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I was on the couch when the door opened Saeyoung had thought both Jin and Jae how to speak Arabic so that they could come in and out of the house at any time I look over and Jae seems mad and Jin looked worried.

Jae: "'ana faqat alwazn almayta! hal 'ana khataan wakunt lm 'akun la 'afahum!" Jae must have opened the door because he was still speaking in Arabic.

Jin: "You are screaming in Arabic again. Please calm down Jae." Jae grumbles slamming his bag to the floor and walking away. I sat there in shock Jae was always so sweet and kind I didn't know what to do or say. After a few seconds of silence, Jin takes a deep breath. "I- GAHHHH!!! YOU KNOW WHAT!! I JUST- " he wasn't mad but he was moving his hands around a lot "WHAT DO I DO WITH YOU!!!" He grumbles and sits down next to me he sighs "Hey uncle Saeran" both of the boys are 15 so I have gotten used to them calling me Uncle. I sit up and relax my arm on my leg

"What on earth just happened!" Jin looks at me planting his hands on his face before pulling them down.

Jin: "I don't know" I look at Jin confused 

"You don't know?"

Jin: "Yea I know. That's why I was so worried he got mad and stressed at me for no reason!" We hear something fall from Jin and Jae's room and not a moment later.

Jae: "SHIT!" Jin's face looked worried enough as is but when he heard the sound coming from his room he got even more panicked. He looked at me and I look at Jin back neither of us knows what to do MC was out and my brother was working. His new job is actually protecting people from hackers it's like the agency he used to work for but he quit that once Jin and Jae were born.

"Do you think I should call your father?" Jin puts his hand on chin

Jin: "Do you think it will help?" Both of the boys knew I wasn't good with breaking apart fights or anything along that road.

"He always helped me." Jin sighed and nodded I pick up my phone and call Saeyoung he picks up to my surprise really fast.


Saeyoung: "Hey Saeran! Whats up"

"Hey Saeyoung I erm so the boys got home and Jae is mad and Jin doesn't know why...."

Saeyoung: "Jae is mad?"

"Yea I know he even screamed in Arabic at Jin."

Saeyoung: "Did you catch what he said?" I look over at Jin


"Did you catch what your brother said to you when he screamed at you in Arabic?"

Jin: "No I didn't" I sigh 


"Neither of us caught what he said...." I hear typing from my phone "What are you doing?"

Saeyoung: "I am figuring out what Jae said"

"Are you looking at our security system?"

Saeyoung: "Yep" There where a few seconds of silence before Saeyoung spoke again "Wow okay i'm coming upstairs" Saeyoung built an office for himself downstairs so that he can work from home one of the problems of that was he can't hear anything from upstairs so if we needed him we would need to go downstairs or call him.

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