The birth of twins (FINAL PART)

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I walk into the delivery room and MC looks at me with relief. I pull a chair next to MC and hold her hand.

"Are you doing alright?" MC was already changed into hospital attire and a doctor had finished doing a check on her.

MC: "S-Saeyoung I don't think I can do this" MC turns her head to me and grips my hand tightly "I want to but-" I cut MC off taking my other hand and wrapping her hand.

"MC I will be here the whole time no matter how long it takes. If we are stuck here for on one hundred years I would still be here holding your hand and supporting you.... I promise I won't leave you" MC smiles at me "You can do this, and after we will have two sons to call our own. We will be parents!" MC screams a bit and looks back at me.

MC: "Thank you Saeyoung" The doctor started helping MC when to take a breath and to push the whole time I was holding her hand stroking it with my thumb so that she knew I was there. "GaAhH" MC fell flat on her pillow she pushed herself a bit too much and now she is panting.

"MC!?" She didn't turn her head my way she was too tired "MC your tired... relax please"

MC: "I..... can't" I take my hand and start squeezing it to the rhythm of a heartbeat. It was my heartbeat whenever MC was stressed she would lay on my chest listening to my heart.

"Deep breaths" thankfully she did what I asked her. I look up at the doctor they seemed amazed at what I just did.

Doctor: "I have seen husbands calm down their wives but I never saw someone do it like that."

"Whenever she is stressed she would lay on my chest and hear my heart" I look back at MC she had calmed down and I stopped squeezing her hand. "There just keep taking deep breaths MC"

---- TIME SKIP ----

2 hours have passed I can tell MC is really tired she has sweat running down her face and she is shaking. All I can do is hold her hand and support her.

I was resting my head on my hand my eyes heavy. I snapped awake with a poke on my shoulder.

Zen: "Saeran are you alright" I straighten up and rub my eyes. All of the RFA members are here and waiting with me but I am exhausted.

"Yea I'm fine....... just tired" I lean back in my chair. "Thanks for working zen but I want to be awake for when Saeyoung's kids are born" Zen smiles at me

Zen: "That makes perfect sense you are their uncle after all" I readjust myself in my chair and sigh.

"Yes I am, so I suppose I am waiting until my nephews are born" Zen has a worried face

Zen: "Saeran I know you want to be awake for when Jin and Jae but you need to sleep you got here really at around 12 pm and you haven't slept at all." I look around the room Yoosung was asleep his head hanging Jumin was trying to stay awake but I could tell he was tired as well, Jumin has had a lot of work but he canceled a meeting just to come here. Jaehee was beside Yoosung making sure he is comfy. Jaehee always worry's for people sometimes more than herself. I sigh and look back at Zen

"If I do sleep you need to wake me up in 30 min. I need to be there for my brother and for MC." Zen smiles

Zen: "Alright I will wake you up in 30 min" I grin leaning back on my chair and closing my eyes.

---- TIME SKIP ----

Zen: "Saeran" I feel my shoulder move a bit and I open my eyes. "Wow, you are a heavy sleeper" I look over at Zen confused I was never a heavy sleeper not at home anyway I always woke up to MC or Saeyoung walking around or someone waking me up.

Sayoung  x MC pregnant storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें