Chapter 3

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Cadia's Bathroom
I get out of my bed and quickly glance at the clock on my nightstand, it's 7am, thats pretty late for me, no wonder mom was worried.

Normally I wake up at 4am like mom to help her get breakfast ready as well as help get my little siblings ready for school.

The first thing I do is make my bed, it dosent take to long my bed is only a full and I don't have many covers or pillows.

When I'm done I go into my on sweet bathroom, its a medium size. The color skeam is white and teal.

Its not mutch to say about it. I think its nice, but my sister says that its to bright and bland.

I feel a tug on my mind leting me know someone's trying to reach me.

"Leocadia can you get your siblings up and finish breakfast please wile I dill with your mother" my father ask me through our link.

"Ok Father, I will when I'm done showering" I turn the knobs to the shower on and set the temperature to what I want.

"Thank you" he sighs as if a load has been lifted.

"I love you and mom, see you later" I don't feel the bond anymore, so I know that he is done talking.

I don't feel sad or mad that he didn't say it back. My Father is not an affectionate person, he never says I love you. He doesn't know what to do when you try to hug him or kiss him or anything that other kids do with their fathers.

Even though he dosent like physical affection all of his kids know that he loves us because if we're ever in any danger or need his help or advice he's always there no matter what.

I take off my clothes and step into my shower. I close the class door and let the steam build, soon I can barely see.

While the water runs down my body in a continuous flow, I start to remember my dream and think about her again.

I think about her lips and how soft they were and how they would feel on other parts of my body. I imagined her kissing my neck slowly trailing down to my shoulder then one of her arms would grip my waste while one hand slightly tugs my hair.

As I thought about her and how she would tuch me, kiss me, make love to me, I slowly ran my hands down my body. Taking my time to feel every dip and curve of my body like I know she would.

The more I thought about her, her face, her hands, her eyes and her warmth surounding me, her hand started to move down to the little patch of hair right before my pearl.

I quickly stop myself before I went too far. That would have been way too embarrassing if I would have actually touched myself there.

I finish washing myself and step out of the shower. I then grab one of my teal towals to dry off.

I have to hurry and get dress, so that I can finish breakfast and wake my siblings up.

I hope my mom is ok. See my mom has a Secret she is human, but she was beaten to death when she was younger.

My mom's family lived in a small farming village that worshiped a demon that was said to help crops grow. They called this demon a god because they didn't know that it was a demon disguising itself.

My mom's dad died from a sickness when she was very small and the villagers made her, her mom and sister slaves. They would make them work all day sometimes with no food and beat them.

She was only six when she met my father. My father was in the woods resting under a tree near her village she had never seen a demon before, but she thought that he was beautiful.

She would bring him gifts and some times food. My father didn't really care about humans, so he tride to scare her off.

I don't know why he just didn't leave if he really wanted to get away from her, he said it was because he really liked that tree.

I think thats a lie though and he just felt bad for her because she would always come to him with bruises.

In the end the villagers Chelsea sacrifice her family to the Demon they called a God. They raped her mom and sister in front of her then tortured them all before draining the of blood.

My father said he felt like something was wrong because she did not show up during her normal time so he went looking for her and smelled her blood.

He saw that she had just died and used his powers to Resurrect The Dead to save her, but she changes whenever she gets to sacred or sad her eyes change to a bright electric blue.

She starts to relive that day and her personality changes she's no longer the strong courageous woman that raises, but a helpless, scared little girl.

If your wondering, my mom and father didn't get together into years later when she was a full adult.

After I brush my teeth I head towards my walk in closet. I don't have many clothes not becuse my parents can't afford it. I just don't think its necessary to have so many clothes. I only buy what I need and donate or recycle what I don't want anymore or can't fit.

I grab my favorite dress its a vintage white long sleeve dress it has little whit flowers and go's past my knees. My sister's say that its plane, but I don't think so.

After getting dressed I head into the kitchen to get started on breakfast.
When every thing is done I set the table then go to wake everyone up.

I have a lot of siblings and the range from age two through one-hundred an twenty. I have one older brother, he is my twin and twenty-three little brother's and sister's.

My twin and me are both one-hundred and twinty years old. He already fiund his mate and has a little family of his own.

I ring the bell its sounds out a big alarm to all tge kids to wake up and get ready for the day. Each older kid is paired up with one of their little siblings to help get dress and take to school.

Because, I am the oldest, I have to make sure that they are all on time and the older ones are not mistreating their little brother or sister.

Soon I hear loud voices and moving quickly around today we are all running late so they know that they have to get ready faster then normal.

"That my skirt Tisa"

"And thats my shirt Leilani"

I hear some of my other siblings also having similar arguments as my two little sisters.

I guess it's time for my big sister duties today is not going to be easy.
Not edited sorry this update is so late I've been wrote it, but I wanted to add some more before I publish it becuse it was short.

Love you my little bunnies.

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