Damaged part 1

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It has been approximately 5 weeks since we figured out that MC is pregnant. MC has been having trouble sleeping and I have been trying my best to get her to sleep. I was sitting on the couch my head bobbing from how exhausted I was when Saeran came up to me. I look up at him and realized he had a worried face.

Saeran: "Saeyoung....?" I respond in a mumble "I understand that you care for MC and how much sleep she gets but don't you think that you are in need of some sleep too" Saeran and I have grown closer since MC's pregnancy, he knew my habits and he was the one taking care of me.

"I'm okay Saeran" I stretch and relax my hands on my knees "I just haven't been getting much sleep."  Saeran walked up to me and put his hands on my shoulders it startles me a bit and I look up at him.

Saeran: "No you are not okay! You are so tired that your head is bobbing!" I relax my head on my hand. My eyes felt heavy but I refused to go to sleep, just in case MC needed me. "Saeyoung you need to sleep."

"I will don't worry" I see Saeran make a face and walk away. a few min later he comes back with bed supplies. "Saeran I said I will sleep later." He puts a pillow down for me and puts a blanket around me and pushes me down on the pillow.

Saeran: "SLEEP!" To be honest I really wanted to but I was worried about MC

"Saeran you know I want to but what if MC needs something!?"

Saeran: "I can help her. NOW SLEEP BEFORE I KNOCK YOU OUT!!" He looks at me unimpressed. I sigh.

"Alright but tell me if you need me alright" Saeran picks up a pillow and fluffs it up 

Saeran: "Alright fine. NOW SLEEP!!" He chucks the pillow at my face which surprisingly is enough force to cause me to fall asleep.


God Saeyoung has no self-control when it comes to his sleeping habit. Even when we were young he would stay up late, I rub my eyes and walk into the kitchen.

MC: "Did you get him to sleep?" I nod 

"Seriously his habits are horrible. I hope he gets rid of them soon." I grab some ice cream and a spoon.

MC: "Thanks for doing this for me Saeran I try to get him to sleep but he is always too worried about me." I eat some ice cream and smirk at MC

"Honestly getting my brother to sleep is no easy task...." I lean against the counter beside MC "He has always had a habit of staying up late even when we where kids."

MC: "What did you do?!" I chuckle

"I through a pillow at his face and told him to sleep.....To be honest I think the force of the pillow knocked him out." MC's face shifted 

MC: "Was he that tired!" I scoop some more ice cream into my mouth and nod. "Wow, I should really talk with Saeyoung once he wakes up. I know he means well but I care for him too"

"How are you feeling by the way?" MC looked at me and shrugged

MC: "Other than the annoyance of always needing to go to the bathroom and the cravings coming out of nowhere pretty good...... Saeran?"

"Hmmm?" I look at MC with the spoon in my mouth 

MC: "Tell me if this is too touchy but.... Are you feeling okay?" I take the spoon out of my mouth and sigh. "I know you typically talk to Saeyoung about this but he can only take so much."

"I know. I am doing fine MC it really is nothing you should worry about Saeyoung does have a point, we don't want you getting stressed."

MC: "Alright but remember that we are all family and that we love you very much Saeran" I smile at MC and she smiles back before leaving the room. I put away the ice cream and walk back to see Saeyoung practically dead on the couch. I lean back on the wall and slide down. So much had been going on I just want to be a good brother and a good Uncle. I sigh and close my eyes.


???: "I never thought I would see myself this weak" I stiffen up and look around frantically. I was in the mint eye building I could feel my heart tear and my bones shake.

"What! I can't be back here!"

???: "Why not?" I hear footsteps behind me. I turn my head around to see myself but how I used to look like. I begin to panic.

"No...This is not real."

Unknown: "How do you know? I could just be contacting you while you are weak and helpless." He walks towards me. I put my hands out attempting to defend myself. "Wow, I really have changed! What happened did you finally realize that your so-called brother did not abandon you!"

"Saeyoung did not abandon me. I know that."


"No, he did it to save me!" tears where forming from my eyes.

Unknown: "SAVE YOU! SAVE YOU! HE LEFT YOU TO ROT AWAY!" he grabbed my neck "and this place was your only safe haven!"

"I-I'm not you anymore!" Unknows throughs me to the ground 

Unknown: "Then tell me why the hell you have that tattoo still on your arm!" I grab my arm and give no response. "See you are apart of the mint eye." he leans in close "you just need to accept us again."

"I can't! a-and I won't!"

Unknown: "Why because our lousy brother is having a child with MC?"


Unkown: "I am apart of you Saeran. I know everything!" he leans in and grabs my ear "Think about this! Is being his brother any different than being apart of the mint eye?" Unknown chuckles stand's back up and leaves an elixir in front of me. "Paradise is waiting for you Saeran" he then walks away back into the darkness. I pick the elixir up in my shaky hand and read the inscription *Come home Saeran. We are waiting for you* I open the bottle and look inside. I wanted to drink it but I couldn't. I drop it and push myself into a corner.

"NO NO NO NO NO!!!" I panicked until a voice woke me up.

???: "SAERAN!! SAERAN!!"


I wake up panicked I was shaking so much that I could not even hold a cup. My heart was broken and my mind was in pieces.

Saeyoung: "Oh my god Saeran!" He hugged me tightly. Was this still apart of the dream? I was shaking hard in Saeyoungs arms.

"S-Saeyoung?" I was breathing hard

Saeyoung: "What happened! Y-You said some weird things in your sleep." As if I was not panicked enough now my brother wanted to know what I dreaming about.

"I c-can't" it was hard to speek "I'm sorry.... I-I just" I break down in Saeyoungs arms. I have had terrible nightmares before but never have I had a dream when I was looking back at myself and questioning if I should go back. Saeyoung put his hand on my head and pulled me in closer.

Saeyoung: "Please I know it will hurt but I coulden't wake you up for 10 min! I need to know so I can help you." I rap my arms around Saeyoung

"Saeyoung..... The dream I had...... I saw him and talked to him."

Saeyoung: "You saw Unknown?!" I was still shaking out of fear from what I saw.

"He told me that I should return home to The Mint Eye because that is my home" I could almost feel Saeyoungs heart shatter. "I almost did. I-I" I push away from Saeyoung "I'm sorry. I don't deserve you as a brother. I can't have a family i-i'm too damaged!" I exit the house and bolt away. 

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