I'm already to far out. To hell with all the noise the only voice I hear is yours. You can kill me if you want to it doesn't matter because I LOVE YOU!

[Pic of The dark forest entrance]


My dad and I finally arrived at the entrance to The Dark Forest. The entrance had a forbidden air around it that worked to scare of less undetermined visitors. Unlike the stories The Dark Forest was actually beautiful with huge old oak tree's and rare colorful wild flowers. The reason for its name was not that it was this known evil place, but because it only had one time of day, Night.

The Forest was in a perpetual sate of dark and no body knew why. The forest was not exactly public property, but it was open to the public. The owners have for generations let other demons pass through and live hear, but no one is aloud into live in the center or the heart of the forest. The heart of the forest is not the same as the center of the forest and is completely off limits. They say if you even get to close you will be zapped right out of the forest or if your unlucky out of existence. No body Knows for sure why, but many suspect that were the owner lives.

No body knew who they were or even what species they are. Since this was the only way to get to the magical gardens, which was also not public property, but also had generous owners who let people enter, many were to great-full to question it.

"Were here, do you still want to do this. We can turn around and go home and forget all about this" My Father said to me as he handed me my bags.

"No.. I have to do this. I know you don't understand, but this is something I really want to do Father" I grab my bag from him and reach up till I'm on my tip toes and give him a kiss on his cheek. He looked at me with so much love and worry.

"Its okay Father. I know its hard, but I need you to have faith in me. Mom believes in me, why can't you?" His eyes softened just slightly and I could see the struggle in his eyes.

"You and your little sister have always been the weakest and I was and am okay with that. I still love you both, but as a demon we are not like humans we don't believe in what we don't see. We don't believe that someone can rise above their physical limitations, power is power." My father took a brief pause and looked up at the cloudy sky with the smell of fresh rain in the air. He then looked at me and reached out his left hand to take a small part of my white hair between his fingers slowly sliding down to the tips and then released it.

"In truth I think I worry about you more than your sister, Jerina because she has immense power the only thing stopping her is the frail human body she has inherited from her mother. If she needed to protect herself she would be able to do it with no problem, though it might cause her death, but you can not tap into you combat ability. You can only do small defense's. Me and your mother still don't get it. I since the power there, but it's like there is something keeping you from being able to effectively use it." In a quick and graceful movement that I did not see coming nor expect my father pulls me in his arms. Holding on so tight as if I would disappear if he let go.

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