Brotherly bond

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"I just don't understand what's wrong with MC..... I can usually figure out if she is sick or not but she isn't"

Zen: "Hmmm this may sound completely out there but from what you just said it sounded like she has morning sickness." I was calling Zen for some outside advise on why MC could be feeling so bad. I sit down on the couch and rest my hand on my cheek.

"Morning sickness!? Like she might be pregnant!?"

Zen: "Yes she might be." I sigh and rub my face. "Saeyoung?"

"Zen if she is pregnant what am I going to do? I will be overjoyed of course but-" I sigh "I can't let them have the life that I did."

Zen: "Ask her to take a test and if she really is pregnant we will be all here to help and support you. You are our family after all." I look over at Searen who is talking with MC is the kitchen he had a spoon of ice cream in his mouth and MC was laughing.

"What about Searen? He is only now getting used to having a family that loves him and I don't want to overwhelm him."

Zen: "Look Saeyoung it will be hard if what I said is true but I know what Searen will make a great uncle and you and MC will make great parents. You just need to trust me alright." I push back my hair and slide down in the couch causing my jacket to push up over my head.

"Alright. Sorry, this is stressful for me."

Zen. "It's okay. Call me if you need anything alright?"

"Sounds like a deal to me"
I hang up and fix my jacket. MC then walks in and flops on top of me.

MC: "So what did Zen say?" I swallow my hard and part my lips

"He said that you might have morning sickness....."

MC: "Morning sickness? But that only happens if I am-" MC cut herself off "Oh my god I might be pregnant!" A smile is pasted on MC's face "AHHH I MIGHT BE A MOTHER!!" I fake a smile to make MC feel a little better when in reality I was scared. It was true that MC and I were married but we never even talked about having our own children. MC looks at me and her face changes. "Oh, Saeyoung...." She realized that I was faking a smile.

"I'm sorry it's not like if you are I won't be happy. I would be overjoyed if I had a child to call my own! but i'm scared."

MC: "Its because of your childhood isn't it?"

"It was horrible MC....... I never want that to happen to anyone i'm afraid that I might become like my mother, way to protective a-and abusive. I won't let them do what they want t-to experience a true childhood" Tears started to form on my face "That's why I never wanted to say anything about having children....... what if I am just like my mother?" I was shaking. I didn't like to think about my past because all of the awful things my mom did to Saeran and what I had to do to save him.

MC: "No seven y-" MC was cut off "!!!" I feel someone hugging me but it wasn't MC.

Saeran: "Saeyoung." I stiffen Saeran hasn't hugged me in such a long time. "You are not like mother and you will never be like her. I know now why you did what you did and every day I am thankful. Please don't think of yourself that way i-it reminds me of her.....but remember you where always the one to save me so please let me help you just once. Okay?" I was shocked I never heard Saeran speak like that I shake in Saeran's arms.


Saeran: "I know I haven't hugged you in a while but I think you need it more then I do. I never knew you where this hurt." Tears fall from my face and I hug Saeran back I missed him so much and now that he is with the RFA he can feel free to be apart of a family.

"I'm sorry Saeran........ I should have just kept it to myself"

Saeran: "No" I relax a bit in his arms "That's what I did for so many years.... I didn't want to believe that you cared for me or loved me so I hated you....... I hated you so much for so long, and I should be the one to apologize. You never gave up on me, you welcomed me into the RFA saved me from people who you knew would hurt me and helped me get better. I-I still don't understand why but thank you, both of you." I can tell that Saeran is crying he is shaking in my arms and I am doing the same MC watched in disbelief as this whole event passed.

"I never knew this side of you" I chuckle a little and I can feel a smile coming from Saeran

Saeran: "Well now you know. I may seem serious and mad but I really do care for you Saeyoung it..... is just hard for me." We stayed silent for a moment before I spoke again.

"How much did you hear?"

Saeran: "All of it. I can understand why you are afraid we did not have a good childhood."

"I'm sorry for leaving you Saeran at the time I thought that I was doing the right thing b-but I never knew. I never knew that Ricka s-she wo-" I choke and start to cry I have apologized to Saeran before but I never did it in such a moment where both Saeran and I where hugging and I knew how much he cared for me. I felt so vulnerable so much so that if someone were to come behind me and threaten me I couldn't do anything.

Saeran: "I know you are sorry." I dug my head into his shoulder "wow we really need to talk more huh?" I can feel Saeran touch his other arm with the Mint Eye tattoo on it. He sighed "Things will be different right?" I calm down and raise my head from Saeran's shoulder.

"Yes, it needs to be. And if MC is pregnant I know you will make a great Uncle" Saeran makes a worried face. "Saeran?"

Saeran: "It's nothing." he lets me go and wipes his face "Just worry about yourself" Saeran smiles a bit "baka!" I laugh and wipe my face

"Your the one who is the baka!!!!" He snickers. MC has no idea what is going on but we used to call each other that when we were young when our mother was not home. "TAKE THIS!! HAHAHA!!!" I start ruffle Saeran's hair 

Saeran: "HEY WHAT THE HELL!!" he starts ruffling my hair (Obviously for revenge purposes) making MC more confused. Saeran and I haven't had fun with each other in a long time but doing something like this really helped me cheer up. 

"GAHHH MERCY!!" Saeran stopped and crossed his arms.

Saeran: "I. Win." Saeran looks at me my glasses where almost off of my face and my hair was messer then when I worked for the agency and I did not brush it in a week. MC was still shocked at the situation.

MC: "Ummm.....? what just happened?" I look over at MC

"I guess me and Saeran just needed some time to say some things but we never knew when." Saeran stood up and sighed, his hair still messy.

Saeran: "Yea I never knew that just being stupid could make you feel better." I smile at Saeran he had a slight grin on his face.

"Thank you Saeran"

Saeran: "I know it will be hard but...... Thank you too Saeyoung" He looks at MC and walks away to his room (To probably fix his hair).

MC: "That was one of the longest talks you have had with Saeran!" I lean back and relax a bit

"Yea..... I think we both needed it." MC sits beside me 

MC: "Well I am happy that Saeran was there for you. Just know that I am here for you too." her head rests on my shoulder 

"I know. MC?" she looks at me

MC: "mmm?"

"I love you" She kisses my cheek 

MC: "I love you too"

Sayoung  x MC pregnant storyWhere stories live. Discover now