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His fifth glass of beer hit the table as Taehyung slammed it down, groaning. 

The bartender threw a few concerned looks in the boy's direction but earning no response from him he gave up.

Taheyung finally left the pub, stumbling out onto the street. He had a bottle of beer in his hand which he hit against a tree, holding out a sharp shard which had just been broken. He smiled as he clasped it tightly in his fist, feeling blood gushing out. Taehyung winced slightly, yet still smiling and biting his lip - almost too hard. 

This is what you deserve, Taehyung. 

"Fuck off,"

One part of him was resentful for his actions towards his boyfriend, but the other almost dominated the opposite half and encouraged the abuse. 


Blood dripped on the ground, creating a small pool. Soft, shaky whimpers came from the small figure sitting on the floor beside it. 

The doorbell rang, disturbing the distressed boy. 

Jungkook nervously opened the door, only to be grabbed by the collar and shouted at. Taehyung kicked the door behind him, slamming it shut making Jungkook flinch violently. 

The younger closed his eyes, hoping - praying that Taehyung would let go. 

No, he won't. It's what he needs to do to someone like you. 

"I love seeing you like this," smiled Taehyung, yanking Jungkook's hair back roughly.

His fringe almost completely covered his eyes, making it harder for Jungkook to judge his next move. 

Taehyung threw a punch at Jungkook, making him stumble to the ground and hit his head on the floor. a part of Taehyung panicked upon seeing him on the floor almost dead. But his mind chose to kick him in the chest and walk away like nothing ever happened. Nevertheless, deep inside Taehyung felt guilty however he couldn' t win against his powerful side. 

It hurt him. Taehyung didn't know why he did it. He didn't want to most of the time. He'd much rather hold Jungkook in his arms and tell him it's alright, hug him, kiss hi-

Shut the fuck up.

"But all he ever did was love me-"





Taehyung sighed, deciding to go to bed instead of fighting with himself.


Jungkook woke up slowly, rubbing his head as it throbbed like hell. It didn't take him long to get used to the surroundings - he was used to this. The boy glanced at the clock which showed 3:37 am. 

He sighed and made his way to his room from where he made his way to his bathroom, locking himself inside it once again.

Once more, he took his blade out from the drawer and dragged it along his tender skin, watching the blood get mixed with the water in the sink. Once satisfied, he stepped outside and settled in his bed, drifting away to sleep. 


Taehyung woke up with a terrible headache. He groaned, glancing at the clock beside him which read 4:41 am. Sitting up in his bed, he played back the happenings of the night. Taehyung winced, remembering how Jungkook hit his head. Slowly getting up, he went to check up on the younger male. He felt relieved knowing that he had managed to get himself upstairs.

Though he looked limp and was barely breathing, Taehyung could tell. He went over to Jungkook's bed, placing a hand on his forehand. It was so hot. Taehyung frowned.


"This is all my fault, Jungkook. I'm so sorry," he whispered tearfully, placing a kiss on Jungkook's head. 

He held his hand, feeling his own becoming wet with a warm substance. Blood.

Taehyung frowned again, gently rolling Jungkook's sleeves up. He felt heart drop. Tears collected in his eyes, slowly falling down his cheeks. Among the cuts and scars, the words carved into his boyfriend's skin made Taheyung wish for death.

"Stop hurting me, Taehyung. I love you so much."

He cried. Taehyung never knew how desperate it had made Jungkook.

The older boy laid his head on Jungkook's chest. The soft thudding of his boyfriend's heart against Taehyung's ear almost made him feel alive. 

He was seriously burning up though, Taehyung noticed. He quickly went into Jungkook's bathroom to get a cold wet towel, only not having expected to see the blood on the floor. Taehyung gasped, starting to feel even sicker. Right now though, Jungkook's health was more important.

However, feeling the need to clean the mess up, he did. Once satisfied, he continued to dampen a small towel with cold water and rushed back to Jungkook once done. 

Taehyung kept the towel on Jungkook's forehead for a few minutes until it had started to turn warm. 

Finally, he gently wiped his forehead dry and planted a kiss on it.

Deciding to do one last thing, he raced to his room and got a bandage for Jungkook's arms.

Taehyung returned to Jungkook's room, closing the door tightly behind him.

He bandaged his arms and wrists, attempting to hold back the tears that threatened to escape. 

Taheyung looked around the surprisingly tidy room, deciding to clean it up even more. 

Once he arrange all the clothes in the wardrobe and there was nothing left lying around, the boy returned to his boyfriend. He threw the duvet over himself, squeezing Jungkook's hand softly. 

"Goodnight kookie," Taehyung whispered softly into Jungkook's ear before drifting off to sleep himself.


frickafracka lmao my art teacher told me off for swearing so the whole lesson i said frickafracka

i felt sad that i made my boys sad so i made it angsty- fluffy bc i suck lol

vote pls? :3

byeeee <3

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