Boy(s) Or Girl(s)

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I was sleeping with half of the blankets on me and my legs and arms spread across the bed. MC has been staying up late and I have been staying up with her despite her telling me to get some sleep. I open my eyes my eyelids were still heavy and my glasses were still on my face I look down and see MC sleeping on my chest. My face turns a dark shade of red she was hugging my torso and smiling. I lean back and I relax MC was still on my chest her breathing soothed me a bit, I'm happy that she is sleeping for the past few days she has been exhausted not only form stress but from backache and cravings. MC is currently in her 27th week her stomach is growing and I love to talk to our kid(s). MC then moves a bit and opens her eyes.

"Good morning" I brush her hair from her face and she plops back on me causing me to lose a bit of air. 

MC: "You're so warm I don't wanna get up!!" I laugh 

"But we need to our appointment with the doctor is today. Don't you want to know if we are having a boy or a girl?" MC sighs and plants her face fully into my chest.

MC: "Yea your right.... But you are just such a good cuddler~" She nuzzles into me and I squeak a bit because I am ticklish.

"Your a good cuddle buddy too" MC sighs and sits up rubbing her eyes.

MC: "We should probably get ready huh?" I get up and sit at the side of the bed. MC laughs "Your hair looks crazy!" I stand up turn on the light and check my hair it looks like I dunked it in water upside down and dried it in that position and then after I attempted to spike it but it didn't work.

"Whoa! I haven't had bedhead like this since I first met you!" I walk back to MC and help her out of the bed. "You feeling good today?" MC nods 

MC: "Yea I feel pretty good although my back is like-" She makes hand gestures to try and make sense but she gives up and screams instead. "GAHHHHH!..... Does that make sense?" I smile

"I get it don't worry, I can get you a heat pack when we are done getting ready." I take off my shirt and look for a new one. When I find one MC pokes my sides and I begin laughing (Like a dork) "HAHAHA!! MC! S-STOP!!" 

MC: "Tickle Tickle" I flail around my arms not knowing what I should do. MC stops after what feels like an hour of tickle harassment but in actuality, it was only 30 seconds. I take a sigh of relief.

"You are so evil!" MC laughs and I put on my shirt.

MC: "I'm sorry its just you are so cute when you laugh!" I turn around and plant a kiss on MC's forehead. 

"You're cuter!" She blushes a bit and walks over to her side of the room to get changed.

---- TIME SKIP ----

We finish getting changed and we see Saeran asleep on the couch with a book over his face. I walk over and see what he is reading, I smile and pick up the book making sure not to wake Saeran up. "I didn't know that Saeran liked to look through the photo album" I look on the page he was on it was photos of when MC and I got married. My heart fluttered MC was wearing a beautiful white dress with blue on the inside of it I was also wearing white but my tie was blue. We may have not been able to get married at the space station but everyone in the RFA helped by making our wedding space themed. Under the picture, it said *Got married at the space station*. I smile and look over at the next picture it was of me and Saeran, Saeran was wearing opposite colors than me but it is still one of my favorite pictures not only because Saeran is smiling but I don't have many photos of me and Saeran and I love to make more memories I look down at the text *My best brother and my best man!* after I read those words Saeran jumped up from the couch and realised that me and MC noticed what he was reading.

Sayoung  x MC pregnant storyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя