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Saeyoung had his head on my stomach with a goofy smile on his face he was so happy we were having twin boys. I look down at him his cheek pressed against my stomach.

Saeyoung: "I already love them so much" he kisses my stomach which makes me laugh a bit. "I wish I could meet them now but I need to wait!" Saeyoung sits up with his hands between his legs and sighs "But all the best things in life you need to wait for! Isn't that right you two!" He looked back at my stomach and still had a big smile on his face.

"Awww Saeyoung I am so happy that you are happy we are having twin boys!" Saeyoung looked at me

Saeyoung: "I'm overjoyed! I can give them the life that Saeran and I never had and let them live there dreams!" He rests his head back on my belly his cheek pressed up against me "I wonder what dreams you have?" Saeyoung was so excited to be a father of twin boys. He was already planning for the rooms and had written names. Right then I see Saeyoungs eyes shoot open. "AHHH MC DID YOU FEEL THAT!" I laugh and nod

"Yes I did"

Saeyoung: "They kicked" Saeyoung had an even bigger smile on his face. I laugh

"That would be amazing if they both did! But It was only one of them" I smile and Saeyoung looks up to me his cheek still pressed on my belly.

Saeyoung: "Oh. Who do you think it was?" I place my hand close to Saeyoung's head. It was him right here.  Saeyoung turned his head and kissed the left side of my stomach. "Hey, their little guy it's dad." I then feel the other side of my stomach bump

"Oh looks like someone's jealous." Saeyoung moved his head and kissed the other side of my belly.

Saeyoung: "Awww don't worry I have enough love for both of you!" He hugged my stomach "It feels so good being a dad. I already love both of my boys so so much" I rest my hand on Saeyoung's head.

"I'm so happy you feel that way Saeyoung. Really I do." He lets me go and sits up rubbing his eyes underneath his glasses. "Aww Saeyoung where you crying?" He looked at me and smiled

Saeyoung: "Yea but I promise it was out of joy. I am just so happy that I get the chance raise our children the way I always wanted to be raised." He fixes his jacket and my heart warms up.

"I know you will be an amazing father Saeyoung." I open my arms and he hugs me

Saeyoung: "And I know you will be an amazing mother"

---- TIME SKIP ----


MC has fallen asleep on the couch so I put a blanket over her to keep her warm and kiss her forehead, she grumbles quietly and smiles. I stand back up and walk over to the kitchen Saeran was there attempting to open a pickle jar. 

Saeran: "YOU FEAND WHY WON'T YOU OPEN!!" he is nearly squatting his elbows to the side of his body while he keeps on attempting to open it. Saeran sighs and stands up "Well I give up" I walk over and gesture to him to give me the jar, he gives it to me. "If you open that jar I will give you 5$ no jo-" I twist the cap open and show him. "W-WHAT! You cheated!" 

"Nope just had years of practice." I give him the jar "You don't need to pay me by the way just seeing your face was good enough for me." He rolls his eyes and angerly eats a pickle in defeat.

Saeran: "How is MC?" I lean beside Saeran

"She is doing great! Same with the boy's!" Saeran puts away the jar and turns back to me

Saeran: "Do you have any names for them yet? MC is pretty much halfway into her pregnancy." I sigh

"She is 30 weeks in and no, I don't.... COMING UP FOR NAMES IS SO HARD!!" I rest my hand on the table behind me "Especially since you know twins so it needs to be extra special."

Saeran: "Why does it need to be so special?" I look over at Saeran

"You know it just-" I take my hands and make a weird gesture "It just needs to be. like our names SAEyoung and SAEran."

Saeran: "Oh yea I guess that is a thing huh." he pats my head "I'm sure you can figure it out"

"Well I have ideas but they are all crap...." Saeran nudges me in the shoulder

Saeran: "Oh come on they can't be that bad" I sigh and start listing some until I reach Jin and Jae. He looks at me "I like those ones"

"Wich ones? Jin and Jae?" He nods 

Saeran: "You should tell MC once she wakes up." I stand up from my resting position on the countertop.

"Jin Choi and Jae Choi.... Huh kinda has a nice ring to it." Saeran smirks

Saeran: "Your welcome" I laugh a bit

"I honestly can't tell when you are being sarcastic or not." he puts his hand on my shoulder

Saeran: "Me neither" He walks away "I'll see you later" I roll my eyes and walk back to MC she is still sleeping but I sit down and let her head lay on my lap.

---- TIME SKIP ----

MC flutters her eyes open and looks up at me.

MC: "Oh Saeyoung I-I'm sorry did I fall asleep again." She rubs her eyes and I help her sit up "I must have been more tired then I thought" I smile

"Don't apologize for sleeping you need it more then I do, you are the one carrying both of our boys after all." She relaxes on my shoulder "Speaking of our boys I think I have a name idea for them." MC shifts her eyes over to me with curiosity 

MC: "Really! Let me hear the idea!" I clear my throat

"How does Jin Choi and Jae Choi sound?" MC smiles 

MC: "I like it. Although now we need to pick who is who." MC sits up and thinks for a moment "Hmmmm"

"How about this little dude" I poke MC's left side of her belly "Is Jin. And this little dude" I poke the right side "Is Jae" I look up at MC "Sound good?" she laughed

MC: "You read my mind Saeyoung." I was so happy that MC liked the names I picked. She looked down at her belly kissed her hand and placed it on both sides of her stomach "Can't wait to meet you Jin and Jae"

Sayoung  x MC pregnant storyWhere stories live. Discover now